Drinking & Driving

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Be careful if you use a mouthwash after drinking a 'couple' as some are ethanol based and will make a breath testing machine blow its wad. I wonder how many people have been convicted for a DUI on the basis of fresh smelling breath.
2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.

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The practical benefit is more money for the state and it keeps he MADD, SADD and conservative people happy. Besides that it is pretty much just a scam by the states to get more money more easily so they can give themselves bigger raises or whatever they want to do with it. I am not saying that I condone drunk driving but I think it is ridiculous that you have to worry about having a drink of some kind with dinner when you go out.
"Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity"

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The norm used to be 0.10, now it's 0.08. Political thing, mostly. Most drunk driving accidents happen due to people who are WELL OVER 0.10, so lowering it to 0.08 made no difference in terms of making our roads safer. Just rakes in more of the social drinkers & ties up police & courts' resources, but has no practical benefit.

I don't know. I've arrested a lot of drunk drivers and the BA ran from .12 to .15 for most of them. Those that were about .15 were either falling down drunk or professional drinkers. I think the move to .08 was a good idea. Bottom line, there just isn't a good reason to drive after drinking.

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I may be worng but isn't .1% basically ONE drink for the averaged sized person?

I thought the reaosn why they lowered it was becasue most people would justify having it (ONE DRINK) You know in a party atmosphere 1 drink leads to another.

I am aware that .4% is deadly and I know that 4 drinks will rarely,if at all, kill a social drinker but that is why I am confused.:S

...guess I'm off to google it.

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This says I can have 5 beers (bud) before I am at .077 BAC in one hour.

Just in case the site doesnt show my #.
I used 200lbs, 4.3%alcohol, 12 oz, 5 servings, male, and .015 for the metabolic rate.

The below is charted from the website which DOES NOT SERVE AS A LEGAL INDICATOR OF BAC.
Beers served in one hour
Estimated BAC

Hours since last beer

Estimated BAC

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I don't know. I've arrested a lot of drunk drivers and the BA ran from .12 to .15 for most of them. Those that were about .15 were either falling down drunk or professional drinkers. I think the move to .08 was a good idea. Bottom line, there just isn't a good reason to drive after drinking.


Candace Lynne "Candy" Lightner (born May 30, 1946) is the organizer and founding president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).


Lightner appeared on major television shows, spoke before the US Congress, addressed professional and business groups, and worked tirelessly for years to change public attitudes, modify judicial behavior, and promote tough new legislation.[3] She left MADD in 1985.[4] She has since stated that MADD "has become far more neo-prohibitionist than I had ever wanted or envisioned … I didn’t start MADD to deal with alcohol. I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving"


The drunken driver, who had been found guilty and convicted four times of driving while intoxicated (DWI) before hitting and killing Candy Lightner‘s daughter, received a two-year prison sentence. However, he avoided prison by serving time in a work camp and a halfway house.

CL wanted to get rid of the repeat offenders and problem drinkers. Her major issue was the weak sentence that the killer of her child received.

To her, a problem drinker/driver was a repeat offender and the .15 bac level. The .08 level was never her agenda.

From David Hanson (who I don't like to quote because I think he is a shill for the alcohol industry):

Most drivers who have had something to drink have low blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and few are involved in fatal accidents or crashes. On the other hand, while only a few drivers have BAC's higher than .15, many of those drivers have fatal crashes. For example, almost half of fatally injured drunk drivers have a BAC of .20 (which is over twice the legal limit in all states) or higher

.20 is way drunk.
There is now a lot of legislation that places responsibility on bars when they know the person is impaired to that extent. It places more people in chain of events and possibly a stopping point in events. Most bars will insist on calling a cab.

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That's the thin end of the wedge. People must take responsability for their own actions. If you drink, don't drive - it's that simple. ... Maybe it's the brewer fault for make the booze too strong. Do we blame car dealers if a car crash kills someone.. or the petrol station for selling the fuel?

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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How about this,, pretty much if a cop says your drunk or your being arested for DUI.. you screwed.. Yea You might beat the charges in court, but,, The DMV still sees you got aressted for a DUI, and you gotta jump through their hoops..

Object is don't get caught.

You're kidding, that's the object is it:|:S:S
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the way we work it in OZ is 2 standard drinks in an hour and a\one every hour after that will put you at 0.05.
This is our "yeardstick" ovbiously size, gender, alcohol tolerance rate of metabolism all play a factor
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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:(:(Drunk driving is a very serious thing. Don't drive drunk...unless of course you can't walk.

I don't (even though I can't walk :D) - & don't think any rational person would. Case in point: even though I don't jump just quite yet, most of my summer weekends are spent at the DZ; not drinking AND driving is precisely the reason you'll always find me crashing in the hangar or somebody's trailer.
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That's the thin end of the wedge. People must take responsability for their own actions. If you drink, don't drive - it's that simple. ... Maybe it's the brewer fault for make the booze too strong. Do we blame car dealers if a car crash kills someone.. or the petrol station for selling the fuel?

I agree. However, it seems like a thoughtful approach to the people who didn't.

Preventing a problem is better than dealing with the result. I don't want to be pulled from a car in 4 pieces and be told, "You won't be charged. It was their fault."

It accepted that a good friend will say, "You shouldn't drive now. Let's call a cab." That is an example where another person is not accepting responsibility for their actions, but guiding them. A good bartender is part of the community also.

The idea is to provide breakpoints in the process.
Start with, "drink responsibly". The best idea.
Add, "have a designated driver".
Listen to others and call a cab.

As a community, we do the same thing here.
We have an incidents forum to learn from and try to prevent problems in the future.
Discussions on unsafe practices. People talking about issues (for example - wingloading) before a problem occurs. Same concept.

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I'd rather have every car fitted with the blowjob machine* than have the bars be responsible for those who arent responsible for themselves.

*blowjob machine is the thing that you have to blow into in order to prove you arent drunk. I dont know what it's really called.

But I would still be pissed off if it came to that.
You can not dumb down an entire society to protect the idiots.

Unfortunately, some of those idiots kill innocent people, but they'll find a way no matter what barriers ar eput in place.

"never underestimate the ingenuity of a dumb person"--Me.
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It accepted that a good friend will say, "You shouldn't drive now. Let's call a cab." That is an example where another person is not accepting responsibility for their actions, but guiding them. A good bartender is part of the community also.

The fucknugget that killed my sister was over twice the legal limit. I'm sure the bartender knew the guy was too drunk to drive, but i still don't think it was the bartender's fault. The guy's friend supposedly begged him not to drive, but he didn't listen... [:/]

To the rest of ya'll joking about drinking & driving, FUCK YOU. You have no idea what it's like to get a phone call at 4:00am to be told your sister is dead cause someone chose to drive drunk.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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It makes me sad that people consider drinking and driving ok. My Grandmother was hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly from her neck breaking. :(

Do what you want, but have a little respect for the other lives on the road...please.


Irgity Dirgity

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To the rest of ya'll joking about drinking & driving, FUCK YOU. You have no idea what it's like to get a phone call at 4:00am to be told your sister is dead cause someone chose to drive drunk.

Well said.

Hugs to you.

Irgity Dirgity

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The guy's friend supposedly begged him not to drive, but he didn't listen... [:/]

That is when you put the friendship to the test and PHYSICALLY STOP them from driving. A drunken arguement or fight is better than the alternative.
I'm sorry about your sister. I remember when you were going through that here.


To the rest of ya'll joking about drinking & driving, FUCK YOU. You have no idea what it's like to get a phone call at 4:00am to be told your sister is dead cause someone chose to drive drunk.

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*blowjob machine is the thing that you have to blow into in order to prove you arent drunk. I dont know what it's really called.

But I would still be pissed off if it came to that.
You can not dumb down an entire society to protect the idiots.

Unfortunately, some of those idiots kill innocent people, but they'll find a way no matter what barriers ar eput in place.

"never underestimate the ingenuity of a dumb person"--Me.

I had an aquaintance from work who was mandated by the court to have one of the breathalyzer/ignition interlocks installed. She had a her "friend" blow into it so she could start the car. ( totally ineffective in practice in her case)
Personally... I cut her away as a friend....her private life was a complete disaster.. she only ever called to talk when she was drunk off her ass.. and would drunk ramble on about the same inane bullshit incessantly over and over and over.

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I had an aquaintance from work who was mandated by the court to have one of the breathalyzer/ignition interlocks installed. She had a her "friend" blow into it so she could start the car. ( totally ineffective in practice in her case)

That's the ingeniuty I was speaking of. the drunk wasn't the dumb one. Her oral friend was.
I have always said "Stupidity is exponential"
you got two dummies together and they aren't just 2ce as dumb. They are 2 to the 2nd power dumb... and it just adds up.


Personally... I cut her away as a friend....her private life was a complete disaster.. she only ever called to talk when she was drunk off her ass.. and would drunk ramble on about the same inane bullshit incessantly over and over and over.

Good call. I had a buddy who follwed some drunk ass for miles while he was on the phone with the cops. they finally got to the location and arrested that douche bag. (the drunk, not my buddy:D)
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Just remember - while you shouldn't drink and drive, you also shouldn't use a cell phone and drive. Its every bit as dangerous as drinking and driving - and probably more so because most people on cell phones don't consider themselves impaired. I see a lot of scary drivers every day on phones.


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I agree somewhat.

I use an earpiece I dont see that any more distracting than if I was talking to a passenger.

Text messagin and dialing etc is as dangerous as trying to grab the french fries from the back seat.

If youre gonna Drive, DRIVE.
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Course the studies show that earpieces are just as bad as holding the phone. That's because when you're talking to a passenger in your car, they're in the same environment and stop talking when stuff happens. People on the phone don't. Read some of the links I posted - people just don't believe they're being that dangerous.

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