
Landed in the mud....

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On jump 3 yesterday, I was going for the peas - came up short by about 15 feet and landed in the mud instead.

My canopy is super dirty, so are my lines, and my toggles - everything was covered with mud.

I asked at my DZ and I was told that I could Woolite the canopy and lines. It's a Spectre 210.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Any suggestions?

Just so you can see how stupid I am, I'm attaching a photo of my container. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get it cleaned up.
Jump, Land, Pack, Repeat...

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Knock off the big stuff with your hands then
try taking a dry soft bristle brush to the other, then try the vac if you want.
At the next repack you can have your rigger wash the H/C.
But I wouldn't worry about washing the canopy, I would wait till it's warm and do a water jump or fuck up a pond swoop
Then I might even pack it up wet and air dry it by jumping it on the next load, no really I would.

you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Do not put your canopy in a swimming pool if that is where your water training is done...chlorine can damage your canopy terribly. Only if it is in relatively clean fresh water should you consider getting your main canopy wet.
Hope this helps...

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I don't know what you are complaining about. It looks fine to me, just like my rig after a day of down winders through the swoop course ;)

Most of the mud drops off on it's own anyway. You only need to wash it if you are thinking of selling it. :P

Fallschirmsport Marl

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Magic eraser... Sounds like the melamine foam stuff. I myself wouldn't let it near my container.

Melamine is a resin that is almost as hard as glass.
The cleaning action comes from the the foam being abrasive on a microsopic scale, scraping off and embedding the dirt particles.
I'm not sure if this would cause actual damage to the fibres in container webbing or what happens if broken off melamine particles embed themselves in the webbing, but it doesn't sound too good to me.
Please understand this is just my interpretation: it could be perfectly safe, but until proven otherwise....

If you want to know more, do a google on Basotect.
I'll put a question out to BASF, see what they have to say on this.

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I'm going to be doing the same. Made a very nice skid across icy snow and landed on my butt. Container looks very similar to yours, although the canopy escaped scathing.

My rigger said brush off what you can from the container with a dry brush, then blot clean with water and small amount of mild dish soap. It takes a while, but works, according to him (haven't done it yet).

I'm guessing the ass of your jump suit is as caked as mine too. I just washed the damn thing before that jump *sigh*

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I had on a borrowed jumpsuit :) I was on a freefly jump so I couldn't wear my RW suit.

I brought it home, washed it and it came clean with no problem.

It took 150 minutes to clean my container. The brush from vacuum worked great!

Now - I'm cleaning my canopy. It's going to take me forever!
Jump, Land, Pack, Repeat...

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I had on a borrowed jumpsuit :) I was on a freefly jump so I couldn't wear my RW suit.

I brought it home, washed it and it came clean with no problem.

It took 150 minutes to clean my container. The brush from vacuum worked great!

Now - I'm cleaning my canopy. It's going to take me forever!

This thread adds weight to the old contention that it is better to buy used than new when one has low jump numbers. Of course if you have money to burn and don't mind trashing new stuff, knock yourself out!


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I had a less then spectacular landing today and got some mud on my leg straps, and was told to try Magic Eraser

Haven't tried it but heard it's really good

I've tried it on a on critical part of a rig(comfort pads ont he leg) and wouldn't use it again. Cordura just eats the sponge for lunch and your left with a white streak that doens't brush out well.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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Just follow the steps as posted before to junkee.
And to everyone else, why take a chance putting something on your lifesaving gear when you don't know what it will or won't do?
Stick with good old plain water (mild temp or cold) and a mild soap like cheer and only use a little and I mean a little or you'll be rinsing for a long time, make sure you get all the soap out or it can leave white shit behind after it dry's.
Some people I know take rigs to the car wash and blast the shit out of them with the high pressure wand.
Others I know have used the washer at home to do it and works fine.
I prefer to do it the old fashion way in the bath tub.
1. for control of the water temp.
I rinse first with just water 4 or 5 times till the water don't look chocolate milk, then scrub with soft brush only the real bad spots, then I let it sit in the suds and water for a while about 45 mins, followed by a rinsing it over and over till the water runs clean with NO SUDS at all.
Then I hang it up to dry in a cool shady place till dry about two days give or take.
Never had anyone bitch yet.
If I do it, that cost you 45 bucks not counting the repack, but your rig will be clean!:)If you don't think you can handle it get your rigger to do if they offer that service.
Or just don't fall down and go boom or splash!:P
Hope that helps.

you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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I'm glad stratostar is finally giving some advice other than the abuse he puts his own gear thru.;)

Seriously, there is nothing wrong with washing your container. Trick is to not make a habit out of HAVING to do it due to landing in the mud. I agree with stratostar with the soakin in the tub with a gentle detergent, like woolite, and barely warm water. Get most of the grime off before putting in the tub. Dunk it and swirl it around to get all the air out of the fabric and place an object on it to keep it under water. Go surf porn for an hour or so. Come back and clean with a soft bristle brush on the really crappy areas, then agitate the hell our of it for about 5 minutes. Drain water. Fill tub with water again and let soak in just water for another hour. Agitate the hell outta it again. Drain water. Get 5 gallon bucket and place rig on top of it, draping the harness over the bucket. Place showerhead on the rig for 20 minutes and keep moving rig around until there is no resemblence of soap or suds. Rinsing is the most important factor here.

I choose to place in my washer on the spin cycle only, but that is because I have a front loader with no center destroyer. I spin on high speed and that gets most of the water out. Let dry on a clean beach towel, but not hanging, in the most natural position for the rig. Maybe even hanging on a chair with the shoulder straps over the backrest, as long as its symmetrical. Sounds anal, I know.

As far as your main goes, call manufacturer and get their instructions. More than likely you can have a rigger take care of it. Jumping gear with dirt still on/in it only makes the damage worse. Its 6k, like you said. Treat it as such and it will look good and last long. B|


Controlled and Deliberate.....

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