
Most Memorable?

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Spence’s Dublin 05 Thread got me to thinking about all the great Boogies I went to. Which boogies everyone has been to that really stick out and why?

For me (In no particular Order)

1) Dublin '04
The first time I ventured away from my Home DZ. My First Boogie. I had 20 Jumps and a borrowed rig. I did not know anyone at all when I showed up there. Won a cert for 50% off a Complete Rig in the raffle. Met Chuck Blue and ton of others for the first time there. Absolutely a Boogie I will never forget and always look back on fondly.

2) Skyfest '05 (or Mudfest)
Great group of people there. So many SCR`s even though I didnt get mine that year (Failed attempt). I cant really pull one or two things out of the memory bank as to why it was such a great boogie, Just that it was.

3) Clays Welcome Home Event at The Farm in '05.
"Nothing Happened" was born at that event. The Party Bus, the Lingerie jumps. That party has yet to be topped at the farm in my opinion. It was the right group of people at the right time. Some of them are no longer with us for one reason or another. I miss them all.

4) Rantoul '05
The memories are pretty fuzzy but I am certain that most of them still make me smile.

What were your most memorable Boogies and why?

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I can't really pick just a few... there are so many with so many wonderful experiences; meeting new friends, parties, jumps, new aircraft, etc. Each boogie has provided a unique experience in its own.

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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2) Skyfest '05 (or Mudfest)
Great group of people there. So many SCR`s even though I didnt get mine that year (Failed attempt). I cant really pull one or two things out of the memory bank as to why it was such a great boogie, Just that it was.

Duh, because i was there:POh and i had that hottie fireflytx with me too.:D

Sky(mud)fest, got to meet a ton of cool people from Atlanta and elsewhere, including Lee. Got to participate in lots of SCR's, it was fun watching the looks on their faces when they saw the late divers heading in to dock before many of the others:ph34r:

Nationals 04. My first nationals, met lots of cool people and first time realizing that all the "pro's" you see in the magazine are actually really cool and will sit and chat and help you get better.

Nationals 06 Competing with my girl and meeting more cool people.

Pink Mafia Boogies:$ How could you NOT love a boogie put on by the Richard sisters???B|

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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The "Event" the created the last quote in your sigline was also a great memory but since it wasnt a skydiving event it didnt make the list.

That weekend also one of the best ever. from Running into Metalllica and trying to convince them that they did NOT know me to Operation Capture GFD to Shannons gift to us all it was one hell of a weekend.

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The "Event" the created the last quote in your sigline was also a great memory but since it wasnt a skydiving event it didnt make the list.

That weekend also one of the best ever. from Running into Metalllica and trying to convince them that they did NOT know me to Operation Capture GFD to Shannons gift to us all it was one hell of a weekend.

Aw... that weekend really did come together perfectly even if you are "so not my type" ;)

As for boogies... I think my favorite is my first LP in '05, since it's where I first met Gia.

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1) WFFC '02. My first big boogie. Met loads of people I'd been chatting with for a couple years.

2) WFFC '03. First and second wingsuit jumps. The sober reverse golf cart tour. "I'm the Bytch and I'm everywhere." Big Cheezits. Joe.

3) WFFC '04. The good parts were really, really good.

4) DZ.com Memorial Day at Perris, '04. Did my 1000th.

5) Star Farms/Paso Reunion Boogies (both of 'em).

6) The Bytch Boogie at Sebastian, '03.

7) Lost Prairie. All four of them that I've been lucky enough to attend.

In every case, it wasn't the place, the planes, the skydives or even the parties. It was the people that made them special.

It's all about the people...

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I've only been to 1 boogie so far Skyfest 2008...and I loved it.

Got to meet lots of great people from dz.com. Plus a ton a firsts.

First otter jump.
First casa jump.
First balloon jump.
First helicopter jump.
100th jump (which was out of the helicopter).
Got my SCR.
Did my PMS jump (still don't have the number yet)
And became a Rodriguez Brother.

I can't wait for next year. :)

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Dropzone.com Boogie '03 in Eloy- there were so many of the old-school dz.commers there, including Sangiro, it was a great time. The Mods did a jump together, I did my first balloon jump, went rock climbing with VanillaSkyGirl and FlyAngel2, saw the Grand Canyon and even climbed TallGuy! :ph34r:

The Bytch Boogie- although I don't remember it so much because of the skydiving...:P

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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In no particular order:

Mullin's $99 boogie til ya pukes, all of them.
WFFC '97 - over 50 jumps made.
Alabama state record boogie 40 way '97.
New Jersey state record boogies ('97, '98, '99) resulting in 2 records and one near miss.
Georgia state record boogie 64 way in Monroe '97.
Them Toadsuckers Reunion CRW boogie and memorable CRW formations, Gold Coast Skydivers '04 (I think that's the year).
South Carolina CRW record boogie, Chester '05.
Deaf World Record '01, San Marcos TX.
Deaf World Record '03, Perris, CA.
Deaf World Record '05, Lake Wales, FL.
The first Harvest Moon Boogie, St. George, SC late 90's.
Mardi Gras boogies at Gold Coast, various years.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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The "Event" the created the last quote in your sigline was also a great memory but since it wasnt a skydiving event it didnt make the list.

That weekend also one of the best ever. from Running into Metalllica and trying to convince them that they did NOT know me to Operation Capture GFD to Shannons gift to us all it was one hell of a weekend.

LOL... yup, that was one I would have used, but alas not a boogie, yes indeed one hellova weekend!

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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The Bytch Boogie- although I don't remember it so much because of the skydiving...

That boogie had everything except balloons and explosions.

And it taught me to appreciate not only my friends, but also the non-smell of good water.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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Hands down Dublin 04.

I walked into a world I had no idea existed.
Skydiving had come to my home town!

Set up my first Tandem jump for Saturday, but went the airport Friday afternoon to check it out.

Did my jump on Saturday, ended up staying all weekend!

Met A LOT of great people, came home with the thought...

This is what I've been looking all my life!
Never looked back.... :)

I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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Any of the smaller events I did.
Bolingbroke Boogies(Who knows what that is?), Perry,Ga,
Harvest Moon '04,
Mountain Boogie '04(Andrews,NC),
Dublin '05 (the last one that didn't have assholes),
Skyfest '05,
WFFC '05,
Ten rounds of clean video at nationals(forget what year,'03 or '04 I think),

'06 and '07 is a blur to me. I know I had some fun leading up to the accident in '07 but after my father and grandfather died 6 months apart I kind of fell apart.

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You're the the one that got us into the world of skydiving.
Be proud of that.

Granted, 05 was a great year! ... but 06 & 07 did become work.. would not trade it for any thing tho.

I loved the work & pain.

Thank you.
I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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I was really only around for 4 or 5 months back in 2004, but I got around a little during that time. The Mountain Boogie was my first time away from the Farm and met a number of folks that became good friends.

I've rarely laughed as hard as I did when the helicopter landed and someone (Jay I think?) came back to the bonfire and told everyone it was the DEA (or some other law enforcement). Several folks were a little too gullible for their own good!
Killing threads since 2004.

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Ummm, we don't get out much, but we loved Chicks Rock this year, and Thailand was fun. Leap for Lupus is a great boogie for a great cause. If only it wouldn't rain every year . . :S:D

Those were great boogies (especially the LFL boogie) but don't you remember the Costa Rica boogie back in 1996? That one had to be the best. Site seeing the rain forests and scuba diving and touring until noon when the first plane took off. Jumping out over the clear blue water, landing on the white sandy beach. Going up in the otter with only a thong bikini on and a rig doing 4 or 6 way cuz that was the only other people on the otter. You could lay down on the bench on the way up. The skydiving was great. Great skydivers great people. Eating and drinking all you wanted. No tipping. All inclusive. Perfect temperatures. Perfect. Paradise. {sigh} Loved that boogie. :)

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