
what would you do?

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My job is probably the most boring thing I have ever done. I am not challenged in the least bit, and mostly I sit in my 6'x6' pushpin cubical cell awaiting 5 o'clock. Any given day I do maybe about an hour of actual work, mostly because this company is SUPER corporate and micro managed to the point where every bit of work I do needs to be approved by the DCEO before I can move on to the next project (who happens to almost never be here).

hell, this place (I shit you not and no pun intended) has a policy for how to go to the bathroom!

thing is...I make more money here than Ive made in my life and going too far back in income at this point would put my family in quite a bind....

so what do I do? I have tried to ask for more work (only to get an assignment that takes like 10 minutes to complete which I stretch to about 4 days so I have something to do)...

some would love this, but I need a sense of accomplishment...I hate sitting on my ass doing nothing and wasting away my life... not to toot my own horn, but I am well worth the money they pay me (and more) but they dont let me use even a smidge of my potential..

ok I vented...what about your thoughts?
this space for rent.

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Maybe you should watch "Survivor" and learn how to build alliances to move your way up the pyramid into the top 3.
While sounding like a smartass; the point is, start networking with those who can assist in getting you additional projects, throwing some limelight on you for advancement. Find someone above you who has a major project due and offer to help with one of the tasks, etc. If all else fails; consider a three-year personal downsizing exit plan.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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>but I need a sense of accomplishment.

Play Tomb Raider all day

jeeze bro you're making tons of money, no one constantly rides your ass, lots of free time? what's not to like? You know how many people have NO work.


Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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yeah...well... I dont want to stay with this company. The management (not including myself of course) is sub-par and most of the employees are complete idiots. I would love to find another job...more so I want a career...but not in this industry or company.

fyi: I am a corporate training manager for a medical management company. I train clinic staff from receptionists, doctors assistants, office managers, new patient representatives and physicians on a procedure and how to run the clinics...

thing is...the company does not have a huge turn over and is not growing very quickly, so I dont really have anyone to train... and while not training I re-write policies and update every positions "hat" or manual... thousands of pages of policies and what to do and what not to do....thats what I deal with...

so exit strategy?... Im working on it...I send out resumes on a daily basis, but with my experience and the economy finding a position making close to the money I make here is difficult...

Id like to try the stock thing... I have a little nest egg that I have been contemplating playing with the market, but I have never done it and dont have a clue where to start...
this space for rent.

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>but I need a sense of accomplishment.

Play Tomb Raider all day

jeeze bro you're making tons of money, no one constantly rides your ass, lots of free time? what's not to like? You know how many people have NO work.


yeah...I know.. I kinda feel like and ass cuz I do pretty well for myself without really doing anything, but I am finding the older I get (and this may be found extremely funny to those who have met me) but I feel more like the "traditional" male... with the need to provide and have a sense of accomplishment and support his family...blah blah blah.

hell I used to have a sugar momma...kinda (x-wifey) and now I support my fiance and daughter....not to shabby either... I just feel like I have much more to offer this world than sitting in a cubical...
this space for rent.

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Get your company to INVEST in YOU by putting you on some vocational or professionally recognised qualifications. If you have so much free time then you can study them at work.

This way you can stay busy during the day and work toward something worthwhile. In addition it will show other companies how you are developing your career and therefore may consider employing you on a similar or better rate.

And the best bit is that your company will think you are doing it all in your own time and MAY take more of an interest in providing you with stimulating work.


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so exit strategy?... Im working on it...I send out resumes on a daily basis, but with my experience and the economy finding a position making close to the money I make here is difficult...

Fuck sending out resumes. Seriously. If all you're doing is looking on job sites and employer sites and sending them your resume and hoping they'll call you, you're extremely unlikely to find a job.

Instead, start networking. Call or email everyone you know from high school, college, skydivers, former coworkers, etc. Join LinkedIn or other professional networking sites. If you find a company who has a position you're interested in, find someone you know (or someone who knows someone you know) who works there. Get yourself noticed out of the PILE of resumes.

That's how I found my current job - I was moving into a new city and I contacted everyone I knew, even people I hadn't talked to in years. Every day on LinkedIn my status said "looking for opportunities in the Bay Area." I emailed the local skydiver list and got at least a dozen great leads and several interviews. The final three companies I was interviewing with ALL came about through networking. One was with a company that was a vendor for a former employer - I contacted a former colleague and he reconnected me. Another was a small start-up opportunity I found online, but I got the interview by figuring out that a guy who was a year behind me in business school worked there. Called him and voila, interview. Ultimately, the offer I accepted came through a college friend, whose friend worked for the VP of IT at my current company. He put my resume in her inbox, and she distributed it to all of her direct reports. Turns out I have a particular area of expertise they were looking for at that moment. I wouldn't ever have figured that out by reading job postings.

You sound miserable in your current job. You need to figure out a way to make change, not wait for it to come to you.

www.asktheheadhunter.com I don't agree with all of his ideas, but his basic premise that job boards are (mostly) useless is true. The only way to use job boards is to find out what companies are hiring. Then you have to work other angles to actually get hired.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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thanks for the info... that definitely is a much more proactive approach.... I am miserable...its starting to effect the rest of my life outside of work too... I know it sucks for my fiance...whenever she asks about my day at work there is NEVER anythign good that comes out of my mouth...

thanks again.
this space for rent.

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thanks for the info... that definitely is a much more proactive approach.... I am miserable...

No problem, I've definitely had to be converted to the wonders of networking. It doesn't come naturally to me, so I have to force myself to do it, but it's the most effective way to find a job, especially in this economy.


its starting to effect the rest of my life outside of work too... I know it sucks for my fiance...whenever she asks about my day at work there is NEVER anythign good that comes out of my mouth...

Try a "five minute rule." Each of you is allowed to vent/talk about work for five minutes ... then it's off limits for the rest of the evening. Unless you work together and can share gossip (which is what my parents used to do when they both worked at the same company!), someone else going on about their job (good, bad, or neutral) can get kind of boring.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Clay (freeflir29) became the greatest postwhore for a long, long time that way. He was posting something like 30 times a day :D

Even though he hasn't posted in nearly 2 years, he's still #4 on the all-time postwhore list, and he still has 12.4 posts per day

Wendy W.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'm not sure I'm the best person to answer from a financial standpoint as I'm currently making half what I made in my first job out of college, however I'm happier than I've ever been. Every job I've taken has resulted in a cut in pay but a significant increase in happiness. I've learned that I'm willing to make sacrifices in order to enjoy what I'm doing. Sooner or later I'll have to settle or else I'll end up paying someone to work for them. All that said, I'm single with no kids. Obviously a different position than you are in.

My advice is to seriously consider what is truly important. Are you the person you want to be doing what you are doing? Are the sacrifices that you could make that wouldn't put your family in a bad place, but that would allow you to make a little less in a career move you would be happier with?

I don't envy the choice.
Killing threads since 2004.

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thing is...I make more money here than Ive made in my life and going too far back in income at this point would put my family in quite a bind....

If "more money than you've made in your life" is seven figures (where I'm not sure a million and change is enough as ordinary income) suck it up and retire in a couple years. Otherwise it's not worth it.

If by "quite a bind" you mean "they'll be hungry" or "your kids won't get an education" you have obligations.

If by "quite a bind" you mean they'll be stuck driving 10 year old cars and living in apartments instead of nice houses or they won't get cable TV that's not quite a bind.


so what do I do?

Get a better job whatever that means. Start a side business. Start interviewing. Start a "stealth" project with a dotted line reporting structure to a boss in a different group.


some would love this, but I need a sense of accomplishment...I hate sitting on my ass doing nothing and wasting away my life... not to toot my own horn, but I am well worth the money they pay me (and more) but they dont let me use even a smidge of my potential..

Big companies survive by dominating their industries and not sucking too much more than the competition.

While that keeps the billions coming in it's not too good for growth so they try to hire smart people who've done well elsewhere. They offer great compensation packages.

But then they're still big companies, and won't let you do the things which you're good at and could make a difference.

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I recently started working at a pretty uneventful job that pays decent and I have similar boredom issues.

I do have a side business that I run where I outsource work so I'm emailing alot. But if you're looking to accomplish something, try out some online courses or hit up some DIY sites and learn some cool skills.

Just tell people that Honda engine on your desk was a gift from grammie and they should leave you alone :)

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