
Is it ever ok to hit a chick?

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Scenario 1) I watched a big bull dike beat the shit out of a little fem guy at a lesbian bar that some friends owned.
It was sad. IT was just over a game of pool too!
If I were in that position, bull dike would have been laid the fuck out!!!! Seriously!

Scenario 2) Any girl was to hit, or in someway try to do harm to my wife! Goodnight bitch!

Screw that! Beyond hit! I would do some SERIOUS fucking damage then! I mean like broken bones bad! Traumatic bad!

(Maybe I have anger issues!:D:D)

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Anybody who hits should expect to be hit back.

I once dated a chick who was a ringer for female bodybuilder Cory Everson.
Nice chick, but when I teased her too long, she would react by throwing a backfist.
Now I used to train in martial arts, so I was always able to block them, but DAMN she had a powerful backfist!:o
I would hate to think of the damage I could have suffered if I had ever missed a block.:S
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I think it depends on the situation. Hitting with the intent to do serious harm, no way. But play hitting is a bit different.

I used to take a martial arts class where we were expected to spar with women frequently. That was uncomfortable at first, but when they start trying to knock your lights out, and then whine about contact when you give them a good shot back to let them know they don't get away with that shit, it seemed to get a lot easier. But outside of that environment, I've been taught it's not acceptable.
PULL!! or DIE!!

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already posted but thought you needed a reminder. ;)

:D And really for those of you that don't have a sense of Humor. I DO NOT CONDONE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. :P

Edited to add I dare you to hit the second pic.

I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.

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No need to discuss....don't do it.

I agree with you...unless she's got a knife, gun etc.

I will totally knock a bitch out if I am in the bank,grocery, store and she's trying to rob the place and I am within arms reach.
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No need to discuss....don't do it.

So it is ok for a chick to hit a guy and not expect to get hit back?

If a chick hits a guy she's an immature fucktard....

~ and if he doesn't just turn around and walk away...then they're BOTH immature fucktards.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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No need to discuss....don't do it.

So it is ok for a chick to hit a guy and not expect to get hit back?

If a chick hits a guy she's an immature fucktard....

~ and if he doesn't just turn around and walk away...then they're BOTH immature fucktards.

Women are the first to bitch about double standards. They want to be treated equal. Therefore if a chick hits a dude, she damn well better expect to be hit back. What gives them the right to think they can do it without repercussion?

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My boyfriend has a teenage boy who plays ice hockey. Sometimes his team will scrimmage against an all girls team. The boys are not allowed to check the girls, but the girls can check the hell out of the boys, as much as they want. The funny thing is, most of the girls are much larger than the boys, at this age. I thought it looked really unfair when I watched one of the scrimmages, because the girls were knocking the boys on their asses and the boys could do nothing.

So I guess in reply to the question, it all depends on the size and the situation.:)

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Anybody who hits should expect to be hit back.

I once dated a chick who was a ringer for female bodybuilder Cory Everson.
Nice chick, but when I teased her too long, she would react by throwing a backfist.
Now I used to train in martial arts, so I was always able to block them, but DAMN she had a powerful backfist!:o
I would hate to think of the damage I could have suffered if I had ever missed a block.:S
Teasing anyone on steroids is generally a bad idea. ;)
"No cookies for you"- GFD
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Agreed again but what if its for entertainment?

(yea, I'm just being a douche because this subject is a no brainer)

Let's say I decided to do a few cycles of riods.
(ster- not hem-)

I GET BIG LIKE MOOSE(say that in russian accent)
The WWE see me lifting voilkswagons and give me a 6 figure salary to wrestle.

Now lets say they want me fo fight whoever is the reigning woman wrestler but its all fake but there is contact.

Is it ok to hit a chick in that scenario?

Because I would throw her around the entire stadium if I had to.:D

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My boyfriend has a teenage boy who plays ice hockey. Sometimes his team will scrimmage against an all girls team. The boys are not allowed to check the girls, but the girls can check the hell out of the boys, as much as they want. The funny thing is, most of the girls are much larger than the boys, at this age. I thought it looked really unfair when I watched one of the scrimmages, because the girls were knocking the boys on their asses and the boys could do nothing.

So I guess in reply to the question, it all depends on the size and the situation.:)

Nothing like a bunch of crap huh?
There should be NO checking or checking should be allowed.
If the want separate rules form a separate league
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No need to discuss....don't do it.

So it is ok for a chick to hit a guy and not expect to get hit back?

If a chick hits a guy she's an immature fucktard....

~ and if he doesn't just turn around and walk away...then they're BOTH immature fucktards.

Women are the first to bitch about double standards. They want to be treated equal. Therefore if a chick hits a dude, she damn well better expect to be hit back. What gives them the right to think they can do it without repercussion?

Like I said...if a woman needs to resort to violence to express herself that's a rather large red flag.

If a man can't rise above that kind of immature behavior, and walk...then they deserve each other.

I've never hit a woman in my life, back when I was dating, if a woman tried to put her hands on me in anger I just cut her loose.

It takes TWO people to fight.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Teasing anyone on steroids is generally a bad idea. ;)

She never competed; She just liked working out with her father's weights.
She went on to become a Physical Therapist. I'd pity any patient who got her PO'd.
Some guy grabbed her ass one time in a bar, and she gave him a judo throw.
That not only stunned him, but left his buddies in hysterics laughing at him.:D

Funny thing was several years later I happened to see Cory Everson's daytime workout show, and not only was she a ringer, their voices were nearly identical. Spooky.:o
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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If a chick is beating the hell out of a man and the only way to stop her is to hit her...then hell yes it's ok to do so. I hate women that pull the "you can't hit me, i'm a girl" crap.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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