
Should I or shouldn't I?

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So as many of you loyal readers know I'm going through some tough times right now. I'm attempting to move to Florida to start over and it's not going so well. I feel that I'm missing out on alot of potential jobs because I don't already live there.

One thought that keeps going through my mind is selling my rig. I really REALLY don't want to. Mostly because it's my baby but also because when I was looking around I was unable to find a used rig that fit me so I ordered a brand new rig. I'm afraid that since I'm such an odd shape for this sport that after selling my canopies I won't be able to sell the rig (which would be the big money maker anyway).

I'm starting to run out of options. The thought is entering my mind more and more. But the more I think about it the more I don't want to do it.

I'm so torn. :(

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Since you are going to be moving anyway.. sell all your stuff now... Craigslist... I mean if you clear out all the stuff that you cant move.... you will save a lot of time and effort

The move will go easier..but knowing you love skydiving.. hang on to the importaqnt things..

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you should be able to hawk a snowboard pretty easily. assuming its not a huge piece of crap of course.

if i wasnt dirt poor i might take it. (sorry i am dirt poor:P)

I would try my best to sell everything but my rig. maybe let go of the ADD (if its worth anything) and get an old one in fl?

BASE 1384

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One thought that keeps going through my mind is selling my rig.

they can take my rig when they remove it from my cold... dead... body.

i'd be (and have been) homeless before i sold my rig. my trick in life to survive in tough times, pay for everything cash, no debt, and no or very little overhead.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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Most of the stuff I'm going to need when I get an apartment down there though.

Sell all you furniture. It is a pain in the ass to move it and if you hire movers they will lose or ruin it. As far as basic house items.
200 and you can get basic cheap things at target or wally world until getting back on you feet.
Don't sell your gear.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
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Do not sell your rig. All you need for furniture is a blow up mattress. Especially if you are moving and starting over. You are going somewhere to chase dreams and be happy so do it. You do not need material things-you can rebuild and rebuy-keep the rig and jump all you can.
"You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"

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don't do it. look at it this way if you sold it you'd have to rent to jump until you aquire another rig. and rental fees= less jumps. even if you jumps less frequently for awhile, wouldn't you rather get the most jumps you can for your money?
diamonds are a dawgs best friend

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Haven't jumped since October (DZ's been closed). If I'm up here I really don't know when I'll jump again, it'll depend on the weather. If I get set up with a job in Florida and get moved down there then hopefully as soon as possible.

This past summer I paid for every single jump I made by packing at the DZ. I miss that packing money. I probably only spend 10% of what I made out there on jumping. Everything else when to helping pay the bills. The DZ being closed is really hurting me. :(

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This past summer I paid for every single jump I made by packing at the DZ. I miss that packing money. I probably only spend 10% of what I made out there on jumping. Everything else when to helping pay the bills

Given that, don't sell your rig. It'll help you get into the swim at a new dz, where you can start earning some money before you start working.

Deedy is right -- sell a lot of your apartment stuff like sofas etc. Unless it's really high quality stuff that you planned on keeping forever, it'll be very replaceable from second-hand stores, garage sales etc. And that way it won't cost you to move, even the cost of a U-haul (and the tow bar for your car etc).

And consider moving to Florida right away. If you get there before the season starts, you might just get a job packing at one of the dz's to tide you over until you get a permanent job somewhere.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Deedy is right -- sell a lot of your apartment stuff like sofas etc. Unless it's really high quality stuff that you planned on keeping forever, it'll be very replaceable from second-hand stores, garage sales etc. And that way it won't cost you to move, even the cost of a U-haul (and the tow bar for your car etc).

And consider moving to Florida right away. If you get there before the season starts, you might just get a job packing at one of the dz's to tide you over until you get a permanent job somewhere.

That is pretty much what I was suggesting...

Its a whole lot easier to move a car full of your favorite stuff than having to get a huge truck.

Craigslist has FREE sofa's and other furniture all the time... all you have to do is pick it up. I have helped several people get moved.. and get that kind of stuff for their place. ( Having a big truck gets me to be the designated mover more than I can remember )

Another good place are thrift shops... especially in good neighborhoods... where some of the donations can be amazing... I bought all of my stainless steel/copper Revereware at thrift shops for fractions of what I would have paid at a department store.

I have a couple VERY expensive chinese hand tied rugs... bought at a thrift store... for $75.. that originally sold for a couple thousand dollars.

If you know what you are looking for.. shopping the thrift stores are fun.

I think she should check with the DZ's... if there is space available... to live there and work. Its their busy season.. But definitely.. get on with the move... get rid of the junk that is holding you back.

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I went through a similar dilemma. I don't regret hanging onto it. I recently collected all of the jewelry given to me by old boyfriends (2/3 of which was for Valentine's day!!) and sold it to a jeweler....I got only a fraction of what they were worth for retail, but it got me through to the next paycheck without going into debt to make it.

Getting your rig together is a lot of work. It will make it so much harder to get back into the sky when finances improve if you let it go now. And I don't know about you, but I find that managing to finagle a skydive or two does wonders for my psychological state. It's much cheaper to do so when you have your own equipment.

As others have said, you can get by on an air mattress and a couple of pots and pans....that kind of thing is easy to replace at Goodwill.

Lots of luck to you.:)

We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes.
-- John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

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Even if you could sell your rig, which you say is an odd size, how far would the money get you ? A few weeks, a month maybe ?

You won't get full value for your rig and the money will be gone in no time. Then you'll be broke, desperate, and without a rig.

You're an EMT. You'll find work, even if you don't jump for a while. As long as you don't have children to feed, don't sell your rig.

Good luck and God bless.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I know someone already mentioned this but, try selling your old clothes or anything else you have around on ebay. I frequently go through my closet and anything that I haven't worn in awhile or that doesn't fit anymore I sell it on ebay. You don't always get the greatest amount of money for it. But in my mind, every little bit helps!

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I sure hope you don't have to, but if it's between having a rig and a place to live...well a place to live is more important. A few years ago i was in bad financial shape and sold my main & reserve, but kept my container. It's far easier to replace canopies than a well fitting container.

Good luck in whatever you decide.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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