
Should I get a job?

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I was recently laid off, but luckily I finish vocational school on May 6 in the Pharmacy Technician program. My school automatically places me in an internship and if I am not hired at that location, the school then continues helping me find a job. For the heck of it, I sent my resume to an animal hospital (which has been my previous occupation) and I was scheduled for an interview on Tuesday. If it pays well, I may take it because Lord knows unemployment doesn't pay very much. But at the same time, I don't know if I want to start a brand new job, and soon a new internship in a brand new field... Thoughts?

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Finish school! Get into the internship program.

Yes, it's a 'what if game', and unemployment is better than nothing.

Also, send out that resume. Don't forget to add the school and internship to it. :)

Be yourself!

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what kind of retarded poll is that? YES get a fucking job!!!!! If you turn down a job in this economy you are a fucking tard. Simply put.... Do you like money???? then yes no brainer get a mother sucking job.

If you need a poll to ask these losers whether you need a job. Then You probably need a babysitter too

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what kind of retarded poll is that? YES get a fucking job!!!!! If you turn down a job in this economy you are a fucking tard. Simply put.... Do you like money???? then yes no brainer get a mother sucking job.

If you need a poll to ask these losers whether you need a job. Then You probably need a babysitter too

Except for the fact that she's actually asking:

"Do I get this job or do the internship?"

-FWIW: If your finances allow, then I have to go along with the finish school, do the internship and work in the field that you really want to.

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the one that pays.....the most.

like i said do you need money? then easy decision

from the way i read it, looks like she is considering the job on a short term basis till she starts the internship. Or is considering doing both. I didnt see where she said she was going to throw away her school to go work at a animal clinic. I think your reading comprehension is rusty. Although the OP might be a little misleading.

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She asked for thoughts: You gave yours. I gave mine.

Mine comes with the experience of having actually done an internship - not in pharm, but in medicine. Mine comes with the understanding that her time may soon be worth more to her than her money. Mine included the caveat that "if finances allow...."

Yours came with insults - to her, to me... just throwing them out there like candy at a hometown parade.

If you decide to go into a profession where persuasion is important, you might want to reconsider how you present your recommendations.

edit to add: even with re-reading it, I still would advise against the new job. It's April 19th. She states that she graduates May 6, then starts the internship.

That's only a three week window. IF she goes to the interview on Tues, 4/21, she likely won't hear from anyone for 1-10days (typical time frame to complete interviews and make decisions). But... even if she might hear by the 22nd, then would she start on the 23rd or would she more likely be starting on 4/27 or 5/4? Unknown variables, but it could be reasonable to assume that she would likely be starting no sooner than 4/27. She also hasn't mentioned if there might be finals or board reviews prior to finishing school. Nor has she said how many hours her internship will consume or how intense it might be. Starting a new job (even if it's in an prior field) AND starting a new internship is a HUGE demand. Is she capable of doing both and giving her internship the time that it would deserve or will one suffer... and considering that she might have a better paying job if she focuses and shines at the internship?
My thoughts are based on assumptions made due to info not provided (not that she is misleading), but I still recommend (even with my rusty reading comprehension) that she NOT take the new job.

edit yet again: I actually voted to join the circus - with a great big RUN! Make your life by playing for a living . . . party with the clowns, swing on the trapeze and get shot out of cannons. . . but the medical field. . . even the pharm field. . . . .

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what kind of retarded poll is that? YES get a fucking job!!!!! If you turn down a job in this economy you are a fucking tard. Simply put.... Do you like money???? then yes no brainer get a mother sucking job.

If you need a poll to ask these losers whether you need a job. Then You probably need a babysitter too

What a constructive and well thought out response. Not!

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Dr. Thank you for your kind advise. As for finances, that is where we are having problems, If unemployment was filed two days later, we would have been ok, but as it is, that 2 days made them use 3 quarters that Holly was on maternity leave, so shows $0 .

Time, is diffidently an issue! Family time is important to us, and we now have weekends together, and Holly is much happier these days, being home with our baby. *I HATE the idea of using daycare, and despise that grandma watches Lauren while Holly goes to school. If Holly gets a job, and even with the externship, we will most likely have to get some sort of childcare. *yuck*

As for the externship being paid, some are, most are not. We will see.
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Lots of advice above!! Good or bad, I don't know. But here's my two cents...

School is an investment! In this case, an investment in yourself. It's not easy and should never be. You need to work and sacrifice. If it were easy, everyone could do it.

My question to you is, "are YOU worth the investment"?? If so, work hard and sacrifice.

Good luck with your decision
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the one that pays.....the most.

like i said do you need money? then easy decision

Not sure I really agree.. I know these are tough times, but she needs to consider what she is likely to get as an internship..

Sometimes, the *experience* you get makes you more valuable in the long run. I say try the internship route.. You will benefit from a network of contacts should things go well or not. With a permanent role, you are far less likely to have flexibility / options 6 months down the road..

Nothing wrong with a great permanent role to start off your career, but an internship can be a wonderful way to test the waters with a slightly lower commitment and a bit less responsibility / stress. If you're clever about it, you'll give it 100% and learn lots and lots. If they won't hire you at the end, get another internship - two internships just means varied experience. You'll have plenty of opportunity to find a "real" job if one isn't offered to you after your term is done.

If I had to do things all over again, I wish I had followed some kind of internship just after I left school.. It's an experience you're not likely to have when you get older.

Then again.. Entirely up to you.. There are good arguments for the other side as well.
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Thanks to everyone for the input.

Hallux made me laugh, I thought he was being sarcastic.B|

Anywhoo, the interview is tomorrow. I've decided I will take it if a wage is offered that will actually cover our finances..

UPDATE: as of 2 seconds ago I just got a letter from EDD saying I am not eligible for this, that and the other thing...I'm appealing it, since it's a simple process of mailing a form (in this case). But as it stands right now, I will most likely wait until the internship.

A) I can work a full 40 hour week, because I won't have to juggle a job AND the internship

B) I have only 3 months to complete 240 hours of Pharm Tech experience, which would break down to at LEAST 20 hours a week--this may be do-able if I did take the job, after all

C) If the internship is paid, problem solved!

thanks, guys n gals!:D


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NOONE should make the decision for you.

YOU need to make this decision because YOU are the one who is going to live out the decision.

EVERYONE else would make a different decision because it is what they feel what is right FOR THEM. You need to make a decision on what is right FOR YOU.

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I was recently laid off, but luckily I finish vocational school on May 6 in the Pharmacy Technician program. My school automatically places me in an internship and if I am not hired at that location, the school then continues helping me find a job. For the heck of it, I sent my resume to an animal hospital (which has been my previous occupation) and I was scheduled for an interview on Tuesday. If it pays well, I may take it because Lord knows unemployment doesn't pay very much. But at the same time, I don't know if I want to start a brand new job, and soon a new internship in a brand new field... Thoughts?

If it means having an income then take the job. You have to survive and make ends meet regardless of hourly wage. Just make sure the job knows about the internship in advance. But, if your husband can pick up the slack then collect unemployment until you can get placed in a position in your field of education.
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