
Hockey Playoffs...

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I looked that up and... WHAT? Where do these guys come-up with that crap? One thing... If, Mike Babcock has a gripe, it's legit! Also, why would a ref stand there yelling for a player to leave? A whistle should be blown and someone goes to the 'sin bin'! The refs had their collective heads where the sun don't shine. Bettman is such a back-slider. He talks like a petty crook trying to cover his tracks. He has single-handedly made a disgrace of the play-offs and the teams have tried to rise above it. He needs to either do the job or step-down... preferrably, the latter!


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you gotta get CBC, when my bell dish went down for a bit and i had to resort to Versus to watch the games.....i felt like muting the sound :S

CBC announcers are actually pretty good and talk about all the players, not just crosby malkin ovie etc.

I subscribe to Dish Network. Gave them a call and they don't offer CBC.[:/] Looks like I have to put-up with the totally biased VS and NBC... If necessary.>:( I'm just going to have to grit my teeth and try to avoid throwing rocks at my t.v.

For the heck of it, I went to the VS web page and there's complaints all over the place about their coverage. Hee, hee...


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i have dish network as well, not much hockey on it. more football then anything (go figure lol)

Only way ur gonna get cbc is to stream the games from thier website or get bell satelite

btw, red wings seem to have no jump, they are not skating, good for the pens, but i wanna see a good game.

refs already making their presence felt, missed calls for both sides
The Altitude above you, the runway behind you, and the fuel not in the plane are totally worthless
Dudeist Skydiver # 10

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Detroit had a ton of chances but couldn't capitalize! They are definately, tired. Look back at the three series they went through to get to Pittsburgh. The Penns didn't have it that rough. The Wings won't let that get to them... they're tough.;) I think, Helm was just the spark the Wings needed. I just wish that Datsyuk would have been healthy tonight!
Yes, the refs are starting to make calls but are still missing a lot of cross-checking from Pitt. as well as a couple of tripping penalties. Maybe, this will be the start of the refs doing their job.!!! Sheesh...
One thing for sure, this game is looking like another nail-biter!


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lol im scared, there is a ton of personal opinion on here for hockey, should watch it more often, its a great game develop ur own opinions and grudges :P

The Altitude above you, the runway behind you, and the fuel not in the plane are totally worthless
Dudeist Skydiver # 10

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Staals shorty...quite possibly the TSN turning point of the series

Refs werent much of a factor finally. but still could be much better.

Malkin is taking over the series, has the puck on a string, playing great!!!
The Altitude above you, the runway behind you, and the fuel not in the plane are totally worthless
Dudeist Skydiver # 10

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So who is more nervous going into game 5???;)

What a game! I think the Wings may be in trouble now that Crosby got that goal. I think the Pens are wearing out the Detroit older guys. Zetterberg looked really slow tonight. Osgood actually looked human, but he still made some amazing saves. Fleury was incredible.

The linesman missed the Kuntiz offsides on the Malkin goal. Otherwise a pretty well played and officiated game.

Game 5 will be epic!

Go Pens!!

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Bettman finally got his wish and his fucked up schedule finally caught up with the Wings big time; tired play led to stupid careless play with the puck, very poor D all around (including, surprisingly Lidström - I wonder how bad his injury was and how much it isn't fully healed), and terrible special teams.
It wouldn't hurt you to think like a fucking serial killer every once in a while - just for the sake of prevention

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Pittsburg just flat, out-played the Wings. Homer couldn't make a decent pass and was on his butt too often. I don't think Lidstrom was at all, near 100%. The Wings passing was terrible in general. Ozzie was hung-out to dry! Hopefully, the Wings will make a better showing back in Detroit. Maybe, they are beat-up and tired but, they just need to suck it up and start playing. Right now, the Pens are on fire and confident and that will be hard to dampen.


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Bettman should be shot for the league's TV deal. And who schedules an all important game 4 against the Lakers and Orlando on ABC.:P:S

The NHL needs to start the playoffs before the NBA's.

you got that right ;)
The Altitude above you, the runway behind you, and the fuel not in the plane are totally worthless
Dudeist Skydiver # 10

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The board of governors and owners must like him. Strange...:S

He did achieve the salary cap, salary escrow, etc by way of the lockout.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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One could assume that but, we don't know everything. Seems like if, anyone does try to speak-up, they get slapped with a stiff fine. As in the Chicago coach, in the Western Conference Finals. You don't dare, say anything against Bettman or his refs!


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Most of the 'good points' were brought about by the efforts of Brendan Shanahan and the players. Otherwise, if it were up to Bettman, the NHL would be a mere shell of what it once was. Bettman twisted the final results of late night sessions to make Bettman look good.


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So who is more nervous going into game 5???;)

What a game! I think the Wings may be in trouble now that Crosby got that goal. I think the Pens are wearing out the Detroit older guys. Zetterberg looked really slow tonight. Osgood actually looked human, but he still made some amazing saves. Fleury was incredible.

The linesman missed the Kuntiz offsides on the Malkin goal. Otherwise a pretty well played and officiated game.

Game 5 will be epic!

Go Pens!!

Talk about a turn-around! Datsyuk came back and really sparked the Wings! 5-0 shut-out! WOW! Who's nervous now? The Pens got stupid penalties and shot themselves in the foot. They didn't help themselves by losing their cool, either. Wings got 'em on the run! The Pens are a younger team and showing it.


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The Pens took a page out of the Blackhawks book today. How to play dumb and get killed.

The only positive was Garon playing great in relief of MAF.

It seems there is always one blowout game in a 6 or 7 game series. So much for my prediction of an epic game 5.:P


Go Pens!!!!B|

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Crosby and Malkin really showed their immaturity! Sidney should not be captain. He's not ready. It really came-out tonight. After all the hype and babble about those two... sheesh!
Datsyuk was truly, the 'spark' for the Wings. After game 4, the Wings really came back to life tonight. The Wings definately, had their 'A' game. Ozzie got his 15-th. play-off shut-out!
Did you see the look on Bettman's face, when the camera was on him? He looked like he missed the tri-fecta at Pimlico! Hee, hee! I think too, the reffing was much better tonight... it's about time.


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So much for my prediction of an epic game 5.

Personally, I think you were right on the money. It was certainly epic to me. :)
I haven't had that much fun since the Wings scored 7 on Roy a few years back.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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I get the hockey channels and one of them is CBC. Those guys, are the best... period ...hands-down

So far the CBC has broadcast every finals game here. I definately prefer them over VS and of course NBC. I'm not a big fan of Don Cherry though. His flamboyant personality must be an acquired taste.


Did you see the look on Bettman's face, when the camera was on him? He looked like he missed the tri-fecta at Pimlico! Hee, hee!

I was out of state so I had to watch it on NBC. That was excellent!! I was laughing my ass off!! B|


Edit to add: As a side note. NBC and the NHL aren't really winning hearts in Detroit today. http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2009906090353


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