
I hate you so much Alberto Contador

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Well, he did say that he had static over his comms system yesterday and that me may have misunderstood directions ;), and he checked with Kloden before attaching and he understood "go for it" from him.

Maybe :ph34r:

I think he tried to demolish the Schlecks, and it didnt work, but unfortunately, he dropped Kloden. After his burst 3k from the top, he did slow down and never took the lead of the 3some for the rest of the climb or on the way down.

It wasnt the smartest move on earth, but, its not outright mutiny. He does know its his last race with Astana (which he was, and still his the principal), so I'm not sure I would have all the loyalty in the world either.


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Well... he is the lead rider of the team... so staying at the top is important... although he does seem to be riding his own race using the team then trying to take as much glory as possible...

The Tour is definitely a Team sport though... (considering how well the Schleck brothers managed to put Andy in a position to get a solid hold on second place in the overall standing)

Ultimately the race for Astana changed when Levi L pulled out of the race due to a broken wrist...

and frankly I am quite impressed with Armstrong being in the third position overall at 37 years old after 4 years out of the sport... and he seems to be quite comfortable and as always is very well spoken when interviewed.

I certainly respect him a lot!!!
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Contador the one who was given the Tour De France win in 2007 after Floyd Landis was stripped of his win due to doping allegations, and then in 2008, Contador's team Astana was banned from the 2008 Tour De France due to doping allegations? :S

All that aside, if Contador is clean this year, then he is the best rider this year, bar none...

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and then in 2008, Contador's team Astana was banned from the 2008 Tour De France due to doping allegations?

One of Astana's rider was tested positive a couple months before the tour, and the team wasnt invited to the tour (it wasnt a ban). But yeah, that what had happened. That being said, Astana was tested, tested and over tested this year (one day, they were tested 4 times), partly because of that, partly because of Lance being there. Even the french media (who isnt the biggest supporter of Lance) was saying this was ridiculous.

Back to Alberto: I think his performance on Ventoux puts things back in perspective, and confirms he's not the evil team mate some would have beleived (hi Skittles! lol) but just made a stupid move on Colombiere.

Overall, he rode a awesome tour. Lance did very well too. Next year, it will be interesting to have 3 teams with a dencent chance: Saxo with Andy Schelck, Astana (or whoever he end up with) with Contador, and Radio Shack with Lance, although Contador has proven he is the man to beat, dominating both mountain and TT stages agaisnt the main rivals.

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Not for winning today but I was just updated on what he did yesterday. Anyone who would screw their team like that is a real doucher. I Hope he wipes out and sprains his wrist so he can't continue. That would be awesome.

Whatever! Sooner or later the Schleck's would've attacked and dropped Kloden anyway, and the way Contador's been treated by Astana since Bruyneel's best mate came on-board is pretty poor. I don't think Contador owes them a thing.
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The last few days of the tour would have been more interesting if Contador didn't have to care about his teammates and Andy Schleck about his brother.
Contador was dominant this year, and if he remains at this level in the next few year, I don't see how anyone could beat him. Great performance.

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can someone give a quick recap of what horrible thing he did? I wasn't watching that day and can't find a straight answer.

He was in a breakaway on the last climb of the day, with both Schlecks and Kloden (his team mate) with Amstrong about 1 minute behind. 3km from the summit (after exchanging some words with Kloden, who knows what they said, but Contador says they talked about attacking, and Kloden would have said to go for it), so he did attack. Both Schlecks followed, but Kloden couldnt.

After that attack (which didnt last very long, maybe 45 seconds) he let off, the Schlecks took the front, Contador followed, and they finished together. The result was that this put Amstrong and Kloden further back in the GC.

4 minute video summary of the day:

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The last few days of the tour would have been more interesting if Contador didn't have to care about his teammates and Andy Schleck about his brother.

Well, I think Andy knew he couldnt beat Contador and his gaol was to try and bring Frank up a knotch in the GC, so attacking for the sake of attacking would only have put in in danger against Contador.

Contador I think was feeling the heat to play nice, and I think overall he did, except for his attack up Colombiere, which I dont think was a big deal.


Contador was dominant this year, and if he remains at this level in the next few year, I don't see how anyone could beat him.

Unless he ends up in a not so good team. Look at Sastre: yes, I know, he's not as dominant as Contador, but really, he didnt have much of a team to help him. I think he would have done better in the GC with a stronger team behind him to lead him up the mountains.

That being said, Contador will be hard to beat for the next couple year if he has a decent squad with him. He's awesome to watch in climbs!

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>I don't think he has given up on winning again.

Barring an injury....Id say that's for sure. Did you see the post race interview? he was clearly pissed...a true champ- as he said in the beginning "I'm here to win" at his age, I think he's an alien or at least super human.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Contador the one who was given the Tour De France win in 2007 after Floyd Landis was stripped of his win due to doping allegations, and then in 2008, Contador's team Astana was banned from the 2008 Tour De France due to doping allegations? :S

Contador won in 2007 on his own merit on the Discovery Team with Johan Bruneel as the Directeur Sportif. Landis was stripped of the title in 2006 racing for Team Phonak. The win was given to Oscar Pereiro. Landis supposedly tested positive for testosterone.
Contatdor did not ride Le Tour in 2008 because Astana was not invited due to doping allegations from the year before but really has nothing to do with the team as it is now or as it was last year when they were not invited. That's a whole 'nuther story.

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but Armstrong is the master at forming teams, it will be interesting to see what he does, I don't think he has given up on winning again

I think Lance needs to revise his training plan for the TdF;
Scheduling a broken collarbone in the months before a big race just doesn't seem prudent.:S
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Contador won in 2007 on his own merit on the Discovery Team with Johan Bruneel as the Directeur Sportif.

Well... Contator did get the yellow when Rasmusen got kicked out by Rabobank for "violating internal rules" 4 days from Paris...

I'm sure he's pretty happy this year's win came without any surrounding doping issues. Heck, I'm happy there werent any positives test (that I heard of anyway!) this year.

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I can't blame Contador for his first attack. There is no doubt in my mind that if Lance had manged to get in yellow before Contador that Contador would have been asked to work for the rider in yellow even though he was far dominate to anyone else in the ball game. For his own sake, and to keep the team that HE was the leader of working for him, he needed to be the first in yellow.

That team was Contador's team that Lance happened to join when he made the decision to come back. I was happy to see Lance do so well, but I feel everyone needs to live in the present and not in the past. In the past teams were built around Lance and only Lance. The people on those teams knew their jobs and were there to get Armstrong to France in yellow. It was obscene to think that the team should want to play that same role when he joined back in late in the game.

I look forward to seeing what he will be capable of after a full year of training, hopefully no broken bones, and a team again riding with a team whose sole purpose is getting him to France in Yellow. My only regret about him riding again is that the Versus network is going to have to go back to being OLN, the Only Lance Network.
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