
The people at the IRS are a bunch of MORONS!

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Im in the middle of an audit for 2006. This twit is trying to deny 37,000 on medical that I paid for out of pocket. We have given her receipts but she keeps saying she needs more proof>:(. I thought the flunky's of the world worked for min. wage :S. The good thing is when my CPA did my '08 taxes she checked the IRS web sight and they hadn't reposted 2 of my quarterly payment. Doesnt sound to good until to consider the fat ass refund I just got in the mail:)
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Do you have a CPA with you at the Audit?
Lots of the Auditors never prepared Taxes and do not know what is or is not allowed and a CPA usually slings the lingo well enough that as long as it is legal you get it, even gray area legal.

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Hijack: Is any country actually referred to as a "2nd World Country":S:P

IIRC the terms were used by 1st world countries during the cold war ---

1st world: Democratic and aligned with US.

2nd world: Communist and aligned with USSR
(Eastern Europe, etc.)

3rd world: Simply meant the non-aligned countries. didn't really imply any particular economic or developmental status although in reality it did encompass the "undeveloped" countries. This has become it's meaning since then.

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First world was US and its allies; second world was USSR & its allies, third world was everyone else (who were mostly too poor or remote to insist that they be allied with someone).

The fourth world was societies so remote or primitive that they weren't particularly industrialized; it's not a commonly-used term

That was the western definition. Mao's definition was that the first world was USA and USSR -- the superpowers. Second world was their allies one way or the other, and third world was the non-aligned countries.

None of that really matters any more because the world has changed, and it isn't us against the evil commies any more.

Wikipedia is wonderful sometimes :)
Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Just be thankful you live in the first world, you really don't want to know about the crap and idiots I have to deal with here in the third world

I am very thankful for what I have and were I live. But these people are ignorant! There are people out there without jobs that could do a lot better job.
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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First world was US and its allies; second world was USSR & its allies, third world was everyone else (who were mostly too poor or remote to insist that they be allied with someone).

The fourth world was societies so remote or primitive that they weren't particularly industrialized; it's not a commonly-used term

That was the western definition. Mao's definition was that the first world was USA and USSR -- the superpowers. Second world was their allies one way or the other, and third world was the non-aligned countries.

None of that really matters any more because the world has changed, and it isn't us against the evil commies any more.

Wikipedia is wonderful sometimes :)
Wendy P.

I don't remember the term "fourth world" being used. My guess is that third world countries had nothing to gain from aligning with one of the superpowers. Many were so poor that they also had nothing to lose.....so best not to choose sides. Also, like you said, neither of the superpowers would have an interest in pressuring a country to become an ally if there were no economic or strategic advantage to be had. I just figured that since "we" coined the terms, we proclaimed ourselves "first world." I'm sure other countries used a different numbering system.:)

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My CPA is the only one that deals with them:)The day this lady called me I got her to admit she dont even know most of the tax code:S:D:ph34r:.

The IRS is useing "contractor's" as auditors:o

Whats next contracting out the job to India or the PI.
One Jump Wonder

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Im in the middle of an audit for 2006. This twit is trying to deny 37,000 on medical that I paid for out of pocket. We have given her receipts but she keeps saying she needs more proof>:(. I thought the flunky's of the world worked for min. wage :S. The good thing is when my CPA did my '08 taxes she checked the IRS web sight and they hadn't reposted 2 of my quarterly payment. Doesnt sound to good until to consider the fat ass refund I just got in the mail:)

That's all great!
If you'll go to the definitions page of the tax code and look up "state",
you may realize why you were never required to file or pay in the first place.


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Im in the middle of an audit for 2006. This twit is trying to deny 37,000 on medical that I paid for out of pocket. We have given her receipts but she keeps saying she needs more proof>:(. I thought the flunky's of the world worked for min. wage :S. The good thing is when my CPA did my '08 taxes she checked the IRS web sight and they hadn't reposted 2 of my quarterly payment. Doesnt sound to good until to consider the fat ass refund I just got in the mail:)

That's all great!
If you'll go to the definitions page of the tax code and look up "state",
you may realize why you were never required to file or pay in the first place.


Sure, if you don't the tax evasion charges.

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If you'll go to the definitions page of the tax code and look up "state",
you may realize why you were never required to file or pay in the first place.


I'm sure you understand that tax laws are not just the mountain of codes, but also case law. The requirement to pay taxes has clearly and repeatedly be affirmed in case law.

Personally, I am calling bullshit. I'll bet you pay your taxes just like the rest of us.

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A few years ago I was working with a woman whose husband had just left her, leaving her to raise a small child alone, while working a fulltime job that didn't pay much. Then as if she didn't have enough misery, the IRS decided to audit her, and thanks to her financially irresponsible ex-husband, that turned into a nightmare, with hours of digging up old receipts, and much driving to meetings at the IRS office.

Finally, the IRS made it's decision: She had overpaid, and they owed her a big refund.:S:D

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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If you'll go to the definitions page of the tax code and look up "state",
you may realize why you were never required to file or pay in the first place.


I'm sure you understand that tax laws are not just the mountain of codes, but also case law. The requirement to pay taxes has clearly and repeatedly be affirmed in case law.

Just because the courts have in the past been wrong doesn't mean that now they shouldn't be set right.
Have you looked up the definition of "state" in the tax code ,Johnny?
When you have, maybe you can report back and tell us all what the law actually says.


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OH the payed on commision assasins!:S

Damn, they don't want to lose a meal off their table even if it is right by you.


Foxes guarding henhouses comes to mind. :S
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trying to deny 37,000 on medical that I paid for out of pocket.

FYI - not all medical is deductible. 37k is a big number to drop on your return. It's the kind of thing that will get you moving to the top of the audit list. Any CPA worth one thousandth of their bill will be able to handle it for you.

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[replyI'm all ears on how you're going about trying to right this atrocity. In the mean time, I still say you're FOS.

Instead of being "all ears", why don't you get off your ass and follow the point and click path I've provided you?

Just curious,
Are you one of those twenty somethings that has their oil changed at a jiffylube type establishment?


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Let's assume you're right and they actually don't have the right to collect taxes.

Who is then supposed to pay for the services the gov't provides and how?
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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