
I'm shocked by this feedback...

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So I got an interview with a company I would love, love, LOVE to work for. I cannot imagine a more exciting brand - I was just SO excited they would consider me for a role where I didn't have quite the right experience they seemed to be looking for.

I went to the first interview and hoped they were interested in me, because I thought all my boxes were ticked. An hour later, I got a call - would I come in for a 2nd interview to meet the team.. I practically did a happy dance on my desk I was so excited..

Today (day after 2nd round), I got the following feedback from the agency who put me forward for the role: "you came across as uninterested, arrogant and very unprofessional - it was a very definite NO. You would not fit in - they do not need that kind of arrogance in their business."

I'm just shocked. If they had said I lacked experience, I would of thought they were right. If they felt that personality-wise I didn't fit in with the team, I would have thought it's unfortunate, but sometimes it just doesn't click. If they had said they found someone better, I wouldn't have been surprised.. But uninterested?? Arrogant?? Unprofessional??

I mean, if they really did think that about me, maybe it would be a terrible place to work anyway.. But I don't get it. I can't think how I could have come across so badly when I had really good vibes the whole way through.

Just don't understand at all. I am *uber* keen on the role.. I think it's very possible I'm too inexperienced, but the feedback I got just really doesn't make any sense to me.. I don't know what I should do.

I don't know.. I just don't know.. I feel pretty gutted..
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Ok.. It's only a job, but I've dreamed of working for this company..

I don't know if I'm more upset by the actual feedback or the fact that it's so totally not how I felt things went.. I don't really know what to think.

I'm really upset about it :(

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Well, I would like to think that, but some of it was rather specific (although totally out of context)..

For instance, the girl at the agency told me it was really unprofessional to bring up salaries.. And we did talk about money, but it was the interviewer who brought it up, and I simply answered the question. I too think money is a delicate thing to discuss when there is no offer on the table, so I answered that I would be willing to be flexible on my rate and didn't push it. I didn't think I was being unprofessional - in fact, I think it's pretty normal to answer a direct question when you're in an interview!!
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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I understand. But maybe your image of what the company is, and what it would be like working for them, are two different things. Just don't get caught in the trap of defining yourself by who you work for, or what you do. I know that's not what you're doing, but don't let it bother you too much. If EVERYONE likes you, then you are just a doormat. :)

What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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I'll call back tomorrow, but I asked for clarification because I was really surprised.. She just repeated exactly what she said and didn't want to discuss it further. She practically hung up on me when I insisted.. I mean, I said "I'm just so surprised.. I'm really, really interested - did they say why they thought I was not interested?" And she said "look - they were very clear.. It's NO. They were categorical." She even told me I should take onboard this feedback and be more polite, professional and not be arrogant in any future interviews. Then she said she had a meeting to go to, said good-bye and hung up.

I mean.. If anything she was almost rude, but if she was just repeating what she heard she was in fact merely being frank.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Well, I would like to think that, but some of it was rather specific (although totally out of context)..

For instance, the girl at the agency told me it was really unprofessional to bring up salaries.. And we did talk about money, but it was the interviewer who brought it up, and I simply answered the question. I too think money is a delicate thing to discuss when there is no offer on the table, so I answered that I would be willing to be flexible on my rate and didn't push it. I didn't think I was being unprofessional - in fact, I think it's pretty normal to answer a direct question when you're in an interview!!

Screw the agency, if ya want the job contact them!

Maybe the 'agency' has someone else they're pushing and are just getting you out of the way.

When my wife was looking for a flying job, she hadn't heard from the company she REALLY wanted to work for after submitting her resume and an initial interview...she showed up at 'human racehorses' and told them there had OBVIOUSLY been an error.

A gamble sure, but she figured what did she have to lose?!

She's been with that airline for 26 years now! B|;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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they probably thought you were a Yank:D
you should have started with
I'm Canadian, not a yank I'm sorry if i come across all Yank like, but they brainwashed us:D:D:D

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Squeak does touch on an interesting point. Being Brits, they may have had a cultural bias against your North American accent and general deportment. God knows why, but Brits sometimes consider North American accents and demeanor to be to be crass - much the way some (ok, many) Americans consider Brit accents to be effeminate. As for your deportment, it may be that what you considered to be trying to project an air of can-do self-confidence, they misapprehended as arrogance.

They may have had a bias against your French name, too. Consider changing it to something like "Nancy Long." That and maybe hire a dialect coach.

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Squeak does touch on an interesting point. Being Brits, they may have had a cultural bias against your North American accent and general deportment. God knows why, but Brits sometimes consider North American accents and demeanor to be to be crass - much the way some (ok, many) Americans consider Brit accents to be effeminate. As for your deportment, it may be that what you considered to be trying to project an air of can-do self-confidence, they misapprehended as arrogance.

They may have had a bias against your French name, too. Consider changing it to something like "Nancy Long." That and maybe hire a dialect coach.

I was only half joking with my post. Many people do see Amercians as arrogant.
Culturally speaking, Brits and Aussies are more self deprecating, we tend to follow the Tall Poppy principle. Where North americans, tend to foster "Bigging themselves up", which is not a bad thing. But can be taken poorly by the likes of Brits and Aussies.

As for a name change, so with

Iris Pootowt

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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Nataly, I'm so sorry that this happened. Although you wanted so much to work for them, this may be for the best. If they are so quick to judge you so wrongly, it may have been a dream come true turned into a nightmare, if you had been hired.

The feedback was ego bruising rejection for anyone, so take what they said into consideration with a grain of salt. People are not always as honest and forthcoming of the truth as we expect them to be, especially in the work place. Above all, do not allow this to cut at your self-esteem.

When you find the right job at the right company, it will not be so emotionally difficult or confusing. When it's right, you will instantly click and know that it's right. Good luck, and cheer up! :)

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you came across as uninterested, arrogant and very unprofessional - it was a very definite NO.

So, this is definitely not a dropzone you're trying to get a job at.

Otherwise, I would expect to hear "you came across as uninterested, arrogant and very unprofessional - when can you start?"

Seriously, people read WAY too much into body language. It's hard to know what they picked up on, but I'm betting they were judging you on anything but what you actually said, or, more importantly, your credentials.
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I was only half joking with my post. Many people do see Amercians as arrogant.
Culturally speaking, Brits and Aussies are more self deprecating, we tend to follow the Tall Poppy principle. Where North americans, tend to foster "Bigging themselves up", which is not a bad thing. But can be taken poorly by the likes of Brits and Aussies.

Yeah; you know what? I had to look that expression up:



Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS) is a pejorative term used in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada to describe a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers. Alternatively someone is said to be a target of tall poppy syndrome when his or her assumption of a higher economic, social, or political position is actually presumptuous, attention seeking, or without merit.

I'll betcha that's exactly what happened to Nancy. Nataly. Whatever.

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One thing I have always done and recommend you do in this case is... At the very least send the company a thank you letter for the interview directly. This allows you to re-express your interest, and after read will hopefully be filed away for future employment opportunities if not now. Be sure to include the reasons why you would like to work for them and some specifics about the position. There is always also the rare chance they are testing your persistence and are waiting for such a follow-up response. In this case a well written letter may be better than a phone call. Phone calls lack the time/effort put into a written letter and are more easily forgotten. Be sure to address the letter to the 'higher-up' that would be ultimately hiring you. Good luck.
*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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Screw the agency, if ya want the job contact them!

Maybe the 'agency' has someone else they're pushing and are just getting you out of the way.

He's dead on the mark. Listen, I used to be a headhunter and I can tell you that it is not uncommon to come across one that is dishonest and unprofessional. The headhunter may be doing this for the above reason or any number of reasons. I have seen some crazy stuff in the past.

Go directly to the company and tell them that you are very interested in the position. Their response will tell you if the feedback was true.

If you were called back for a second interview 2 hours after the first one, you must have done something right, The feedback the headhunter gave you does not make sense.

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I'll call back tomorrow, but I asked for clarification because I was really surprised.. She just repeated exactly what she said and didn't want to discuss it further. .

I assume you are not talking about calling the headhunter back, right? Call the company directly.

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I wouldn't worry about it.
When I was looking to escape Chicago, and move to CO, this was my experience:

Company #1:
Telephone interview with several people.
Afterward the recruiter called back to say they were put off by my attitude
and the woman on the phone thought I was prejudiced against her.
For the life of my I have no idea what the hell they were talking about.
The conversation was perfectly pleasant.
It was like they were talking about an interview with someone else.

Company #2:
They made it clear up front that I would need to fly out to Denver for an in-person interview,
but only if the initial phone interview went well.
The main reason for the phone interview was that the most senior technical person on the
interview was located in TX and would not be available for the in-person interview.
The phone interview went well, (but that was what I thought about Company #1).[:/]
Just a few minutes after the call was over, the recruiter called:

Recruiter: "They want to know when you can start."

Me: "Huh??? What about the interview trip to Denver?"

Recruiter: "They said the hell with that. They want you ASAP.":D

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Thanks to everyone for the feedback.. I tried calling the agency this morning and they kind of back-tracked, but that wasn't very helpful either.. It didn't help me either way to know how much of the feedback I really should be concerned about..

I sent an email to the head of Finance (he was the decision-maker & the first person I interviewed with).. I just said thank you for the interview.. I was of course very disappointed that I was not the right candidate for this role, but I hoped that if something else came along they would consider me. I explained why I would love to work there and thanked them again for their time.

They've probably already hired someone else, so I'm sure nothing will come of it on this occasion.. At least I've tried and maybe, just maybe, somewhere down the road they will think of me again.

At least if I was misrepresented by the agency I've done my best to correct that. If they really thought I was a twat, I've probably just confirmed it regardless of what I wrote!! :D:D

*sigh*.. Day 1 of being unemployed.. I feel slightly depressed.

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Hey Nataly,

Don't worry about not getting the job. There are many people with double personalities and sometimes half a brain that are doing the hiring. You can usually tell by the string of questions they usually ask at the interview:

1) Why do you wanna work for the company... doh...for the money why else.
2) What are your biggest defects... Do you really expect people to tell you the truth...
3) Can we get a reference from your past employer? ...well if I quit my last job... do you think my employer has nice things to say about me?

I can go on and on. Anyways, we can't get rid of all the bad people in this world... just find another job :).


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*sigh*.. Day 1 of being unemployed.. I feel slightly depressed.

Really, anyone else not all that surprised:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: You strike me as a bit of a drama queen, constantly looking for the negatives in your life.
Or maybe you jusy like posting your negative here on Dizzy?
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Bottom line: if you came in as your usual self, and they though of you as un-interested and arrogant, it probably isnt a good fit . You may have heard that its a great company that you want to work with, but, their culture might be very different from what you heard.

Take it as a growing experience, and move on. As I said, if you were yourself, and they didnt like you, you would not have been happy there.

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