
Akward first date moments.

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How about having a pleasant first date and then having a random, idiotic hoodlum spit in your face? There's a big back story, but basically I was 16 and feeling confident and the hoodlum acted like an idiot - those combined weren't pretty.

Since it happened on BART (SF subway duh), right as the hoodlum was leaving the train, my date was ready to run after (and beat down) said hoodlum, but stayed with me as I was now a crumpled, crying mess.

We got back to the end station and I cleaned up. And what does my date decide to do in the BART parking lot as he opens my car door???
That's right, he kisses me. If the spitting wasn't weird enough, that kiss certainly was beyond awkward.

You know what? He was so sweet and protective of me that I could overlook the timing of our first kiss.....and he's now my husband. That happened 10 years ago this July and he still puts up with my shenanigans and is just as sweet as the day I met him. :)
Note - My husband wants me to add that he kissed me to make me feel better....still feel weird about it though. AWFUL timing!

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When the goodbye kiss you meant to plant on the lips gets deliberately diverted to the cheek.. Hmmm..

That happens to women too??

Well.. I don't know how common it is for women to make that first move.. But yes.. Happened to me once.
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Not sure if it quilifies as a first date, but it was the first day we met, and the first time we had sex, Her husband was sound asleep in the bed next to us!


How about the kid brother napping on the floor next to the bed?:S

I remember when I was 19 one date telling me that she was out of my league. She was right, but I was on a date with her, at least once. Got the kiss on the cheek.;)B|

Not my date, but someone else's. When I was 18. I was walking down the street when I saw a Ford Galaxie driving in circles in reverse. As I got closer, I could see there was no one in the car, but there was a young man in a powder blue tuxedo, with his date in her prom dress, standing at the curb watching it in disbelief. Being young and stupid, I ran inside the car's circle, opened the driver's door on one pass, then dove in and stopped it the next time around.

Being a gearhead and a Ford fan, I had heard about the factory recall to fix a problem these cars had with slipping into reverse when parked with the engine running. I pulled the car to the curb, expecting a "thanks" and a chance to explain the problem. Instead the young kid was in shock and just kept repeating "It's my father's car.":D:D Oh well, I had fun.:)

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Not sure if it quilifies as a first date, but it was the first day we met, and the first time we had sex, Her husband was sound asleep in the bed next to us!

To me, that was Akward!

They slept in separate beds in the same room? That's a little fucking weird. B|
Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

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They slept in separate beds in the same room? That's a little fucking weird. B|

It was Ricky and Lucy Ricardo.:P

Haha ... I guess it had to have been. I can't think of anyone else who does shit like that.
Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

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Not sure if it quilifies as a first date, but it was the first day we met, and the first time we had sex, Her husband was sound asleep in the bed next to us!

To me, that was Akward!

They slept in separate beds in the same room? That's a little fucking weird. B|

Nope same bed, he was right there! She poked him a coupel times to show me how sound he sleeps!:D

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I'm not sure which would be creepier for her.

The fact that you turned "Bad Touch" up and sang along with it on a first date...

Or the fact that you know enough of the words to sing along with it in the first place:o:D:D:D

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I'm not sure which would be creepier for her.

The fact that you turned "Bad Touch" up and sang along with it on a first date...

Or the fact that you know enough of the words to sing along with it in the first place:o:D:D:D

He rick Rolls himself on a daily basis . . .
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Ordering for both of us and not realizing just exactly what Crablegs Cacciatore really is.

It wound up with us both having to go home to shower and change clothes...her first.

Fortunately, her parents thought it was hilarious and even recalled it on our wedding day.

My Dad's comment..."dumbass!"
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This one wasn't a first date, but a first time "meeting the parents"...

So I brought my British then-boyfriend home to meet my folks.. Whilst bending over to take off his shoes, my mother said to me "oh Natalie, you're right - he *does* have a cute bum" and she SQUEEZED HIS BUM!!!

As if that wasn't enough to mortify the poor bastard, once recovered from the assault, he politely asked where my father was.. To which my mom replied (with a completely straight face): "oh.. He's upstairs, cleaning his gun."

My dad doesn't own a gun..

I'm surprised the guy didn't run away screaming!! :D:D

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I'm not sure which would be creepier for her.

The fact that you turned "Bad Touch" up and sang along with it on a first date...

Or the fact that you know enough of the words to sing along with it in the first place:o:D:D:D

Dude who doesnt sing along to that song??? Its fucking hilarious! :D:D:D
Why not?
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I'm not sure which would be creepier for her.

The fact that you turned "Bad Touch" up and sang along with it on a first date...

Or the fact that you know enough of the words to sing along with it in the first place:o:D:D:D

Dude who doesnt sing along to that song??? Its fucking hilarious! :D:D:D

I sing along with it too.

The Bloodhound Gang is great.

But that isn't something I would consider appropriate "first date" conversation material;)
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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To which my mom replied (with a completely straight face): "oh.. He's upstairs, cleaning his gun."


I actually had a dad brandish a .357 magnum, just short of pointing it at me. :o Being only 19 I didn't really pay it any attention. I was too busy thinking about his daughter.:P

I lived in Utah for most of my dating years. Every dad had guns,:D

Your mom sounds like a lot of fun, great sense of humour. :)

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Your mom sounds like a lot of fun, great sense of humour. :)

Yeah - my mom's very cool B|

And as if that wasn't enough to traumatise the poor boy, the next morning she asked how he had slept & he politely answered "very well, thank you".. She then said with a whole lot of innuendo and a wink: "I bet you did.."!!

He didn't tell me that until years later and he still blushed when he said it!! :D:D Guess she can spot someone who's easily embarrassed from a mile away!! :D
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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Not really a first date...but first time my current girlfriend met my mom and stepdad was interesting.

My mom and stepdad spend half their time in Cali and half in boofoo KY. There is NOTHING to do there. So, when i go back for the weekends i typically take someone with me to keep me entertained. (wink wink) It's pretty much a weekend of hot tubbing, drinking, and sex and drug use. Ok, just kidding...sort of ;)

Anyway although my parents never approved but they never told me not to either. So I had been seeing my current gf for about 3 weeks at this time and I had a trip coming up so I brought her along. Everything is going normal, my family is being kind of stand offish because they figure this is just "another" girl. Well we have wine at dinner and after dinner my stepdad asked me to make some Lemoncello Martini's. Well, I guess my recipe is a bit different than what he is used to. (3 oz Vodka 1 oz Lemoncello) So he knocks back 2 and gets kinda tipsy. On top of this he is diabetic and his blood sugar drops so we proceed to have some fun at his expense as he is obviously slurring his words and not making a lot of sense. Before i even saw it coming he blindsided me. I asked my girl if she wanted to get int he hot tub. My stepdad looks right at her and basically says something along the lines of Joe does this frequently with lots of women so she might wanna get herself checked. >:(

Fortunately I was able to blame the incident on the alcohol dropping his blood sugar and we've never mentioned this incident again.

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OMG - that's hilarious!! :D:D

My dad says when he met my mom's folks for the first time her mother looked him up and down and said: "this isn't the same boy as last time!" :D:D:D Ah ha ha!!

They've been married for almost 33 years now, so I guess he got over it! :D

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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1) I love that song!
Sing it with me bitches!
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
Do it again now
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
Gettin' horny now
This song should be blasting at every DZ....that and Blur Song 2

2) I've had some odd dates, some good, some bad, some...just not right! My latest ones, i got my "unit" grabbed. No joke! straight up having coffee....at a small coffee house and she went for it right under the table. I mean what do you say? "Ms? Pardon me can you please let go of my twig?"
Worst was the one before, again having coffee, half way into my cup and enjoying the fact that I'm sitting across from this gorgeous girl and she has the most gorgeous gray eyes...she says "I want to have kids....in two years...if you are not that kind of man then we can't talk." I mean who says that?.....(hint women in their early 30's! stay away from them.)
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half way into my cup and enjoying the fact that I'm sitting across from this gorgeous girl and she has the most gorgeous gray eyes...she says "I want to have kids....in two years...if you are not that kind of man then we can't talk." I mean who says that?.....(hint women in their early 30's! stay away from them.)

Wow.. Indeed.. What do you say to that?!! Maybe something like "check please"!! :D:D At least she got straight to the point & didn't waste time with someone who doesn't have the same goals! :P:ph34r:
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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When the goodbye kiss you meant to plant on the lips gets deliberately diverted to the cheek.. Hmmm..

Yeah, you have to be prepared for that :)
But sometimes it's more about their personal preference than about you. Different context, but some of my female friends kiss me on the lips when we meet, others on the cheek. If you're not sure which way it's going to go, just a moment's hesitation will let the other person make the decision!

Unless they're using the same strategy, in which case it can get really uncomfortable.

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I'm not sure which would be creepier for her.

The fact that you turned "Bad Touch" up and sang along with it on a first date...

very true!

Or the fact that you know enough of the words to sing along with it in the first place:o:D:D:D

Dude who doesnt sing along to that song??? Its fucking hilarious! :D:D:D

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