
Does anyone else miss the X FILES?

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Every Sunday night I'd curl up in front of the phosphorescent glow of the television, turn off the lights and settle in for a good ghost story. Or at least our modern equivalent of one.

The thing I liked about the X-Files was that it was like a box of chocolates; ya never knew what you were going to get. Ya didn't know if it was going to be funny or conspiratorial or just flat out scary.

As for Scully being "hot", ya really had to love the way the character changed from the early episodes to the later ones. Does anybody remember a PBS series called something like "Math Police"? It always struck me that Scully in the early days was dressed and even acted a bit like that.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It's still on re-runs, I know one weekend I got sucked into a marathon and was up till like 2 am watching it. I loved the episodes where you didn't know what kind of creature/bug/slime they would run in to. The last few seasons when it was just alien stuff was when I quit watching originally, it just got kind of old.
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I miss the word play and chemistry between Scully and Mulder. The alien conspiracy did get a old after a while. One of my favorite episodes is the one where Scully and Mulder go into the haunted house on Chrismas Eve and get tricked into thinking they shot each other.

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After that song from the Bare Naked Ladies where they said "watching X-files with no lights on" I had an X-Files party at my place every week, with no lights on. Yes I was a dork

Bloodhound Gang's "Bad Touch" is better with the lyric "we can do it doggy style so we can both watch X-files."


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Bloodhound Gang's "Bad Touch" is better with the lyric "we can do it doggy style so we can both watch X-files

i swear that's not what the x-files refrence in my sigline is about.........:):):):PB|

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Every Sunday night I'd curl up in front of the phosphorescent glow of the television, turn off the lights and settle in for a good ghost story. Or at least our modern equivalent of one.

The thing I liked about the X-Files was that it was like a box of chocolates; ya never knew what you were going to get. Ya didn't know if it was going to be funny or conspiratorial or just flat out scary.

As for Scully being "hot", ya really had to love the way the character changed from the early episodes to the later ones. Does anybody remember a PBS series called something like "Math Police"? It always struck me that Scully in the early days was dressed and even acted a bit like that.

I remember that show! they had calculators instead of guns! and it was very Dragnet with the music as well....great show!

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makes me think that she huffs insect repellent

You people in CO are just plain weird...

Now who among us has never dug up a 5 year old thread before?:|

(Oh, and I watched the entire X Files series on DVD a couple years ago.)
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Since the thread has already been exhumed...

I used to love The X Files. It was a bit patchy, and like most shows of its kind they dragged out the underlying 'mystery' for too long and it got tedious (see also Twin Peaks, Lost et al). It was also highly derivative (plots were lifted wholesale from movies like The Thing) - but at its best, it was great.

I don't think people realise how groundbreaking it was in terms of production values. Around that time most TV shows looked cheap, but with The X Files they made an effort to film every episode as though it were a mini movie.

Oh, and the title sequence and music were a bit cheesy, but that was part of the appeal.

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(Oh, and I watched the entire X Files series on DVD a couple years ago.)

I don't know if it's that we have better shows now, or that I am older and have higher standards, but I watched a re-run of X-files at a hotel in Atlanta once, and I thought it was pretty lame. Or maybe it's that I don't have television at home, so I've not been conditioned to mind-numbing writing.

Edit - I used to love watching the X-files, when it was in production.
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