
Are you responsible for someone else's crush on you?

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A hypothetical situation, but I'm sure we've all been there (either as the lov-er or the lov-ee!!)...

So someone has a crush on you. You are not interested in them, but they continue to harbour feelings for you.

Question: do you play a part in their continuing attraction toward you?

Edited: spelling! oops!
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A hypothetical situation, but I'm sure we've all been there (either as the lov-er or the lov-ee!!)...

So someone has a crush on you. You are not interested in them, but they continue to harbour feelings for you.

Question: do you play a part in their continuing attraction toward you?

Edited: spelling! oops!

I voted for no..... with a HUGE caveat..... you CAN make it known to them that there is no chance in hell even if it freezes over and have them direct their attentions to someone willing to put up with stalking behavior.>:(>:(

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I voted for no..... with a HUGE caveat..... you CAN make it known to them that there is no chance in hell even if it freezes over and have them direct their attentions to someone willing to put up with stalking behavior.>:(>:(

I created the vote, so I'm clearly biased... I think if someone continues to have a crush on you, it's usually *mostly* because feelings are hard to turn off... But I think it's also quite common for people to encourage the person either because it suits them or because they don't want to hurt the other person's feelings. Either way, I think encouraging someone or stringing them along is either selfish or else misguided - you're not doing them any good...

But I'm curious as to what other people think...
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
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I voted for no..... with a HUGE caveat..... you CAN make it known to them that there is no chance in hell even if it freezes over and have them direct eir attentions to someone willing to put up with stalking behavior.>:(>:(

I created the vote, so I'm clearly biased... I think if someone continues to have a crush on you, it's usually *mostly* because feelings are hard to turn off... But I think it's also quite common for people to encourage the person either because it suits them or because they don't want to hurt the other person's feelings. Either way, I think encouraging someone or stringing them along is either selfish or else misguided - you're not doing them any good...

But I'm curious as to what other people think...

The don't want to hurt them thing is pure bullshit. More like don't want to deal with it. Do they really think not being straight with someone hurts them less when they eventually find out?

Been on both sides but when I'm the crushee I make my feelings perfectly clear. Should they continue to pursue afterwards, it's probably time to disassociate with them or at least scale way back.
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The don't want to hurt them thing is pure bullshit.

I agree with everything you said apart from this statement.. Some people are just big softies - not like you or me! :D:D But they are still misguided.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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I don't start threads about you![:/]

I said it was hypothetical... Was I so transparent??! :D:P
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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The don't want to hurt them thing is pure bullshit.

I agree with everything you said apart from this statement.. Some people are just big softies - not like you or me! :D:D But they are still misguided.

And some people like the ego boost.

People are responsible for their own feelings and their own actions. If I have a crush on somebody it is up to me to act on it. If attraction is not reciprocal, it is up to me to move on. Not always easy.

If you encourage a crush from somebody you aren't interested in, that is just cruel.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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I have a lot of experience dealing with this very issue as I am an AFF instructor. I think the best way is just to tell them straight out that you're not interested, then strip and have monkey sex with them. They will become so confused that they will just wander away and everything will be okay.
John Wright

World's most beloved skydiver

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The don't want to hurt them thing is pure bullshit.

I agree with everything you said apart from this statement.. Some people are just big softies - not like you or me! :D:D But they are still misguided.

And some people like the ego boost.

People are responsible for their own feelings and their own actions. If I have a crush on somebody it is up to me to act on it. If attraction is not reciprocal, it is up to me to move on. Not always easy.

If you encourage a crush from somebody you aren't interested in, that is just cruel.

True, true mate.
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If you encourage a crush from somebody you aren't interested in, that is just cruel.

True, true mate.

But.. Who then is going to take care of doing all my unpleasant shit like laundry, dishes, homework, etc.? And who is going to water my plants? And pay for my meals, and take me to the cinema? And buy me jewellery and gifts? Should I just give all of those important things up because it's cruel?? :ph34r::P
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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You are responsible for your own feelings. You are also responsible for your actions. If you know someone else has feelings toward you, you are responsible for how you respond. If you encourage it for selfish reasons, you are selfish.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Adults use red/green conversational flags to invite/reject attention. Mostly, it is how they guide the conversation.

"I wish I could find someone who genuinely cares..."
"I am such a party girl. My last b/f couldn't handle my wild side."
"I've been everywhere and done anything. I don't want a man who is clingy."
"I go to the gym everyday, I can't get my butt firmer."
(please, let's discuss my butt)


"Yes, my b/f likes to go to that place too."
"...yes, but back to work - on paragraph 4."

Most women are pretty obvious about their intentions.
Most don't give guys the time of day unless they are interested.

As a guy, I look for the flags.
I really doubt that most adults don't understand this.

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..... you CAN make it known to them that there is no chance in hell even if it freezes over and have them direct their attentions to someone willing to put up with stalking behavior.>:(>:(

Well, hell, why didn't you just come out and tell me? I can take a hint.
My reality and yours are quite different.
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..... you CAN make it known to them that there is no chance in hell even if it freezes over and have them direct their attentions to someone willing to put up with stalking behavior.>:(>:(

Well, hell, why didn't you just come out and tell me? I can take a hint.

Awww Andy......

But see you sir are a gentleman.:)You realize that almost half of the population of the planet is the opposite sex.... chances are there is someone out there for everyone. When it does not work out most people move on .

Others.. not so much.

Some guys get absofuckinglutely psycotic if a woman they "want" rejects their "attentions".. but they can be cured very very easily of that crap.

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Some guys get absofuckinglutely psycotic if a woman they "want" rejects their "attentions".. but they can be cured very very easily of that crap.

I'm sure there are psycho women as well... But I think the stalking kind of behaviour you describe falls outside what most people would consider "normal". I think in some cases they won't take the hint no matter what you do. :S
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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I voted "Yes" because I thought you were saving yourself for ME... N@t!!???!!!

That's right, honey.. But not until you've finished your list of chores! >:(
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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