
Coworker..anyone know

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I have the same problem at my work except I'm the one who is always cold. Remember, it is just as uncomfortable to be cold than it is to be hot. She is probably just as miserable.

At my job I don't have the option to just wear more layers. But I do have a lot of downtime when my pts are sleeping so I usually do laps just to keep warm. I usually average about 6 miles a night. If she has any downtime you can suggest this to her.

And please don't be mean to her!!! I am really miserable when it is cold. And 70 to me is freezing. It sucks working when you are physically uncomfortable. It sucks for both of you.

Dress for the cold. Is that so hard. This may not be you but I've seen people have the temp adjusted warmer for them when they are wearing short sleeved shirts and skirts. Should I strip down if it's too warm?


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I can totally understand that problem....happens here all the time in the office :S

If you are working in a medical office I assume that you have electronics and medical equipment that is 'suggested' to remain below a certain temperature. If it gets to 80º in there, it may reduce the lifetime of the equipment. Our lab in back has to be no higher than 76º otherwise some of our expensive microscopes will start failing. When they start to go, our maintenance costs go WAY up!

Hope this helps, and good luck!


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Yes, it is so hard. Did you not read my reply? I wear the same thing to work everyday and don't have the option to add more clothes. (Long sleeve shirt under scrubs and a lab coat) And yes, I'm still freezing.

Sorry, I did miss you saying you can’t add layers and I wasn’t talking specifically to you. When I was younger I worked at a factory that produced ceramic tile. Kilns burning at 2000 degrees. We actually stood on the kiln cars to unload them. They were still hot enough that the soles of you shoes would get sticky. The factory roof had windows that could be opened. More often than not when we would open them someone in another department would have a supervisor close them because they were chilly in their short sleeved shirts. Them putting something warmer on was not an option but they weren’t real wild about me getting naked either.

Just trying to be helpful but maybe you need to take a look at the layers you have on. WARM This stuff is fantastic. I wear it jumping, riding cycle (I’ve been on the bike when it has been as low as 8 deg. fahrenheit) and to the office. Sometimes it is too warm.


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how to fix my problem?

It is a thermostat fight again and I am tired of playing the damn game of I make it cooler and she makes it hotter. A medical office should not be 80 damn degrees!! >:(

Just out of curiosity, is there a reason doctors offices are always freezing? The patients aren't always in a position to put on more layers.

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I would LOVE that job!! I'd finally be warm!!

Thanks for the link. I actually have a ton of under armour I wear for jumping. I commute on my bike to work year round (18 miles) and it gets COLD! I will be in Vail next week and it is something like 20 degrees there now. So I certainly know how to dress for the cold, but at work it is sometimes more of a challenge. That stuff looks like it may be good for work. I'll look into it.

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I would LOVE that job!! I'd finally be warm!!

Thanks for the link. I actually have a ton of under armour I wear for jumping. I commute on my bike to work year round (18 miles) and it gets COLD! I will be in Vail next week and it is something like 20 degrees there now. So I certainly know how to dress for the cold, but at work it is sometimes more of a challenge. That stuff looks like it may be good for work. I'll look into it.

Bike? Or Motorcycle?

If motorcycle, one of our members at Neds is an expert in cold weather gear, (she is a woman too, so nto mens clothes) She rides ten times the miles a year that I do !

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Bike? Or Motorcycle?

If motorcycle, one of our members at Neds is an expert in cold weather gear, (she is a woman too, so nto mens clothes) She rides ten times the miles a year that I do !

Ha! I'm not nearly as cool as your wife!! Regualr bike:(

Edit: oops, I read that as your wife.

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My grad student office is in this room whose heat stops after about an hour after it comes on. So from about 11am on, there is no heat. None. Nadda. In the afternoon and evening the room LITERALLY gets BELOW 60 degrees everyday:S. You can only layer so much before you start looking like a ridiculous marshmallow. We are also not allowed to have space heaters! Its torture.

Yay for higher ed not having enough funding anymore for proper building maintenance!!!:|

And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
D.S. #8.8

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My grad student office is in this room whose heat stops after about an hour after it comes on. So from about 11am on, there is no heat. None. Nadda. In the afternoon and evening the room LITERALLY gets BELOW 60 degrees everyday:S. You can only layer so much before you start looking like a ridiculous marshmallow. We are also not allowed to have space heaters! Its torture.

Yay for higher ed not having enough funding anymore for proper building maintenance!!!:|

Put in very large, inefficient, old lights.... ones that pump out a crapload of waste heat. It's not a space heater, just some equipment! You gotta have reading lights....Maybe some heatlamps from tractor Supply....

Jump more, post less!

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Any chance she has a medical condition, like MS or something like that, which makes her extremely susceptible to an exacerbation like symptoms or something if she can't keep her body temp feeling comfortable?

I struggled with that ALL FUCKING SUMMER!

That would make me think why the management would want to help her out that way. And they don't have to explain it to anyone with the privacy laws.

I don't know,... just throwing that out there
Always be kinder than you feel.

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Bike? Or Motorcycle?

If motorcycle, one of our members at Neds is an expert in cold weather gear, (she is a woman too, so nto mens clothes) She rides ten times the miles a year that I do !

Ha! I'm not nearly as cool as your wife!! Regualr bike:(

Edit: oops, I read that as your wife.

Nope, she doesn;t do cold weather, My old pal Night*Sky is the Iron butt rider, (literally, she is a member of the iron butt club)

This is N*S, when I hooked up with her in Oregon...she rides the wheels off her bikes, wore this one out since this picture was taken..


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how to fix my problem?

It is a thermostat fight again and I am tired of playing the damn game of I make it cooler and she makes it hotter. A medical office should not be 80 damn degrees!! >:(

I sometimes work a location w/a number of Asian employees. They feel that 85 degrees is a comfortable work temperature. I brought it to the manager's attention. They were threatened w/a lock being placed on the thermostat. That worked for a while. I've been working there again a lot, lately. They actually just tried it again, today. This is a health care facility. I warned them once. Twice, & a lock will go on it. Wear a sweater, or go back to India.

My understanding is that OSHA doesn't regulate office temperature. They only give guidelines. The guidelines are http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=INTERPRETATIONS&p_id=24602

Someone also made a good point about medical equipment overheating. The same can be said for office PCs & the like. You can cook circuit boards easier. If all else fails? Go w/the flip flops & bikini briefs:P.

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I would LOVE that job!! I'd finally be warm!!

Thanks for the link. I actually have a ton of under armour I wear for jumping. I commute on my bike to work year round (18 miles) and it gets COLD! I will be in Vail next week and it is something like 20 degrees there now. So I certainly know how to dress for the cold, but at work it is sometimes more of a challenge. That stuff looks like it may be good for work. I'll look into it.

Sounds like you need to eat some more bacon and sasusage and beef up a bit.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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You overlooked the best option:
1. Get a new hidden thermostat installed, and rewire the heating system to use it.
2. Leave the (now useless) original thermostat for her to play with.

I've heard this is a popular option for husbands whose wives are going through menopause.:ph34r:

*major headslap*

Why didn't I think of that years ago?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Sounds like you need to eat some more bacon and sasusage and beef up a bit.

Damn, and here I thought hitting the gym 5 times a week would bulk up these scrawny arms. From now on, it's bacon!!

I'll be Gym.

How should I dress?:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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cowrker go a write up today!!!!

She is not patching thru- calls to me and telling people I am not allowed personal calls. My mgr was here in the office and witnessed first hand how she talks to me and heard her tell two people calling I was not allowed the calls. Then heard her take 3 calls from her boyfriend and kids.

I hope they FIRE HER MOODY ASS!!
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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cowrker go a write up today!!!!

She is not patching thru- calls to me and telling people I am not allowed personal calls. My mgr was here in the office and witnessed first hand how she talks to me and heard her tell two people calling I was not allowed the calls. Then heard her take 3 calls from her boyfriend and kids.

I hope they FIRE HER MOODY ASS!!

In this economy - one would think they would be more careful with their employment.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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