
What's in your Garden?

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This is a near complete list of this years garden

Everbearing Cucumber SMR58 - (Cucumis sativus),
Long Purple Italian Eggplant - (Solanum melongena),
American Flag Leek/Giant Musselburg - (Allium ampeloprasum),
Borrettana - Cippolini Italian Onion - (Allium cepa),
Terroir Seeds Gourmet Radish Blend - (Raphanus sativus),
Amish Paste Tomato - (Lycopersicon lycopersicum),
San Marzano Tomato - (Lycopersicon lycopersicum),
Mrs. Benson's Tomato - (Lycopersicon lycopersicum),
Along with this I am doing acorn squash, zucchini, sugar pumpkins, ancient red peppers, red bell peppers, arugula, purple Italian green beans, green onions, dill, sweet basil, lemon basil, purple basil, genovese basil, oregano, thyme, sage, cayenne peppers, anaheim peppers, french tarragon, garlic chives, celery, Fuji apples, plums, Transylvanian garlic, Sicilian garlic, napa cabbage, cabbage, all kinds of lettuce, spinach, swiss chard, 4 kind of heirloom carrots, peas,zucchini and a few other things I cant think of right now.

So what are you growing?

Veggie prices are going really high this year due to inflation and fuel, plus the stuff in the stores is awful.

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Dude, seriously, you're asking skydivers what they're growing in their "garden?"

Yeah, we have a few different tomato plants, jalapenos, cucumbers and some other stuff. The garden is my wife's world, I just operate the weed-eater attachment tiller.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Dude, seriously, you're asking skydivers what they're growing in their "garden?"

So what...I think that's awesome!

Have you guys seen the pics of Amazons winter snow roses...f'ing awesome!
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Dude, seriously, you're asking skydivers what they're growing in their "garden?"

So what...I think that's awesome!

Have you guys seen the pics of Amazons winter snow roses...f'ing awesome!

Is that some sort of new term that the kids are using for an abandoned travel trailer in the woods of the rainy pacific northwest that has been converted to a meth lab? Snow roses...what will those wacky kids think of next?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Dude, seriously, you're asking skydivers what they're growing in their "garden?"

So what...I think that's awesome!

Have you guys seen the pics of Amazons winter snow roses...f'ing awesome!

Is that some sort of new term that the kids are using for an abandoned travel trailer in the woods of the rainy pacific northwest that has been converted to a meth lab? Snow roses...what will those wacky kids think of next?


I love you Dave...:D

No...I'm not gay, and yes...I still hate cops!;)
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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I'm new to gardening...I just put down from seed 5 different hot peppers, red and green bell peppers, 2 tomatoe and several herbs. Have some others to seed as our season gets closer

Sofar 144 jiffy peat thingys started....the herbs and tomatoes have all sprouted but the peppers are making me nervous...house temp is 4 deg C lower then optimal (21 instead of 25)

My goal is to make my own hot sauce :)

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Right now about 3" of new snow >:(

I'll get little 3"-4" plants next month when the stores set up their "Garden Departments". They'll sit in my kitchen window until Memorial Day. This far north I really can't put anything in the ground until then.

Little tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, brussels sprouts. Maybe some spinach.

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Dude, seriously, you're asking skydivers what they're growing in their "garden?"

So what...I think that's awesome!

Have you guys seen the pics of Amazons winter snow roses...f'ing awesome!

Is that some sort of new term that the kids are using for an abandoned travel trailer in the woods of the rainy pacific northwest that has been converted to a meth lab? Snow roses...what will those wacky kids think of next?

Dave Dave Dave....

I still had roses in late Nov till the snows came to my house..:)

Flower garden is already blooming with Daffodils and Tulips... a LOT more varieties to come... columbines and a few lillies as well as iris are all breaking ground. The peony's are about 6" high ande even some of the roses are sending up new growth as are the dahlia's:)

This year... veggie garden... 3 types of cukes... 4 varieties of tomatos, taters, 5 types of squash, 2 varieties of taro root, watermelons... all in the dirt in the starter greenhouse. More to comeaswe get closer to planting time.

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Right now...still f'ing snow!>:(

Me too. About 4 feet of it. At this rate, I won't GET a garden in! And the upside down tom plants are probably a distant memory since the roof of the deck came down from all the snow last month! No where for them to hide from the frost (that's inevitable for us into the latter part of May)!

Oh well, I'll do my best and hope that it warms up enough for at least the tom plants - and some old sheets to cover them just in case!

Lettuce should make it in the garden, even if I plant in June.

MAYBE I'll plant some swiss chard and beets too. At least the greens are yummy if the beets don't grow.


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Right now...still f'ing snow!>:(

Me too. About 4 feet of it. At this rate, I won't GET a garden in! And the upside down tom plants are probably a distant memory since the roof of the deck came down from all the snow last month! No where for them to hide from the frost (that's inevitable for us into the latter part of May)!

Oh well, I'll do my best and hope that it warms up enough for at least the tom plants - and some old sheets to cover them just in case!

Lettuce should make it in the garden, even if I plant in June.

MAYBE I'll plant some swiss chard and beets too. At least the greens are yummy if the beets don't grow.


Try one of these to get things going.... it does not take much of a lightbulb inside it to keep the frost away...


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Right now...still f'ing snow!>:(

Me too. About 4 feet of it. At this rate, I won't GET a garden in! And the upside down tom plants are probably a distant memory since the roof of the deck came down from all the snow last month! No where for them to hide from the frost (that's inevitable for us into the latter part of May)!

Oh well, I'll do my best and hope that it warms up enough for at least the tom plants - and some old sheets to cover them just in case!

Lettuce should make it in the garden, even if I plant in June.

MAYBE I'll plant some swiss chard and beets too. At least the greens are yummy if the beets don't grow.


Try one of these to get things going.... it does not take much of a lightbulb inside it to keep the frost away...


I've thought about those but with the dogs having access to the deck, they'd get into it, which is why I have the upside down hangers for the toms.

But thanks. One day, maybe ... when they stop eating plants ... :D

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You could always get a few feet of 4' high fencing and 4 T-Posts to surround your greenhouse... to make an enclosure to keep the puppies out

Just sayin

Well, the garden is actually two planters - about 3-1/2' high x 6' long x 2' deep - so they can't actually get into those. It's the FROST that's an issue. I tried covering them this past fall and I still had frost damage.

Guess I'll just HOPE it warms up!!!

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So, you've got a green thumb, Warpie? Do you think you could grow some of these? http://www.chilefoundry.co.uk/2010/11/08/naga-viper-sauce-aka-terminator-reviewed-by-darth-naga/

I realize you're not near the equator. So, the peppers won't be quite as hot. I bet they'd still be pretty good, though. I have a couple bottles of sauce made w/the former world record holder: Naga Jolokia (1 million+ scovillesB|). Sick to say, but I've gotten used to the heat. I don't particularly care for the taste of that pepper, though. They had bad weather wherever they grow those peppers. They ran out of the Naga Viper sauce because of it I haven't been able to order any. >1.3 million scovilles:P. I gotta get some!!

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