
Should I give in to Facebook?

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I have heretofore managed to live my life without a Facebook account. In some ways, I'm proud of that fact. I like that I'm not anchored to my Facebook page 24/7 like many of my friends and coworkers. I also feel like I've held out for so long that I've achieved something; what, I have no idea; just accomplished something.

But, I'm feeling more and more disconnected, especially now that I'm 2240 miles away from my old friends and family. It would be an easy way to keep up with everyone.

Waddaya think?

Elvisio "another quality Bonfire thread bought to you by:" Rodriguez

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I have heretofore managed to live my life without a Facebook account. In some ways, I'm proud of that fact. I like that I'm not anchored to my Facebook page 24/7 like many of my friends and coworkers.

But, I'm feeling more and more disconnected, especially now that I'm 2240 miles away from my old friends and family. It would be an easy way to keep up with everyone.

Waddaya think?

Elvisio "another quality Bonfire thread bought to you by:" Rodriguez

You can "doooo eet"

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Best thing about Facebook is keeping in touch.

I'm in New Zealand, and keeping in touch with my old Mother, Auntie, cousins tec in Canada.
Also keep in touch with friends in The US and also in Australia were I lived in the 80s.

Second best thing is reconnecting with people you haven't been in touch with for years.

Doesn't have to be a full time 24/7 commitment either

Bad thing about Facebook is the amount of bougus applications which will bombard you with crap and if you don't set it up right.
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Do it. But understand that for each farm-ville and mafia wars invite you send me, a baby seal is clubbed to death.

I just block the damn things

Why...you got somethin' against clubbing baby seals?

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Do it. But understand that for each farm-ville and mafia wars invite you send me, a baby seal is clubbed to death.

I just block the damn things

Why...you got somethin' against clubbing baby seals?

Darlin if that is what floats yer boat.... you can go clubbing with all the baby seals you want next time you are in Sandy Eggo:ph34r:

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Do it. But understand that for each farmville and mafia wars invite you send me, a baby seal is clubbed to death.

I just block the damn things

I do too, but every day a stupid new game is launched and people start playing them. So every day I'm blocking a new game...and clubbing baby seals.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Fuck facebook. You got email, and a cell phone with unlimited minutes, long distance and texts? You can keep in touch with anyone worth keeping in touch with.

All facebook will do is get you to reduce the amount of time you spend in contact with important people because you'll be too busy with all the 'noise' from everyone on facebook who's a friend of the guy you friended because he knows a guy you know, and he has a funny picture of said guy.

Quality, not quantity.

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Do it. But understand thatfor each farm-ville and mafia wars invite you send me, a baby seal is clubbed to death.

I just block the damn things :S
Why...you got somethin' against clubbing baby seals?

That's not right... allowing baby seals in clubs! :o[:/]


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Fuck facebook. You got email, and a cell phone with unlimited minutes, long distance and texts? You can keep in touch with anyone worth keeping in touch with.


I tried facebook in 2008 -- lasted for 3 days. Last year I tried again, for three months. Then I realized my pre-facebook life was far simpler when co-workers were upset with me for not having friended them after a few days (I didn't log in for a few days).

Then I visited some friends in Europe that I kept in touch with via facebook. One of them had 600+ friends. I hadn't seen her in years, and she sat at a table at the cafe with my friends, and hardly said a word because she was on her iPhone facebook app the whole time, keeping busy with her 600+ friends. This was the same person who would update her status on Facebook every hour with one useless thought after another.

In any case, maybe you should give it a try -- you might be one of the vast majority of people who likes it. I have many real-life friends who do.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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But, I'm feeling more and more disconnected, especially now that I'm 2240 miles away from my old friends and family. It would be an easy way to keep up with everyone.

Although there's good reasons to avoid Facebook, I think you've answered your own question.

It's all about moderation, and adjusting your privacy settings to suit.

P.S. Tip for people who generally avoid Facebook: Be selective of who you friend, to minimize distractions. You have to decide whether or not to friend skydivers or not (who you've only met once or a few times). There are reasons you might want to avoid friending skydivers. 80%-90% of my Facebook friends are skydivers I've only met once, the other 10% are close friends, etc. Nothing wrong with having many skydiver friends, but if you're avoiding Facebook and you are joining it for the sole reason of staying in touch with friends/family, then you need to come up with a friending policy of your own, and stick to it. Personally, I've decided to friend skydivers who send me friend requests, as long as I've met them at a bigway event at least once. But you might not want to, if you're more selective with Facebook.

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I have family. I have people I work with. I have skydiver friends. I have non-skydiver friends. These groups are separate and there are reasons for that.

If I created a facebook page I would want to set the privacy settings to disallow anyone to write on my wall, disallow anyone to send me anything but private messages, disallow anyone to see an entire list of my friends, and disallow anyone to tag me in any photos. I don't even know if those options exist and I don't care because at that point it would be another e-mail address that people would have to bug me to allow them to use... which is idiotic.

/edited to add...

...and while I'm ranting. I have an unlimited data plan on my cell phone. I can use it for Pandora, Netflix, Google Maps, web browsing, games, booking flights, and a great e-mail interface that's easy to use, search, and stays synced up at all times with my computer.

I do NOT have an unlimited text messaging plan. I do not WANT an unlimited text messaging plan that costs nearly as much as the data plan I already have so that I can send and receive tons of little shitty four word e-mails with a crappier interface. All you mass-text, reply-all-text, and can't-get-a-complete-fucking-thought-out-in-less-than-four-messages people (you know who you are) should be ashamed of yourselves. It's like buying a stack of greeting cards from Hallmark at $2 a pop to write your grocery lists on.


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Fuck facebook. You got email, and a cell phone with unlimited minutes, long distance and texts? You can keep in touch with anyone worth keeping in touch with.


I tried facebook in 2008 -- lasted for 3 days. Last year I tried again, for three months. Then I realized my pre-facebook life was far simpler when co-workers were upset with me for not having friended them after a few days (I didn't log in for a few days).

Then I visited some friends in Europe that I kept in touch with via facebook. One of them had 600+ friends. I hadn't seen her in years, and she sat at a table at the cafe with my friends, and hardly said a word because she was on her iPhone facebook app the whole time, keeping busy with her 600+ friends. This was the same person who would update her status on Facebook every hour with one useless thought after another.

In any case, maybe you should give it a try -- you might be one of the vast majority of people who likes it. I have many real-life friends who do.

if phone, email and text allow you to keep in touch, more power to you.. but fact is you are living in the dark ages..

Jumps from a boogie in Europe? I see video within an hour, pictures of new family? same. Updates to blogs, groups, musicians, current events, happen (because of my friends list and the fact they can broadcast, something you cant effectively do by the means you listed to interested parties in single action) for me in the same amount of time it takes someone to post about it. Family reunions are actually extremely pleasant, I dont need to spend hours 'catching up' instead I spend the few short hours with my extended family having new experiences. Why? because I already know everything (sometimes in painful detail) that has been going on with my family.

by all means adopt a Luddite attitude, the only one losing out is you, and while it certainly not perfect, it has absolutely replaced nearly every other form of communication, is more effective (timewise and cost wise) than all the others combined. Where as text, email and voice used to be primary means of communication (and are still important and useful in specific context) FB has made them obsolete by doing everything better, more efficiently and with capabilities they could not. it also allows me easy interaction with those I actually WANT to talk to... imagine DZ.com (social) composed of only the members you ACTUALLY LIKE with the ability to completely remove those you dont want to interact with... that is exactly what Facebook is for me.

The drawbacks of FB are easily overcome by informational awareness on your part... if you dont like someone, dont want them to see what you do on weekends, how hard you party, what you really think etc...... DONT FRIEND THEM, and sack up in the real world and tell them you dont like them and therefore you really dont want to be their friend on Facebook either.

also:rude is just rude... ignoring someone you are out with because you are posting on facebook is no different than ignoring them by texting or talking on the phone... if the people you are with are doing this, you need to find real friends...

ofc it cuts both ways.. I knew within minutes I'd lost a friend today... sometimes I'd rather just not know until I sit down to 'digest' everything else in the world...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Facebook is annoying. I get daily email messages from Facebook if I have not logged in within the last 24 hours telling me I need to log in to see what I am missing. Talk about spam. There is no harm in trying to keep in touch with friends, but Facebook is far too intrusive.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Facebook is annoying. I get daily email messages from Facebook if I have not logged in within the last 24 hours telling me I need to log in to see what I am missing. Talk about spam. There is no harm in trying to keep in touch with friends, but Facebook is far too intrusive.

You can turn off the email notifications ;)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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