
Girlfriend and skydiving

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do you have trouble with your girlfriend, who is NOT skydiving, when you hang around your DZ at least one day per weekend? Or does she accept your passion without any complaints?

Or do you have any deals (that might be expensive), like "I go skydiving, you go shopping" to "keep her quiet"? :P

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I was a skydiver before I became seriously involved with my girlfriend (now wife). She never bothered me or complained once about all the days I spent (and will spend) at the DZ. I guess that's one of the reasons I married her.

I understand that some folks (especially those with families) need to make compromises and can't be out at the DZ as much as they want to. I can even see how some folks may have a spoken or unspoken "you spend some time at the DZ, but I want my time too" with their SOs. But if you're finding you need to make complicated deals and arrangements requiring a calendar, bus schedules, a tide chart, and a sundial then it's time to choose between her or skydiving, because at that point "both" isn't going to work.

Elvisio "glad I learned this lesson the easy way" Rodriguez

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Normiss went to the dz to do tandems yesterday and I stayed home. I was even wanting him to come home earlier than he did (and I'm a skydiver and know what it's like!), but mostly because I was bored. :ph34r: I did go shopping, but I spent my own money.

I think it would help if you would call her at the end of the jumping day to tell her you're safely on the ground and then give her a rough estimate of how long you're going to hang out afterwards. Then, actually come home when you say you will! ;)

And, don't do what Normiss did yesterday; he walked in the door and pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket and said, "I don't want to lose this chick's number!" :o

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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My immediate fascination with the sport is partly what led to my then wife (who did one tandem) becoming my ex-wife. She didn't want me in the sport like I was...not because of a fear of getting hurt but because I spent the entire day at the dz.

Took some time off from the sport because of the divorce and got back in this year. Still looking for that girl that doesn't mind me going to the dz all day.
Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

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V and I do it that way sometimes, esp. if the DZ is gonna be slammed with tandems.

And he also left at 6:30 am to drive across the state to go to Zhills. I don't get up that early just to skydive. I wander to the dz around 10 or so. It's the weekend!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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V and I do it that way sometimes, esp. if the DZ is gonna be slammed with tandems.

And he also left at 6:30 am to drive across the state to go to Zhills. I don't get up that early just to skydive. I wander to the dz around 10 or so. It's the weekend!

Stop drinking all that wine at night and you will be able to get up early to go to the dz with Normis...:P
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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My bf now husband jumped for 1.5 years before I started. I never complained about him being at the DZ. I only complained if he forgot to call me after he jumped to let me know he lived, because I was absolutely convinced that every DZ in the world was a place of dead people and carnage multiple times every weekend :)

That said, I was at the DZ all weekend without him.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Stop drinking all that wine at night and you will be able to get up early to go to the dz with Normis...

lol...I really don't drink that much, I'm too concerned with calories. And, if I'm ever up after 11 pm, it's a special occasion. :ph34r:

I do think that "hey, all is well" call at the end of the jump day is good to make for the person sitting at home.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I do think that "hey, all is well" call at the end of the jump day is good to make for the person sitting at home.

Have done this since day one of my skydiving, before packing after last load of the day, I make a call to say all is well
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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I do think that "hey, all is well" call at the end of the jump day is good to make for the person sitting at home.

Have done this since day one of my skydiving, before packing after last load of the day, I make a call to say all is well

Good for you, I'm sure Mrs. Squeak appreciates it :)
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me too..... as long as there have been cell phones, i always try to make the call to say,,,,,,,,
I am "safe and sound and On the ground".... :|

THEN she KNOWs that the real trouble will soon be starting!!!!!:o:SB|;)

though i keep my wits about me cause' my 72 mile drive seems to always includes running past a trooper or two, who are shooting radar...and who Love to have a reason to stick their Nose....inside my vehicle....... ( those bastards!!!!:o:SB|;) )

I think it does bother her when i go and she DOEs get nervous.. but it isn't a nasty nervous it's a caring nervous... and still..... she can TELL when i NEED to make a jump or two...and never prevents my enjoyment of my hobby....:|
she's a keeper......;)


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V and I do it that way sometimes, esp. if the DZ is gonna be slammed with tandems.

And he also left at 6:30 am to drive across the state to go to Zhills. I don't get up that early just to skydive. I wander to the dz around 10 or so. It's the weekend!

Well, move closer, z-hills and skydive Tampa are both 30 mins from me! :P

(for the record, I sleep in on the weekends, 7:15 alarm. :D:D
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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