
Women v. Men

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It's a long standing myth that men think about sex every 16 seconds. Someone did research on what women think about most. I heard about this on the radio this morning and looked it up. Interesting.


We know you all love clothes. And shoes. And handbags… And, guess what - you’re not alone.

New research has found women think about fashion 91 times a day. That’s once every 11 minutes and 23 seconds in case you were wondering.

And the favourite item we think about? Dresses. So why not take a look at some of these gorgeous designs from Stella McCartney and Christopher Kane.

The research, by Very.co.uk, also found the total amount of time spent thinking about fashion each day is one hour and 19 minutes. That’s 30 days a year. When you look at some of the Autumn/Winter 2012 trends coming our way, it’s hardly surprising we’re so consumed by fashion.

‘For many young women, fashion is so much more than a casual hobby or mild interest – it’s a way of life - and the results of the survey confirm that', says Very’s Style Director Rebecca Elderfield.

There are also regional divides: women in Birmingham have 117 fashion thoughts a day, while women in London have 108. In Cardiff, they have just 64 fashion thoughts a day.

Nearly a third said they looked at online fashion websites at least six times a day, while 62% claimed to regularly drift off at work and think about fashion instead.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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If "where the hell did I leave my purse" and "Did I spill something on my blouse" count as "thoughts about fashion," I might get up to a half dozen thoughts a day. Otherwise I can't relate to this article in the least.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I'm guessing that skydiving women think a tad bit differently compared to 'average'...
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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I'm guessing that skydiving women think a tad bit differently compared to 'average'...

The "research" was done by a fashion retailer and reported (with absolutely no information about the methodology other than a couple specious numbers) by a fashion blog (with a direct segue into "check out these dresses") and you're taking it in the slightest bit seriously as a way to understand the "average" women?

Yeah, good luck with that. :D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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One could also design a DZ-based survey on how often the average woman thinks about skydiving :D

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Surely you know me better than this?

I just thought it was lightly amusing.

And I do not believe there is an 'average' woman.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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The article is on Grazia... No big surprise their readers think a lot about fashion...
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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When I was a little Shah and I had bleach blond hair and was rocking questionable fashions only seen at state universities I decided it would be a very good idea for me to rock the casba and take some sort of 300 level sexual psychology class. I knew it was going to be 200 militant feminist lesbians who wanted nothing more than to cut off my dong and BBQ it so I signed up as a pass fail.

Yeah I'm that bat shit crazy!
Turns out the class was all about statistics (you could see that if you got past the name and read the course description which not many did)

Any how long story short for my final in that class I had to develop a survey and collect data. I being Shah decided to ask the age old question....are women as horny as men? (Ladies please take your fingers the hell away from the key board RIGHT THIS INSTANT! BLA BLA BLA YOU ARE WAY BETTER THAN AVERAGE I got that already.)
Well I surveyed a good 300 or so lovely state university ladies with the premise to find out;

Would you rather shop? Or have sex with your husband, boyfriend or the man of your dreams?

Answer? I'll give you a hint....half price won over Brad Pit.

Thus proof that god has a funny sense of humor! And why my gay friends are so fucking happy! And why lesbians are always so pissed off at the world!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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The "research" was done by a fashion retailer and reported (with absolutely no information about the methodology other than a couple specious numbers) by a fashion blog (with a direct segue into "check out these dresses") and you're taking it in the slightest bit seriously as a way to understand the "average" women?

This same group of people might also prove that the majority of men are gay, right?:S:D

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I'm gay. I'm a woman trapped in a man's body...and that woman is so very gay...
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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The only times I ever have that many fashion thoughts is if I'm wearing a pair of uncomfortable shoes, then the thoughts tend to be more like, "why did I wear these fucking shoes?". A close runner-up would be if I'm wearing Spanx. :P

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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The only times I ever have that many fashion thoughts is if I'm wearing a pair of uncomfortable shoes, then the thoughts tend to be more like, "why did I wear these fucking shoes?". A close runner-up would be if I'm wearing Spanx. :P

You have shoes just for sex? I've heard of stripper shoes. I didn't realize there were shoes just for f*cking! I'm going to have to google this.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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You have shoes just for sex? I've heard of stripper shoes. I didn't realize there were shoes just for f*cking! I'm going to have to google this.

Well, that's not what I meant in my original statement, but yes. :$:)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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You have shoes just for sex? I've heard of stripper shoes. I didn't realize there were shoes just for f*cking! I'm going to have to google this.

Well, that's not what I meant in my original statement, but yes. :$:)

Ummm...pictures? :$

On a related note, typing that phrase in google and running a search on a government computer causes problems....
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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A friend took his 16-year-old granddaughter out for an overnight canoe-camping trip, her first ever. At the put-in to the river, he explained to her that wearing the PFD (personal flotation device, i.e. "life vest") was mandatory. She didn't want to wear it. Her reason? "It didn't match". No one had ever heard of matching colors being important before, when it came to river safety... She was made to wear it anyway. Later that day, she ran her canoe into a tree limb at the waterline and tipped over. All of a sudden she was glad she was wearing her PFD, regardless of its color. Lesson learned!

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You have shoes just for sex? I've heard of stripper shoes. I didn't realize there were shoes just for f*cking! I'm going to have to google this.

Well, that's not what I meant in my original statement, but yes. :$:)

Ummm...pictures? :$

On a related note, typing that phrase in google and running a search on a government computer causes problems....

Sounds like another thread idea... Stripper shoe/boot glory thread... :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Sorry, they're just for Normiss. He doesn't like to share. ;)

Stingy bastard :P
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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Sorry, they're just for Normiss. He doesn't like to share. ;)
yeah he does, but he doesn't like being stabbed in his sleep:D:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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