
lowest pulled

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Disposable cameras work just fine under canopy.
I did a jump and took pics while in freefall. When you try to steady it or look through the viewer, you start to dive.(click..rewind, click...rewind)
canopy shots came out great though.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I used to jump T-10s' and MC1-1s' static line at 800' on a regular basis with the military, but the norm was 1250' for fixed wing and 1500' for a rotor wing. As silly as it sounds, I like jumping rounds, combat equipment at night. It's an awsome feeling. I'm a rigger in the reserves now, so most of my military jumps are daytime, but as long as the govt is providing, I'm not bitching.

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Absolute lowest is 600-ish (BASE).

Lowest for a skydive is about 1800 after just finishing a tracking dive. Lowest you could go to count for distance was 2000 and I was gonna milk it for all it was worth. ;)

The twisted part of me would love to do a hop-n-pop with a BASE rig and suck it down to about 600 (color me conservative :P) in front of the whuffos. :S

'Course I'd prolly be banned for life from every DZ within 100 miles if I actually tried a stunt like that. :ph34r:

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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i was just interested in what's the lowest everyone has pulled, for what ever reason. me personally in my short skydiving career is i think 2.7k

this is not Tom This IS the Skymonekey!

Anyway, I have dumped at about a grand on a four-way jump back before we had audibles, and I have chopped at a grand on a wingsuit jump.

Good day,

Hearts & Minds
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Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range

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all but one of us kept turning points until our 8th tracked back to the formation and got our attension.

OMG! I bet that made one hell of a video!

My personal lowest is 2500 from both freefall and c&p. Low enough..

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Normally, the PC is leaving my hand at 3K and stowing my slider by 2300-2400K, but I have no problems doing a hop-n-pop from 2-2.5K from a fast-moving Cessna if the weather is crappy.

At Rantoul, I routinely found myself in the saddle between 1700-1800 which is about the edge of my comfort level.

The lowest, well...it was a hair into the triple digits. Let's just say that I could feel my Cypres arming on my back.:$


Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Exited about 1400, so I guess pulled at about 1399, deploying a fury into an Islander's burble, it spun up, I cleared it, turned, and landed.....Not really as much fun as it sounds.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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i guess the loest I pulled was on level 1.
after that, my numbers got higher now I got 140+ and I keep pulling on ehigher then the last.

my first pull was definitely Number 1...being the lowest so far my 140th pull was the highest. cronologically speaking!( I know, It was a lame attempt to look at the question in a different way but...you'll get over it):P

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I once cut away at 1600 so I guess the lowest pull is about 1400.
Lowest opening of main must be after I did 15 sec from 4000. Didn't lose altitude awareness or anything but decided to hang around to "feel the rush" a bit. It is very low for me since I usually pull closer to 4000.
PCSS #10

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My didder said 1100 on an 8 way freefly during the film festival. Some guy corked and I just forgot about him. I tracked away at 4500, did my barrel roll and he was right on top of me (200') I kept tracking on my back waiting for him to pull...he took forever obviously. As soon as I saw his pilot chute, I flipped over and pulled. I could never figure out who it was.

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The twisted part of me would love to do a hop-n-pop with a BASE rig and suck it down to about 600 (color me conservative ) in front of the whuffos.

A guy at Rantoul got out pretty low over tent city from a balloon. He was jumping a Mojo I think. B| I thought it was danm cool!!!

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What's the flatline on a Timeout?


hi speed swoop can do it too---"Cool and/or Groovey Fridge Co.B|
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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900 feet...:o)

Rantoul. Rod's 412. No freakin idea, but I reached up as it was opening to grab my risers at my altimeter said 750. Stowed slider, released brakes, turned onto final and landed, ON TARGET!

It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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