
manufacturers who deliver on time.??

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Any-one know which manufacturers deliver new gear in the time span as advertised?

In need of a reliable manufacturer recommendation after hearing a few horror delivery stories.

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I've had great results with Basic Research (two canopies) and Morpheus Technologies (one container.)

You should hear about Morpheus especially. My youngest son Matthew chose the colors of my Gargoyle, and he was coming to visit me for a week. Scheduled delivery was just after he would depart, and he really wanted to see me jump the container he "designed." I called Kathy and explained the situation. They got me the container early, in time for Matthew to see me jump it. I understand this meant a couple of late nights for Robert to complete my Gargoyle.

They didn't have to do that, they would have met their obligation. But Robert and Kathy went above and beyond to help me. BIG TIME kudos to Morpheus!

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I know Morpheus are slightly behind as im waiting on a harness right now(Kathy broke a leg skydiving i belive),That said i rather wait to get my gear knowing its the gear i want,rather than buying somthing i wont like..

Even as Morpheus are slightly behind schedule i would contact them to hear what they can offer..

If you need gear NOW why dont you just buy second hand???


I understand this meant a couple of late nights for Robert to complete my Gargoyle.

The Gargoyle i jump right now i know for fact that Rob stayed up serval nites to get my Tiedye perfect,i has to say he did a GREAT job(pic)

Cheers Rob N Kathy we love ya guysB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Horror stories? I'd be curious to hear about these. The standard production time is the same as it's been for a long time. If you're looking to get gear immediately, you may have to get used equipment.

What timeframe is acceptable to you? The manufaturers who are building BASE gear are small operations. You're not going to find any major BASE gear manufaturer that's going to get you a custom rig in a couple weeks.

What is the wait time on a custom skydiving rig?

Added: Every order I've ever placed with Asylum has been shipped on or before the quoted completion date. That's where all my gear comes from.

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At this moment, I believe Morpheus is a little backed up. Currently, I think that Apex and Asylum are pretty much rolling their gear out on the time lines they advertise. CR canopies come off the PD assembly line, so delivery times on those vary with delivery times at PD.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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My dad ordered a full set from Apex. Its supposed to be here Mid Feb, I can let you know then how they do.

I ordered mine during the merger (BR and Vertigo) so it took a little extra time. But the quality product and service they provide was well worth extra week.


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Trae --

At some point or another, every manufacturer gets backed up on delivering their products. Trust me, they don't want to, but it is often out of their control.

Sometimes it's employee related. Most manufacturers are a 1 to 4 person operation. Sometimes an employee gets sick, or perhaps injured. Sometimes an employee gets laid off. Shit happens, and when it does, it can seriously hamper their production line.

Sometimes a delay is related to materials. Small operations cannot afford to stock massive amounts of materials. When a Lot # is recalled, it may wipe out their entire stock. Sometimes the companies providing the materials are slow on their delivery time...

So, what does all of this mean to you?

If you need gear sooner than later, consider used gear.

If you must have new gear, and you're planning on having that gear for a particular trip, be very cautious about your timeline. I've been involved with helping folks order new gear and I always tell them to add 4-6 weeks to the manufacture's delivery date and plan from there. It's better to err on the cautious side...

A little off-subject, but somewhat pertinent is allowing yourself enough time to "dial-in" your brake-settings once that new gear arrives. This is a good thing to plan for before heading out to an unforgiving object.

So in closing, a manufacturer that is "on-time" today may not be "on-time" next month. The best thing you can do is plan accordingly. This way, there are no surprises...


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I know two people who have received gear on time from Apex in the last two months.

I was told yesterday that Apex is @ 7 weeks for canopies and containers right now.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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Oh yea that reminds me. During my order one of the main people had to have surgery and was out for a week. Shit happens!

"Just think, the longer you have to wait for your gear the longer you'll stay alive!" :D



Sometimes it's employee related. Most manufacturers are a 1 to 4 person operation. Sometimes an employee gets sick, or perhaps injured. Sometimes an employee gets laid off. Shit happens, and when it does, it can seriously hamper their production line.

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"Just think, the longer you have to wait for your gear the longer you'll stay alive!"

wrong,ill only last 1 jump if i dont have my gear.. my gear saves my life:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Somehow I'd rather have my shizzle sent to me late yet good, instead of fast and full of errors.

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I think we can all agree with that!!



Somehow I'd rather have my shizzle sent to me late yet good, instead of fast and full of errors.

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Get what you want the first time. Who cares about the wait when your getting what you want. I know the wait is a little longer with Morpheus Tech. right now but well, well worth it.
"When it comes to BASE, I'll never give advice, only my opinion"

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Not planning 6 months ahead has made me have to choose between the best /most desirable with wait ; some-one who can deliver fairly quickly and still supply top gear; or going 2nd hand.
No fault of any manufacturer

Thanks for the great replies and help with this

you guys are B|

I'm gonna pop my cherry on that big rock over there.;)

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Any-one know which manufacturers deliver new gear in the time span as advertised?

In the winter, just about everyone.

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I got my new gargoyle 1 day before i flew to norway last season . i was readying my trusty reactor . also i live in the middle of bumfuck OZ...:S

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That's the sort of horror stories I meant. With my organisational abilities I'd pass my new gear in the air about Singapore and have to lurk a bounce or something to get a jump...

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Take a look in the BASE section in the classifieds. You may find something suitable. Do you know what you're looking for?

I chose Asylum and CR and have always received great support.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Why is that a horror story? Don't all BASE jumpers have three or four rigs?:S

I was thinking the same thing but I understand what he means. I too have received equipment just a couple days before an event.

That's pretty good since the rig was slated to arrive a week after the event took place.:P
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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I ordered a Gargoyle from Morpheus Tech, it took them 6 months to make it. If you go this route allow for some time. Good containers though.

I would recommend Asylum/CR.

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