Can a packjob go stale?

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I packed my velcro rig a few weeks ago and haven't jumped it. (winded out /nerved out).
When I packed it it was firm,hard to close. Now it feels kinda soggy I was able to remove the shrivel flap and replace it without pushing in the material. any feelings on this?
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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Yes, find a bridge or a tower and jump it. I'll do it if you don't want to.

Nerved out was probably a good thing;)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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#6 Pauli Belik, March 7, 1983
Antenna Jump
Kaknas Tower, Stockholm, Sweden
Pauli, along with several other jumpers, had been jumping the day prior and landing into very deep snow. The jumpers shook the dry snow out of the canopies prior to packing, but evidently Pauli didn't remove it all. What's left melts inside the packed rig while it sat in a warm room. The jumpers deposit the rigs into the trunk of an old Saab and drive to Stockholm. The temperatures are well below freezing. On deployment Pauli's canopy went to line stretch but is basically a solid block of ice that never inflates.

Taken from the BASE fatality list.

So i would err to the side of caution, but what do i know ? [:/]

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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um....no snow here.
by soggy (if that's what you were refering to) I didn't mean wet.
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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I was able to remove the shrivel flap and replace it without pushing in the material. any feelings on this?

I'd be willing to bet you could do this just about every time after about 5 or 10 minutes of the container being closed. I usually can.

I don't normally repack after long periods of my packed rig laying dormant. It usually stays in my gear bag, untouched until the next time.
I have, however, repacked several times after climbing back down after a no-go, just because I was sloppy while climbing down, bumping my rig against shit on the way down, throwing it over the fence, etc...


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Yes, find a bridge or a tower and jump it. I'll do it if you don't want to.

Sounds good I should be off work and in the city by 10 on friday:)
Nerved out was probably a good thing;)

Maby...maby not no regrets either way.;)
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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Hey Jamie ... you and I have similar BASE experience so obviously neither one of us is Mr Experienced. But are you willing to jump your skydiving rig after being away from the sport a few weeks? How about that reserve in your rig? When was it last packed? If I'm ever in doubt concerning a given pack job, then I repack it. But our BASE pack jobs and the pack job for a skydiving reserve are remarkably similar. It's only been 8 days since my BASE rig was last packed, but I'd still jump it even if it was several months old. But if you're in doubt, repack it.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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No, i wasn't referring to soggy as wet,
i just thought it was an example of something that was a 'stale' packjob.

Even though it was an unusual & extreme one. :)

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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On two separate occasions in Idaho I jumped
a Round and a Square BASE canopy that where
packed for a year. * Opened Great.*
I am sure that there have been others that have
jumped Canopies that have been packed much longer.

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I have no problem in jumping pack jobs that have been sitting for a month or two..... unless its a particularly hard jump, in which I will repack just so my actions are fresh in my mind when I go to jump - I dont want thoughts about the pack when there are more pressing things to think about.

In the end - just do what ever it takes to make you confident................. if that means repacking, do it, if it means doing a dance around your house whilst smeared in the blood of a chicken, then do it...............

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On two separate occasions in Idaho I jumped
a Round and a Square BASE canopy that where
packed for a year. * Opened Great.*
I am sure that there have been others that have
jumped Canopies that have been packed much longer.

I have jumped a slider-up BASE rig that sat packed for a year and half. Opened perfectly, as it should, and it would work just fine after 10 years. There is nothing in BASE pack job that would deteriorate over a few years.

Packing is so overrated...



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I agree with that one.
It is Packed the same way you left it.
No matter how long it sits.

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The only thing that can significantly age is the rubber band holding the locking stow. If the rig is chronically exposed to heat, the rubber band will of course be much more fragile and may in fact not be able to function properly. It does take quite a while for a rubber band to get to this point though.
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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Back when Yuri was young and cool a pack job would never have sat around for a month, much less a year. Now that he is old and brittle, however, pack jobs regularly see a birthday and we get to have cake and ice cream at the party. Thank goodness he is older and wiser, as now he gets young girls to pack for him.

Yuri, phone home!

Cya. :P

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I agree with that one.
It is Packed the same way you left it.
No matter how long it sits.

And I think that has figured into some fatalities - the jump indicated being packed one way, but the rig was packed another.

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I think Not....FrogNog
It is packed the same way you left it packed.
Slider-Up or No Slider.

* If you have mice in your Stash Bar.
* If you think it is Froze.
* Not a Daisy-Chained, Field Pack that you borrowed
From your buddy and did not take a peek inside
before you exited a cliff.
Or just say ....
* You did not hook your Bridal and Pilot chute
to the attachment point of you canopy.

It is Still, packed the same way you left it packed.

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I have jumped a slider-up BASE rig that sat packed for a year and half. Opened perfectly, as it should, and it would work just fine after 10 years. There is nothing in BASE pack job that would deteriorate over a few years.

Packing is so overrated...

bsbd! ***



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I agree with that one.
It is Packed the same way you left it.
No matter how long it sits.

It's more the in the car out of the car in the car on the roof out of the bag back in the bag in the car...that I wonder about.
"One flew East,and one flew West..............one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
"There's absolutely no excuse for the way I'm about to act"

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I think Not....FrogNog
It is packed the same way you left it packed.

Exactly what I'm saying. If it's packed slider up and you forget that, then make a jump where you really want it to be slider down, and think you packed it slider down, then that could be bad.

If you packed it recently, then you have a better chance to remember how it's packed.

Although, I think in the fat list I saw someone who jumped something packed the wrong way less than a day after packing it, so it's no guarantee. :S

I'm just saying if it's important how it's configured, and it's been packed a long time, can you trust that it's configured right?

If it doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter.


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Not to keep kicking a dead horse, But...
That is kind of what I was trying to say.
If it Matters and you can not remember
What you packed
Just take a look inside before you Jump.
I will guarantee :ph34r:
It will be packed the same way you left it.

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he he you laxy cracy f....:ph34r:

I think of it like parking your car,if its in the ideal conditions you shouldnt worry,but in doubt...B|it might wont start...atleast not at first time...

Oh well its just me;):)
by the way.. why wouldt you jump for that long time(unless you were injuryed):P

2,5 week since last jump,2 comercial filghts whith the rig and considder if i should repack it:):D....oh yes i know.. im a pussy:D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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It's more the in the car out of the car in the car on the roof out of the bag back in the bag in the car...that I wonder about.

Hmm, How high's your roof?

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so far i have always been packing slider down. I only pack slider up if I am going to jump the next day/next few hours. If I questioned it, yea I would repack it; a little sweat, beats alot of blood anyday.

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Sweat is definitely better than blood. You should however be able to tell if it is slider up or down by your PC size, right? I also have different colored PC's for different sizes so as not to be mistaken if I just glance at it. That little plastic piece on smaller PC's would give it away for me as well ;).

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