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Everything posted by Rick

  1. *** Well, I'm not sure how that works, but I haven't been "there" in months, you people scare me! ------------------------------------------------------------ maybe true but hell even your shadow scares you You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  2. There will be a memorial service Saturday morning at 11:00 at Skydive City. John's organs are being donated as I type this. I am sure a skydive will be organized. Janine has John's gear so we can take it on a jump in his honor. You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  3. didn't another dz just get booted by USPA for practices detrimental to skydiving? You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  4. I have seen a similar truck in Orlando and was also appalled at the image. Whether you believe abortion should be legal or not I think the truck makes the anti-abortion group that drives it around look like morons...IMHO You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  5. Is that the who's going to Dublin list? You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  6. very disturbing I am anxious to hear what the hell the cop was thinking! You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  7. We bought a new stereo last year had to search to find one with a turntable My favs out of our collection are J Giels Frampton and the Doors 1st album oh yeah my wife still has the Archie's from her Junior high scholl days You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  8. Sweet beats the hell out of sleeping in a tent...or leaving the DZ to drive to a hotel You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  9. damn got me there i get confused easily You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  10. geeez just trying to help out with my technical knowledge some people don't appreciate a little constructive input You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  11. ---------------------------------------------------------- maybe I can help....take a deep breath.....drink a beer.....now smash the f'ing computer monitor with the beer bottle feel better? You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  12. City Hall You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  13. QuoteSince some of us actually have to get up and go to work before daylight I didn't get any taken yet. I will take them and try to post them as soon as I get home. GEEZ, don't you people work? ----------------------------------------------------------- good morning to you too biatch You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  14. so where are the pics? You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  15. you big dummy head (I'm not that good with insults) You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  16. I would get them both done at the same time.. I had 1 done and then a few months later I was feeling lopsided so I went and got the 2nd one done It hurt like a bitch for about 1 second...once the needle was through I was fine they healed within a few days and my wife loves them I think I have had them in for 2-2 1/2 years now and I would never take them out You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  17. We have done the same thing One of the local theme parks is a PITA to work with, so we figure our price bump it by 20% and if we get the job we have the built in PITA factor. Actually as we have grown over the past couple of years we have "fired" a few customers that were not worth the $ to work with. My partners and I always argue over which one of us gets to fire them You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  18. I have personnally seen at least 3 press conferences with the FDLE, the sherrif, the head of the swat team and school officials. I think the police are doing plenty of "commenting" on the case. You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  19. From piecing together the local reports it seems the gun had been modified(painted over red tip) to resemble a real gun. The child had just returned to this school from a school for troubled kids in part because he threatened to blow up a school bus a few weeks ago. By the time the father was on site the situation was over, so I do not see how they could have told the cops the gun was not real. The child was chased around the school for several minutes by the school resource officer (seminole county sheriff) and was pleaded with to drop the weapon. The child made a statement to other children that he was going to die that day. sad and tragic but these are the facts as I understand them from the local media. for whatever it is worth. You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  20. Rick

    HEY ASSHOLE!!!!!

    what You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  21. BigM Mouth SkinnyShrek Philly51 Darkwing Rick You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  22. We ALWAYS have fun You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  23. I think that means road trip to Finland You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  24. ribbed for her pleasure? You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!
  25. Salmiakki licorice vodka mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!