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Everything posted by Bob_Church

  1. Trump knows that his base, his people, know that PR is filled with unworthy brown Spanish speaking folk who just don't count as real Americans. Does he risk losing the massive PR Republican voting base?
  2. You have to wonder, what if we go into some multi-year hurricane phase where this happens every year. Island flattened, all poles down. I worked line crew for nine years and people have no idea what is involved in a major outage like this. At least they don't have our winter problem. Crews would be out 24/7 during snow and sleet because if a segment of line went out then everything past there would freeze up and the poles would break. It was only the heat of the power that kept the strand from icing up. But I'm sure they've got their own variations on disaster down there. But it can take a long long time once those poles have snapped off and you have to rebuild entire sections before you can apply power to any of it.
  3. "Why did this guy have so many guns in his room that he did not use?" Look at how often we jump with twice as many parachutes as we need. This guy was rich and pretty much positive that this would be a one off. If he does live through the night he'll spend the rest of his life in a cage. If someone, someone he gets away he's not going to be able to access his money or legally buy firearms, and illegal ones are sometimes a lot more expensive. Especially if the seller knows who he is. So why scrimp? Why risk being one short after a couple of them jammed. It's not like he had any idea how long it would take for them to get to him.
  4. Slight point of order - doxxing is historically the attack of choice of the trollier elements of the web that have more extreme right-leaning views. While I still agree it's an atrocious practise, it's more a case here that PJL got on board with the tactic of "the enemy" and now someone's throwing it back their way. Thanks. This is all new to me.
  5. All of these jokes pale in comparison to what happened today. Someone posted the same information about them (doxxing??) and they are insisting that Facebook remove it immediately. I was taught that turnabout is fair play an I'm a mutual type of guy. I tend to respond the way I am treated. The Anti-fascist fascists put someone else's info on the net accusing them of being Nazis. Now they're complaining their info got posted. Fuck them. And the pathetic thing is that I can't find any difference between what the PJL did and what is called doxing when it happened to them. The so-called doxxes are imitating PJL's MO.
  6. I'm not seeing the relationship here. Not necessarily disagreeing, just missing something. My point is that it's become common to judge people based on how they react to something rather than what they did. "Was this person outraged enough? Why didn't she renounce this guy sooner?" that sort of thing. The internet and what 24 hour news has devolved into, have brought mob mentality right into our living rooms.
  7. I think he's just got too much time on his hands. Most people in his position would be busy with President stuff.
  8. I don't think anyone knew that disapproval had to be posted on to count. Wendy P. One of the most disturbing things about this, and it's gotten to be frighteningly common these days, is the idea of groups of news commentators and others sitting around deciding whether or not Hillary Clinton or Meryl Streep show adequate amounts of outrage over this. It reminds me of people in North Korea striving to show enough tears and grief when one of their glorious leaders dies.
  9. "Do you foresee the possibility of there being moral candidates? Sex, money and power are the motivations for top positions. Sometimes just two of the three and sometimes all three. " I was talking about the attempts by some people of blaming one party or the other. This is one of those situations where neither side should be throwing rocks.
  10. All of these jokes pale in comparison to what happened today. Someone posted the same information about them (doxxing??) and they are insisting that Facebook remove it immediately.
  11. But you have some access control over your car or a motel room. You can lock the door. Unless, and I find this hard to believe, the hospital room had an inside lock on it how is a counter top in that room any different than the hallway or the elevator? It's the hospital's room. Maybe someone saw security, got paranoid and had to get rid of it so they opened the closest door where some guy was zonked out on drugs and laid it in there. It's their job to prove that that's not true.
  12. I'm not normally the litigious type but in this case I'd make an exception. It should be an easy charge to beat. How could you bring anything in? Then sue the shit out of the hospital for allowing it to get into your room and then having THEIR security guard turn you in. It sounds like they were on the good drugs.
  13. Isn't that William Macy? Ok, I'll look at the answer now. Nope, not even close.
  14. You just need to go to a better class of theater. Either that or demand the theater management BE better. A couple of problems with that. One is that I'd rather watch the movie that I paid for than go find some management. And at our local theater management is three kids at the counter.
  15. I tell you, we really need a return of the intermission for long movies. I spent the last hour of Lord of the Rings with my legs crossed because I was in the middle of the aisle. 3.5 hours?! JHC potty break, please! And ushers. Those people who would walk around with a flashlight and whack loudmouths upside the head with it if they didn't shut the hell up.
  16. Between Bill Clinton and Trump why would anyone want to bring politics into it?
  17. I have a theory about this. There are few, very few, things that haven't already been written about or even had movies made about. You spend 120 million on a movie and some guy pops up with a short story that you've never heard of, let alone read and sues you and it costs way too much time and money even if you win. (much like being a DZO) So, I wonder if the PKD estate thought about this and cashed in on it. You've got the green light to make this movie but you're reminded to make the PKD connection. You contact the estate and for a fee they give you permission to say "based on a PKD novel....". Now you're good. people won't even think to sue you because well, it says right there it's based on..... Well, it's a possibility.
  18. But it's not like Starship Troopers, where you have to wait for the technology to catch up (and still screwed it up) it's like they're reading different books and didn't notice. Its been awhile since I read Sheep, but has PKD ever used the term Blade Runner in a story?
  19. I've been told this too, that with Z-Po the threads unwind or something, but bottom line is a suddenly much more porous canopy. I'd at least check with the manufacturer first.
  20. I like PKD's books and short stories, and I like most of the movies credited to them, but with the exception of "A Scanner Darkly" I don't see any resemblance. It's worse than the Bond movies. "A Scanner Darkly" seems like a movie based on the book with some big changes, but the others don't seem related at all.
  21. FBI Directors being dismissed come to mind? Yeh, but please don't leave me with the image of those two having sex.
  22. Right, this stuff, or the potential, is everywhere. When I was managing the photo area at Ohio University School of Art I never asked students to pose nude. They wouldn't know how I would react if they said no. Would I just smile then make sure the studio wasn't available the next time they needed it? There were too many things that could happen, either by malice on my part or coincidence and they'd have no way of knowing or proving which it was, so it was just hands off, if you'll pardon the phrase. The director of Photo-J did and was justifiably nailed to the wall. He was accused of pressuring his students to meet him alone in the "private" studio in another building. Of course, there was also the question of why a Photo-J would want to make a calendar of nude students. It didn't really fit the profession. Anyway, I just mean that if you have any sort of power over someone, no matter how trivial it may seem, then just don't put them in the position where they have to decide to keep you happy or not.
  23. Just native american and irish mutt. As far as I know. The only data on my ancestors is from West Virginia prison records and those tend to be skimpy. My second wife was native american and seriously into it, to the point that when we broke up I honestly kept expecting an arrow to the back. And I'm not saying I didn't deserve it. Her relatives are from the Malta Ohio area and we did a demo there once. It was amazing. You had to see it to believe it, but blue eyed blond haired black people and other variations were everywhere. I't was seriously cool and if you ever get a chance check the place out. Make it during any of their festivals. Otherwise you'll just find empty streets. I always suspected that the reason her father wouldnt talk about his relatives was that she wasn't 100%, if you know what I mean. I wouldn't have had any problem with it of course, and I don't think Lesa would be upset about having black ancestors except that it would mean she wasn't 100% Native American, which was really important to her.
  24. Twenty years in the future "Mommy, why do people kneel before the national anthem?" "To show respect for the flag and the constitution dear."
  25. This country used to have a middle class. Middle class people would work in the factories, or drive the trucks supplying those factories or moving products. Working at the restaurants, and the list goes on. In the 50s, 60s, and 70s people in the US decided that it was wrong to make products in a way that just dumped the pollution straight into the river or into the sky. So laws were passed against it. And that was good, but it made products more expensive, which in itself would be ok except that we never made law against importing products made that way. So now a handful of the very richest get even more rich by importing and selling products produced in ways that create incredible amounts of pollution, killing the planet, and seriously exploited labor, killing America's middle class. I don't know if it's coincidence or racism, but we've killed America's middle class just as the Black community was moving into it. That is the problem. Not slavery, despite what well off Black students at Ohio University want to believe, it's the destruction of a segment of our population which their parents had joined. Now what is there to do? The jobs have been shipped off to other countries. We read books like "The Jungle" and get a good feeling for having done away wth those days but in reality the only difference is the people who are screwed over live in another country and have different names. But how many so-called Black leaders have fought that battle instead of going on about an abhorrent practice that ended over a century ago? And which would help the people they claim to be helping more? Good jobs, or waiting all their lives for restitution. And it's not a race thing, I see it in the white community in Appalachia. But I think Blacks are getting the worst of it.