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Everything posted by Bob_Church

  1. You're helping an old friend by putting up her antenna. You have to run the cable through her half basement and then you notice, lying in the other old junk down there...
  2. If this isn't the opening for the next James Bond movie something is very wrong.
  3. I can't tell from the photo, I'd have to hold it sideways, but is there some separation between the sides of the helmet and your head? One of these days you're going to land with a red welt on the side of your face the width of a riser. It's a riser burn, you opened in an awkward position and the riser slapped you in the side of the head then kept going. Unless it catches under your helmet because it isn't snug with your head. Then something is going to give.
  4. The plane had seaplane props. The story is that two guys put some serious money into it then got busted on their first trip from Mexico. John but a nice step on it and a rod down the center of the top so we could do James Bond loads. Below are its arrival, then over the hill and back. john2016 is him, seated at last year's reunion. r2016 is the reunion and the last one is from our 2014 reunion. On the upper deck of the porch is, on the left John Vickery then Mike Todd. That photo is by Jerry Waters. I don't know if there's any limit on photos or not. If so, someone please let me know and I'll erase them.
  5. Thanks for the info. Sorry about the ash jump.
  6. There were times I wondered if John was human, or an android sent from the future to replenish a ravaged mankind's supply of beer. We'd all get seriously drunk on Saturday night, then on Sunday morning on the first load you'd find yourself hoping you'd go in and end the pain. The pain. The pain. But the adrenaline of the jump itself cleared things up pretty well. Except of course that John couldn't jump, he spent the day flying up and down. By the end of the day his face would be bright red and that vein on the side of his forehead would be pumping. And he'd be mean as a snake. But just until a few minutes after the beer light came on, he didn't waste time.
  7. It only makes the news because it's part of the annual Thanksgiving meme.
  8. He had a 411 and a King Air. I forget which was which but on one day a pilot was flying one of them for him and put it into the fence (I'm almost positive this was in Rome Georgia). The next day he was flying jumpers in the other plane and was looking at the crashed one trying to assess the damage and came on in with the gear up. As for a D-18 he had a beauty and crashed it twice, so that may be what you're thinking of. I've got a couple of photos of that I can upload if you'd like.
  9. Now that you mention it I don't remember seeing them for quite awhile. Have people quit using them or Parachutist stopped running photos?
  10. I am reminded of "the feather vs the whole chicken" analogy..... It's supposed to be duck, you pervert! Seriously though, that was one of my second wife's favorite phrases. And she always knew what she was talking about, in that area of conversation.
  11. There was another important discussion just getting started and I was wondering if this would boost it or just overshadow it. Unfortunately it looks like the question of whether a woman should have to show her breast to get the job is right has receded again. It was started, this time, by Emilia Clarke, and she seemed to be getting her point across. Then.
  12. "I have not followed very closely the allegations against Spacey but at first glance it seems like he is essentially being denounced for trying to get laid... Crazy If the claims against him are more serious, then my apologies... But yeah... There is such a thing as going too far... Unsure " A gay man being promiscuous towards other gay men. Hold the press!!!!
  13. He wasn't getting anywhere at fund raising until he pitched in with the flat earthers, then the money started coming in. Think of all those people throughout history that kissed the Pope's ring or bowed to a King or Queen for the grub stake. Yeah. That Christopher Whatshisname for one. Are these flat earth people allowed to have a drivers license? I'd like to know if they're real or not. Are there really people who believe that the Earth is flat, or is it just another wink wink nudge nudge joke like the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Or are they a scary fraud, like Scien.....(no carrier)
  14. Yes, it's the frame of reference that makes all the difference. Some thing that was once acceptable and normal could become, over time, considered unacceptable and even illegal. Cavemen dragging women off to a cave or human sacrifice. Slavery was once considered to be the normal way of things. To judge someone in the past by todays standards has never seemed fair to me. Jesus may be the only person in history who could stand up to that scrutiny. Also, we're talking about normal vs. deviant. Does right and wrong belong in this conversation? I think deviant is being over-used here. There are questions of moral or not, legal or not, that involve things that are normal. If someone has something really nice and you want it it's not deviant to think about taking it and it's not deviant behavior to steal it. It's illegal. It's a way of acting that as a society we've decided we need to avoid. Wanting to steal someone's car is immoral and it's criminal to do so. Wanting to marry and have sex with a car is deviant. I guess you could say that deviant is to criminal as tort is to a contract.
  15. He wasn't getting anywhere at fund raising until he pitched in with the flat earthers, then the money started coming in. Think of all those people throughout history that kissed the Pope's ring or bowed to a King or Queen for the grub stake.
  16. One thing I am starting to wonder about is the severity of some of the punishments. A person says "you're right, I screwed up, it won't happen again and I'm really sorry about it" but he loses everything he was living for." Comparing Spacey or Franken with Weinstein doesn't seem right.
  17. My response to "Oh, that's just the way he/she is is always "isn't that what I just (insert optional profanity) said?
  18. The way they keep canceling shows makes me wonder who they're actually punishing. I wanted to see some of that stuff.
  19. Damn. I've never had a job like that. There were many many times I'd catch myself thinking "I get paid for this?" I worked for the phone company for 11 years, one week I'm on a line crew, the next I'm tech for the photo areas in a School of Art. It was like a tv series. A highly unlikely one. Don't let anyone ever tell you that it's not a matter of who you know.
  20. I see a big difference between illegal and deviant. A straight man is in a room with a 24 year old woman who has no desire for him. His having desires for her is normal. Society has made it illegal to act on those desires, for good reason. The same man is in a room with a 4 year old and has desires. This is deviant. If he acts on it it's not only illegal but a sign of sickness.
  21. Larry Nighswander. From the occasional cover of National Geographic to the crime and shame section of several newspapers.
  22. Sorry, I get nostalgic for the Art School, especially at this time of year and go on about it even if it doesn't fit the topic.
  23. Christmas just won't be the same.
  24. I can't even imagine trying to make a living as a comedian. It has to be maddening in itself. Come to think of it, I don't think anyone who's been caught up in this so far is someone I care about. But at this rate I'm sure it will happen.