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Everything posted by nanook

  1. Drink Coors. Rocky Mountain water yada yada. . . I don't know. far as I know, that shit is probably full of U235. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  2. I know this word wasn't in that list, but I'm pretty sure that qualifies as ostentatious. OWWW. . My I.Q. . . Nothing beats an Audemars Piguet though. . Audemars Piguet _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  3. If you clip your toenails, maybe you wouldn't need to drink so much. Nah! Not as much fun. But I won't be able to hang around the laundro. . .um. Nevermind. Never wash candy panties on HOT... . . Ohh (slaps forehead) Hot water! got it. Will start putting ice cubes in my mouth next time. Shit , the things you learn in a gun thread!! _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  4. There are much more accessible public areas. Shooting ranges tend to be out of area and many miles away. Hmm. . . Ya think that the driving distance is the only factor there? I didn't realize that mass murderers had such an aversion to long commutes. I had no idea! Back to the intent of the OP (the segue was more fun, but no fun here in the SC). Nobody in their right mind is going to start shooting up a venue that is most likely going to start shooting back. An armed society is a polite society. Yup. That was his point. They pick an easy target. and the armed can protect themselves. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  5. If you clip your toenails, maybe you wouldn't need to drink so much. Nah! Not as much fun. But I won't be able to hang around the laundro. . .um. Nevermind. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  6. Are candy panties like those eatin' skippies? I hear once they get in your teeth, you are pretty much stuck with the taste for about a week. Not that I am complaining. . . _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  7. There are much more accessible public areas. Shooting ranges tend to be out of area and many miles away. Now, why aren't there many massacres in laundromats. Hmm. I don't know, more than once, I have pulled out a load of laundry, and it was shredded. Holes everywhere. (Woo Hoo! My first response to my post before the edit! I think I will drink myself to a stupor. Wait. . I'm doing that already.) Not clipping your toenails regularly does that also. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  8. There are much more accessible public areas. Shooting ranges tend to be out of area and many miles away. Hmm. . . Why aren't there cultured banter in a Gentlemans Club? _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  9. Lucky you. I'm carrying three. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  10. Jerry, I have a question about this comment.... As you know, there's two kinds of "difference." One in which they come after you and pursue the financial amount between the sales price and the amount you owed. The other is "relief of debt" in which you receive the 1099 nastygram and owe taxes on the amount forgiven. Can you clarify your comment on which or if it's both that are forgiven until 2013.... I'm really just curious and haven't stayed up on it. Keith, Just like Drew said. The 2013 expiration is about the tax aspect of it (1099C reporting). The other "difference" is about the remaining debt left which you may still be liable for (recourse/non-recourse). The easiest way to check if liable for the difference is by looking on the 1099. If box 5 is checked, then its a "recourse" and you are liable to the company for the difference. Either which way, if a person forcloses between 2007 and 2010 they will not be taxed on it, up to 2 million difference. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  11. "treason" is not a charge in itself. "Aiding the Enemy", which is what he is being charged with is a type of treason. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  12. Tell you what. Here's the truth. Your loan isn't owned by a bank (BofA servicing is just a subsidy that sends your payment to the investors who took the loan off the bank's/originator's books.) Expecially since it's an 80/20. Depending on what "tranche", probably a mezzanine to subprime, there are credit default swaps still being traded despite the downturn and someone is going to make money off of you defaulting (or lost money on betting you would default earlier). Your loan is in an instrument that is bundled many times over to the point that there is no personal compassionate attachment to their end as it is on your side. These MBS's or CDO's are so large that your one default is just a grain of sand off the investors' sandbox. Whatever decision you make, dont feel bad about it. but make it quick. The Law that protects the difference between the loan and the house that was "forgiven" expires in 2013. Right now it won't count as income. But look to see if your loan is a "recourse" or a "non-recourse". If it is a "recourse" depending on state laws, they can come after you for the difference. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  13. I'm impressed on how much the trees didn't move with the blast, or in that case, the camera guy. Or the fact that the camera guy knew to turn the camera over to where the speeding car was before it came " on camera". This was probably a mid-level Bollywood production that is part of a movie. Real, but controlled accident. fire proof trees. . . _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  14. nanook


    *whew* When I opened this thread, I thought I would read about a tragedy of another DZ.commer. Congrats on your safe turnout, R1. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  15. If you ever get a chance to read what TARP was for, you would realize that it wasn't to bail out your "buddies". Practically all those investment houses don't exist any more. Lehman and and Bear/Stearns went bankrupt. All others but GS was swallowed up by banks, dissected and dissolved, their bond desks don't exist anymore. The threat was credit protectionism, with without would have froze the economy. Commercial paper was already not allowed to roll over. Think of it like this. The credit market is one of those things most people aren't aware of or pay attention to till there's a backup. It's what makes money move. Major companies can't make payroll or do regular operations without it. Your Direct Deposit requires credit to exist for it to work, for instance. TARP was to prevent the credit freeze. Of course to prevent the freeze, the banks needed assistance. Calling it "buddyism" and "bailing out friends" is a shallow look at what really was a big threat. You should be mad that they were able to be in position to create this mess in the first place. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  16. Nor are bankers "entitled" to taxpayer money to pay their bonuses when they make bad decisions that cripple the entire economy. Agreed. No they weren't entitled at all. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  17. Take the first step, and the next step will get you to where you want to go. Congratulations on your Next Step!! Walk Strong!! _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  18. Bail out Wall Street and put rules in place to prevent them from going crazy with the money, it would only cost 700B$+. Or Bail out all the bad loans in CDO's CMO's, Deriviatives, CDS's in the amount of tens of trillions, and everyone including the homeowners with their bad mortgages get a free lunch. But. . .It's all a red herring, this "bank gets a bailout. . .where's mine?" The fear here was not people losing their houses/assets/jobs, it was a much grander threat: credit stoppage. Economic fluidity(possibly). Commercial paper was already at a halt. It's either everyone gets the shaft, or those who bought into suspicious non-30 year fixed products. In the end, those that shouldn't have a home ended up in not having it after all. Problem fixed. . .with the toxic assets ruining it for everyone else. The homeowners, bond makers, investment houses, some banks, policy, rating agencies, SEC, FED, ect. are all equally responsible for this mess. This is what happens when people mistake "equal opportunity" with "equal outcome". Not everyone is "entitled" to a home. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  19. Now I'm with you _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  20. An exercise if you will. . . Lets say that there's some sort of Armistice where all govts of the world agree not to have any secrets anymore. Everyone tell all. World Peace or some other sort of utopian magic breaks out. All is good till one country decides on it's own to keep secrets, such as it's true capabilities. It now has unlimited power. It knows all about the other countries but none of them have any info on it. What checks and balances would you put in place to enforce non-secret treaties? You are going to grow old with a lot of dissapointment in your life. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  21. That's what I remember most by. She's one of the few artists that did not screw it up with "artistic rendition" I will miss her greatly. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  22. I sometimes wear a ball cap. But no one has yet to offer me any chewing tobacco. I think that's a sign that society is maturing.... No one offers their Copenhagen without asking. Maybe that Wintergreen Beechnut crap will be offered without asking. Maybe you are not wearing a John Deere hat or an International Harverster with a tightly folded bill. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  23. It's in the subtext of the whole thing though. The fact the guy thought his gun was the solution to that particular problem says a lot about how he deals with life in general. I'm sure there is a faction of folks out there who think he's some kind of "hero" now because he put a few holes into a laptop. However, it's not parenting; it's childish. IF, in fact, the video is actually real. IS it? Or is it simply a great way to get hits on YouTube? Now, there's a point! Could it be just for 'hits'? Then too, it is on the internet! Chuck Well, his clothes doesn't add up. Just because someone speaks with a southern accent or dresses like he does, doesn't mean they are stupid. If you read the accompanying article and comments he makes on facebook, he is actually more articulate than most of the people you come across on the net, including here >< I have no kids. i really have no opinion other than I think most teenagers now are snotnosed punks, but that could just be me getting old. I'm sure our parents said the same thing about us. However, I DO think that more parents need to learn how to say "NO" to their kids more often. ?? Who said anything about him being stupid? I'm hinting he's dressing up to a group he doesn't belong to and it shows. Lots bright people try to dress up as cowboys, or here in San Diego, bikers. It's obvious to everyone but them. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  24. It's in the subtext of the whole thing though. The fact the guy thought his gun was the solution to that particular problem says a lot about how he deals with life in general. I'm sure there is a faction of folks out there who think he's some kind of "hero" now because he put a few holes into a laptop. However, it's not parenting; it's childish. IF, in fact, the video is actually real. IS it? Or is it simply a great way to get hits on YouTube? Now, there's a point! Could it be just for 'hits'? Then too, it is on the internet! Chuck Well, his clothes doesn't add up. True! Chuck Even better, he's an urban anti-gun nut and he just set it all up to push his agenda. Right down to even the misconceptions of what a city boy thinks a redneck is like.... Nah. . . check out the goatee. His misconception is what a city boy thinks Country will relate to. . . 80's Garth Brooks/Chris Gaines. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
  25. It's in the subtext of the whole thing though. The fact the guy thought his gun was the solution to that particular problem says a lot about how he deals with life in general. I'm sure there is a faction of folks out there who think he's some kind of "hero" now because he put a few holes into a laptop. However, it's not parenting; it's childish. IF, in fact, the video is actually real. IS it? Or is it simply a great way to get hits on YouTube? Now, there's a point! Could it be just for 'hits'? Then too, it is on the internet! Chuck Well, his clothes doesn't add up. _____________________________ "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln