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Everything posted by theplummeter

  1. That worked out nicely. Now, why the deadstick?
  2. Ouch. Don't walk in front of airplanes (or in this case behind).
  3. That's nice. Your surgeon is a lazy cunt. You may be right, but at least he would admit that he had zero idea how much force opening shock exerted on internal organs and that he couldn't find any real information based on research. He's the chief of surgery for the largest medical center in the state, and has zero post surgical repairs on abdominal procedures so I figured he would be a good guy to have cut me.
  4. Sometimes a doctor advises their patient to seek the counsel of like minded folks who have gone through the same thing. I had open hernia surgery with a bowel repair, and when I asked the surgeon how long until I can do stuff again he gave me specific lifting restrictions and told me to see if I could find any other jumpers who had gone through the same thing and how jumping went for them.
  5. Where are you in North Dakota? Geography frequently determines training methods.
  6. You mean United?? LOL I have several friends who were flying for Expressjet or Continental prior to the merger. Over the years of keeping in touch with them I noticed that everyone's address eventually became somewhere in Kingwood. When my old flight instructor got picked up the running joke was that in between basic indoctrination training and simulator training that a real estate agent specializing in Kingwood had a day to make presentations to the pilot group
  7. You live in Kingwood? Do you work for Continental Airlines or does a direct family member?
  8. I have group term at work through ING. Skydiving costs me an additional $32 annually above the monthly premium of $38 for a million dollars in coverage.
  9. Grabbing the toggle at the top, with the line exiting between the fingers is another way of adding several inches to the total length of flare without taking a wrap. This worked perfectly for the Safire I had. Wouldn't stall, but as close as it would come, leading to every bit of flare I could safely use.
  10. When I went to take my first FAA checkride in school the Fed that showed up was in a horrible mood. We went through all the paperwork, oral exam portion, and did the preflight. As soon as we took off unforecast turbulence started. I asked the guy if he wanted to reschedule given the weather but he said he were already airborne so we might as well finish. Two very bumpy hours later we landed and my instructor asked Inspector Cranky how everything went. He replied "I felt like a god damn chewtoy in a crazy puppies mouth, but I guess he passed. My name never appeared on anything at the school again, I was simply known as Chewtoy.
  11. What I meant was the half of my pack jobs have been the standard pro pack and the other half have been psycho packs.
  12. After I have flipped the canopy and laid it on the floor I always pull the slider to make sure it's against the stops before the triangular fold. I pack half psycho and half pro, the psycho pack jobs seem to open better in terms of soft and on heading.
  13. I had a Pulse 190 in an I-44. It was a tight fit, I can't imagine trying to get a Sabreinto one.
  14. You watch too many movies. Hey, practice spotting and an easy delivery method for the drugs. Problem is, when do you get the cash?? Prop doesn't turn until the money is in my overseas account
  15. After more than three months research, I have determined that the time between placing an order for a new custom canopy and receiving said canopy is the slowest that time can elapse given the laws of physics. That elapse becomes the fastest it can be once you have booked a flight to Eloy, the days just shoot by while you bide your time chuteless and nervous.
  16. These are also available and have gotten excellent reviews:
  17. Also note the current build times for suits, especially from Vertical or Liquid Sky. Unless your trip is more than two to three months out you have very little chance of getting one in time, especially if it ends up needing alterations.
  18. Full Time: Fixed wing air ambulance pilot. Twelve years of turboprop purgatory with no relief in sight Part Time: Contract pilot services in several different aircraft and I fly and pack for the closest dropzone. I was a drywall subcontractor for about five years until last year when I figured out that a coating of gypsum is not the aphrodisiac that the general contractor I worked for made it out to be
  19. When I was looking for a 170-ish canopy I got to jump a Sabre2 170, Safire2 169, and a Fusion 175. The three were very nearly identical to each other in terms of response/turn rate. The Safire had the best openings of the three. The flare point was highest on the Sabre, lowest on the Safire, and the Fusion was in the middle in terms of toggle stroke for the flare, but the Fusion felt like it had the most flare. Flying just a standard pattern the Fusion also felt the fastest, but also planed out to the slowest speed before I put my feet down. It might be worth including in your demoing, I ended up buying a Safire because I had less than two weeks before a big trip but would have been happy with any of the three. Edited to add: Performance Designs will be the most expensive but hold its value, Icarus will be in the middle of the price range and also hold its value, Precision will be the cheapest of the three but generally don't resale as high as the other two if that's a consideration for you.
  20. The enterprise drive address is where I shipped my harness/container to and received it back from less than a month ago. I used to like Velocity, now I love them.
  21. Lots of tandem instructors wear altimeters on the right as they are using the left hand for handcam.
  22. This is all I could think about once I read the thread title:
  23. I disagree. How was your dive plan, exit and canopy separation, and landing? You disagree with Pops? I am 100% behind him on this. Sorry, I'm just learning about internet sarcasm and not that good at it yet.
  24. I disagree. How was your dive plan, exit and canopy separation, and landing?
  25. Eloy wouldn't take the jumps from my Viso to verify currency, they needed to see my logbook last time I was there.