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Everything posted by BIRDDOCTOR

  1. I ordered one for my GoPro. I should have it in the next couple of days. I'll give you a review of it after I jump with it. I do agree It makes an HD GoPro over priced when compared to the Sony cx series. Let's hope it is worth the money:) Base# 1638
  2. Thank's. Song is "Disappear Here" by Hybrid Base# 1638
  3. What song is this video too? Base# 1638
  4. When will the color design program with the new suits be up on the phoenix-fly web site? Base# 1638
  5. Michael, One mount will be sold to me when you get it done. My FlySight rocks! Base# 1638
  6. I use a gopro with the curved mount on top of my helmet. Never had an issue with wingsuiting. Those mount a stronger than you think. Base# 1638
  7. My phantom 2 will be there ready to go. I'll be there Wednesday as well. Base# 1638
  8. I assume the V' ISH toy in the video is in fact the new V4? The other must be the Venom? PF is kill'in me too. Base# 1638
  9. Just ordered my FlySight. How are you all mounting it to your helmet and running the ear phones? It seems like I would have to mount it on the back of my helmet and drill holes to pass the ear phones. Mark Base# 1638
  10. After my Contour was ripped off of the side of my REvolve helmet after a wingsuit jump by my riser, I decided to figure how to mount my GoPro on top of my REvolve helmet. Here is a way I mounted my GoPro. I used the latch on top of the helmet as a base to mount the GoPro curved mount. I used the screw in this area of the helmet. I countersunk it into the GoPro curved mount. This screw with the adhesive gave a very secure fit and put the GoPro in a really good position for recording. Pics are included in this post. It would be nice if this plastic piece better formed to the Go Pro adhesive mount. This could be a change BH could make. Another way Could be to make an independent latch mount that can move on the latch rail. It would need to have a surface that matches the Go Pro adhesive mount. The nice thing about this would be it can move anywhere on the latch rail, which would allow the GoPro to be mounted reverse to view behind you, which rocks for wingsuit flights. It would also work with the visor off. In the end the REvolve helmet is great. I jumped it in 15 degree temps and it was not only warm as hell but quiet, and did not fog during flight. Just my 2 cents:) Mark Base# 1638
  11. Is Phoenix-Fly still taking orders for the V3 or are all orders being changed to V4? Base# 1638
  12. That's great! I never noticed that. Base# 1638
  13. Absolutely stunning! That made my day. Base# 1638
  14. What can I say I was bored! Base# 1638
  15. I just ordered a pilot ZPX after a day of demoing one. I was very impressed how it deployed with wingsuiting. Base# 1638
  16. With shoulder dislocations the pain can be excessive. If you become too preoccupied with this pain, and the fact that your trying to understand what is going on you may lose altitude awareness. Yes, the reserve handle is easily accessable, but only if you are with it to grab it. Either way, issues like this need to be worked out on the ground not in the sky. Base# 1638
  17. Ok, here is a medical opinion as i'm an orthopaedic surgeon. I have limited information from the initial injury, your age and how many times you dislocated. The rule of thumb is a dislocation in a person less than 20 has an 80% chance of redislocation. As such, I tend to surgically repair these patients earlier than later when more dislocations occur. The most common type of dislocation is "Anterior", or to the front of the shoulder. I will focus my discussion on this type. The most unstable position of a shoulder after an anterior dislocation is in the "position of throwing" where the arm is abducted(away from body), and externally rotated (rotated away from the body). During the main portion of a wingsuit flight the arms are abducted and internally rotated (rotated into the body). This internal rotation of the arm does give some stability to the shoulder joint, because the humeral head (ball) is focused on an area of the joint capsule that is not injured or excessively lax. If you were in full flight and you made an awkward movement to a throwing position you may become and AAD save statistic. The most likely problem is after deployment when your arms must go into the throwing position to grab your risers or toggles. If this is done with enough force you may dislocate again. This obviously would not be a great position to be in. My rule of thumb for surgical intervention of a shoulder dislocation is age less than 20 with first dislocation or failure of rehab with more than 1 dislocation. I hope this helps. Live Large:) Base# 1638
  18. I have 15 jumps on my revolve now and have nothing but good things to say about it. I was wearing a mamba which was nice, but does not even compare to the revolve. Great job Bonehead!!
  19. 22. Mark "Birddoctor" Duber Base# 1638
  20. Just for the record I did 10 WS jumps at Lodi the past 2 days and had no problem landing on. This was my first time jumping at Lodi as I am from Kentucky. It's amazing people have a hard time landing on when the landing area is big and the landmarks are very easy to find. Obviously awareness was an issue with past wingsuiters. It was nice to meet and fly with you Ed. Base# 1638
  21. Great. I'll be there Sunday all day. I'll look for you. Base# 1638
  22. Looks like Byron at this point. Thanks for the Info. Base# 1638
  23. Ok, I'll be in San Fran next weekend and want to wingsuit. Lodi seems out of the question now. Where should I go? Thank's Base# 1638
  24. I was coming for a weekend in late October. I guess That might fall through now. I hope this changes. Base# 1638
  25. I have put about 40 jumps on my P2 in the last 2 months. It is a great suit and inspires alot of confidence. You can fly this suit in any configuration. Fast, slow, flocking, acro ect. I'm very impressed with the performance and it seems everyone I jump with is too.