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Everything posted by BoogeyMan

  1. I see. I checked the prior posts. You're upset over the anti gay marriage issue. I don't understand why you would want the government in your life. For years gays and lesbians in your town, San Francisco, agitated for rights and to get the government out of your bedrooms. Now you want the government in your total life. I don't understand the whole gay thing, anyway. Whatever blows your skirt up.....
  2. Can't agree with you, dude ... you could've avoided all this by posting a link to the column and let the others draw their own conclusions after reading it. You might be right. Perhaps in the future, if I feel that someone needs to be helped, I may post a link. In Wendy's case here, I think not. She's plenty smart.
  3. Other posters didn't have a problem. You asked for an example. I said to read Dr. Krauthammer's own words. Easy enough to do with a computer. Pretty straightforward reply to me. I have a problem, I just don't care enough to worry. After you refused to elaborate for the second time, I wrote your posting and Dr. K as partisan horseshit and went on to find some substantial conversation instead. Lawrocket sufficiently answered the topic - shrinks who make medical judgements from afar based on what they see/read in the media are quacks. Then, why are you back posting here? Upset, are you? As Wendy says...... Go find another thread if you can't comprehend or dislike the posts on this one. You wrote nothing to me. Are you so upset, that you're becoming delusional? Go lie down. Have an aspirin. Relax.
  4. While you may not have wanted to provide specific quotes absent context, providing a link to a specific column by CK that illustrates your point would certainly have been more straightforward than "just read Krauthammer". Possibly. I guess that Wendy is a very bright and articulate person, and that to do so, would insult her intelligence. I also avoid the challenge of "steering". We can go either way on this. Thx for the input. Additionally, for me to paraphrase Dr. Krauthammer is simply not the way to go. There are so many spinners in SC, that the challenges would be not only endless, but for the most part adolescent or altogether empty.
  5. Agreed. While he may have medical training he is a political commentator. I don't give his opinions any more or less weight than any other political commentator. You have never heard an expert discuss with authority, any subject on a TV program? I guess you also missed the part about Dr. Krauthammer being an MD, a Psychiatrist, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and a nationally syndicated columnist.
  6. Other posters didn't have a problem. You asked for an example. I said to read Dr. Krauthammer's own words. Easy enough to do with a computer. Pretty straightforward reply to me.
  7. Be more specific...... Sounds like a PA. Such language is very unbecoming of you..
  8. Gingrich has repeatedly said that yes, he did consulting for F&F. But F&F never took his advice, and in fact went the opposite way of what he recommend them to do. GeorgiaDon...You are really Dr. Kallend, aren't you? Good joke.......!!
  9. I don't. Until and unless Dr. Krauthammer has examined and tested the person - or at least has significant personal interaction with him versus reliance on hearsay - I think he should leave any form of medical opinion out of assessment. Hey, Obama is a Constitutional scholar. it does not mean that I give his opinion on Constitutionality any more weight than I would grant to any other lawyer. Especially considering that the President has something to GAIN from opinions on Constitutionality. You might address that to Dr. Krauthammer himself. I'd be pleased to hear his response. Many of Dr. Krauthammers essays have been from a psychological viewpoint. Yet, Dr. Krauthammers credentials/licenses remain current and honored. When BHO releases his transcripts, then I will look at that "hearsay."
  10. I didn't know that. Physician: heal thyself! By the way , you wouldn't have been "Peaceful Jeffrey" or "DesertAttorney" in a previous internet life, by any chance? Don Never heard of PJ. I have argued with DA, before. Big time. Are you really Dr. Kallend?
  11. True, unless his private life is somehow of importance in regard of his politic views, which is the case here. If you preach family values, you better make damn sure that your private life is pristine. A typical case of "Judge and be judged". I agree with you in principle. But unless somebody's a closet axe murderer or serial wife beater, I really don't give a shit anymore. I see ex- and soon-to-be-ex- spouses/SOs act like fucking assholes almost every time I'm in Family Court. We've all known for 20 years that Newt's a prick, and a philanderer, in that order. So now, 15 years after the marriage ended, his 2nd ex is getting in one last lashing-out of her rage against her ex-husband, for no other reason than because she hopes it hurts him. Frankly, I think it's long past time for her to have gotten on with her life, including emotionally. After all these years, all she's really managed to do is make herself look like an embittered fool in public. This should be a lesson to all the divorcees out there who are still very, very, very angry at their ex-spouses: Let it go. I pretty much agree with you, counselor. Maybe I'm too 'old school' but I really feel that our politicians and elected officials should be held to a higher standard. Especially, our president. He represents us to the entire world. I think too, the 'sexual revolution' of the 60's as well as other movements of that era have drastically changed our morals and standards. We've become so laid-back, we're about to fall over! Chuck Damn, right............ I'm pretty sure everyone would agree in principle. The problem is where do we, as a nation, find such an angel to be our leader? Ain't no way. Men are flawed. To find one who is honest to admit that he has made human mistakes would be refreshing. Gingrich has 'fessed up. Many times. Gingrich certainly did not perjure himself like Willie the "K" did. "Ah ded not have sax wiff that woman." "That depends on wut the meaning of "is" is..... "Mah cee-gar tayses funny..." I'm not saying they need to be perfect. There's no duch thing. I do expect them to have a God-damned backbone and do the job the way it's meant to be done. Chuck I do expect them to have a God-damned backbone and do the job the way it's meant to be done. Well said.....! That's one of the reasons why I mentioned that Gingrich, from the opening shot, made John King and CNN his bitch, showing that he has backbone, and was not some run-of-the-mill petty, manufactured by the Party politician, like Jimmy Carter or BHO.
  12. Dr. Krauthammer, a Harvard MD is also a board certified PSYCHIATRIST, from a Boston ( a hot bed of conservative reactionaries ) hospital. As such, I believe that Dr. Krauthammer is in a far better position to comment on the behavior of BHO than a Prof of Material Engineering or a Prof. of Medical Entomology. Dr. Krauthammer, as a Pulitzer Prize winner, speaks for himself in his published essays. Romney, ain't lost yet, ya know. Relax, this primary thing is not over yet. It's just gotten rolling. I'll support Romney or Gingrich over Barry H. A hint...? You mentioned patterns of behavior. Start there.
  13. nope..... Krauthhammer is on record. check it out. DO NOT trust me.
  14. Excellent points..... Look at BHO's pattern of behavior. Charles Krauthammer has been saying the exact same thing you wrote for years even before BHO stepped in the White House.
  15. True, unless his private life is somehow of importance in regard of his politic views, which is the case here. If you preach family values, you better make damn sure that your private life is pristine. A typical case of "Judge and be judged". I agree with you in principle. But unless somebody's a closet axe murderer or serial wife beater, I really don't give a shit anymore. I see ex- and soon-to-be-ex- spouses/SOs act like fucking assholes almost every time I'm in Family Court. We've all known for 20 years that Newt's a prick, and a philanderer, in that order. So now, 15 years after the marriage ended, his 2nd ex is getting in one last lashing-out of her rage against her ex-husband, for no other reason than because she hopes it hurts him. Frankly, I think it's long past time for her to have gotten on with her life, including emotionally. After all these years, all she's really managed to do is make herself look like an embittered fool in public. This should be a lesson to all the divorcees out there who are still very, very, very angry at their ex-spouses: Let it go. I pretty much agree with you, counselor. Maybe I'm too 'old school' but I really feel that our politicians and elected officials should be held to a higher standard. Especially, our president. He represents us to the entire world. I think too, the 'sexual revolution' of the 60's as well as other movements of that era have drastically changed our morals and standards. We've become so laid-back, we're about to fall over! Chuck Damn, right............ I'm pretty sure everyone would agree in principle. The problem is where do we, as a nation, find such an angel to be our leader? Ain't no way. Men are flawed. To find one who is honest to admit that he has made human mistakes would be refreshing. Gingrich has 'fessed up. Many times. Gingrich certainly did not perjure himself like Willie the "K" did. "Ah ded not have sax wiff that woman." "That depends on wut the meaning of "is" is..... "Mah cee-gar tayses funny..."
  16. Then don't get all pissy when those who actually do live by their family values vote accordingly...afterall, God forbid they support abortion, they'd be hypocrites! OMG......! Yet, "Another Kallend misconception?"
  17. Since the "man" makes his living in the public eye, I know enough about him to know he does not have a history of faithfulness to his word or his principles. I don't need to know more than that to know he is unsuitable as a leader of this country. I suppose every mass murderer, ruthless despot, etc has their "good points" and people who will testify they have a "well-meaning heart". Doesn't mean it would be a good idea to make them your drinking buddy, or president. Yes it does. Has the RNC repudiated it loudly? Has Bush repudiated it loudly? If not, I suppose it suggests the DNC is more honorable and more truthful than the RNC, at least on this matter. That anyone would not repudiate it also speaks loudly. Don LOL...... Repubs would not mention it. To do so is to highlight the story for the media, and bring it air time. The media loves it when a high ranking pol cranks out dirt, no matter if true or not. The media happily posts it. The nastier, the better. Go to and communicate your concerns. I believe that you will receive a response.
  18. Oh well, that settles it then. Poor little Newt, such an honorable man to attract such emnity. A modern day Job, I tell you. Just so we're clear here, that particular smear campaign had nothing to do with the DNC. It was a product of the Bush campaign, and had Karl Rove's fingerprints all over it. So now Gingrich, the high priest of the politics of personal destruction, is now complaining about being hoist on his own petard? Would this be the same Newt who lead the interrogation of Clinton over personal matters that we now learn are irrelevant to the leadership of the country (but only irrelevant when applied to Newt, I suppose), while he was, by his own admission, at the very same time fucking his campaign worker behind his wife's back? "Help, help, I'm being oppressed!" Don Don't know the man personally........ Do you? However, the DNC has indeed disavowed the McCain smear. No matter who made it. That the DNC repudiated it speaks loudly. EDIT........ Perhaps an independent fact checker on this thread would be helpful. While sex acts by Presidents and other powerful notables do make headlines, inside the Beltway, unless it's illegal, you really ain't got nuttin'.
  19. "I mostly agree with you. However, I do expect someone to conduct themselves in a professional manner once they are in office." +1..... Gingrich has declared that the story is false. In the same manner as the story about John McCain's illegitimate daughter was spun, and which has since been repudiated by no less than the Democratic National Committee. Gingrich gets my vote as the winner in SC in both debates. I thought it was masterful how Gingrich handed moderator King his own ass at the opening.
  20. You don't like it when people accuse you of being against all guns, so then why would you use that exact same argument in the reverse extreme against me? You know it's untrue. So much for you sticking to the high ground. "Boy, 14, kills intruder after gang of FOUR men try to break into house where he was home alone with his sister" Link: "The teen opened fire with a shotgun while his 17-year-old sister hid in a closet as a gang of men attempted to smash their way into their home..."His parents must have been nuts to leave their kids home alone with a loaded shotgun! NC has the Felony Murder Rule. SUBCHAPTER III. OFFENSES AGAINST THE PERSON Homicide § 14-17. Murder in the first and second degree defined; punishment. A murder which shall be perpetrated by means of poison, lying in wait, imprisonment, starving, torture, or by any other kind of willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing, or which shall be committed in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of any arson, rape or a sex offense, robbery, kidnapping, burglary, or other felony committed or attempted with the use of a deadly weapon shall be deemed to be murder in the first degree, a Class A felony, and any person who commits such murder shall be punished with death or imprisonment in the State's prison for life without parole as the court shall determine pursuant to G.S. 15A-2000, except that any such person who was under 17 years of age at the time of the murder shall be punished with..... Looks like the surviving crooks are going to be in a legal battle for their lives.......... Crooks stink.
  21. Congrats..... Over 500 posts. Very kool.
  22. LOL....... Puh-leeze, Dr. You are not a FNG to SC.