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Everything posted by BoogeyMan

  1. +1....... Soft goggles without the hard lens or frames that can become a sharp or hard object that is jammed into your eye are the way to go. Kroops have been jumped by thousands for decades. I have no financial interest in Kroops. But I do like to see folks be safe.
  2. Sounds like the cops are trying to establish a time line for the victim leading up to the crime. On the surface, you don't have anything to break a sweat over.
  3. NOTE: To whoever it is that reads Andy's posts to him and types in his replies. Andy needs to stop using. That stuff retards his already bad judgment, lowers his impaired and damaged ability to comprehend and reason, and is worse for lungs than tobacco. Even in rural GA. there is help available: Call The Watershed Free 24-Hour Helpline: 1-866-603-3780
  4. Sorry, Opi. Didn't know you're that old. So, just lean back in your arm chair and watch your local American Nazi Party news. edited for typo Uh ohhhhhh....... You're calling me a Nazi? Schatzy..!! Is there a Mod in the area?
  5. See..... Nothing really to post, just jealousy and venom at being a quasi-third world country. Shouldn't you be out sweeping the canals for the races?
  6. Ratio between population sizes and total medal counts is significantly in The Netherland's favour. You have seen a fat guy and a fat woman in Euro, so Europeans are just as fat as Americans? That's some funny reasoning. When you start looking at data as opposed to an anacdote, you will find that Americans are significantly more fat and obese than Euros. Two thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. A far majority thinks they are eating a healthy diet, which would make them not only fat, but also stupid. You know the type, a double Big Mac with cheese, and a Diet Coke. No, I don't know the type, but the stout Euro's I've seen do make for a pretty fair comparison. Again..... see you in the Olympics.
  7. I did, and after reading it I concluded it isn't a surprise that you guys made up American Football because you didn't succeed in real sports like Football. Jesus Fucking Christ, Drive-Through funeral homes....... Gawd Almighty......! I wish I had dreamed up the NFL.!! What are you babbling about? Football.. Funeral homes.... Holy crap, man. Are you having a breakdown or episode of some type? Dial 112 or 999 or whatever the emergency call number is over there. Why don't you just open a printed newspaper? You'll learn a lot. What's your problem with us Europeans? Your descent? You and your buddy above really show a somewhat ridiculous hate towards the EU - what is it? Fear? Your posts are that agressive, why that? Do you have something to tell us? Us Europeans? Come on, man, open your heart and let's hear about your nightmares. HAH...! Somehow I knew that Schatzy would pop up, when Marinus was going off. YOU should re-read the posts. Only Marinus is aggressive. You already know my feelings towards Teutonic frauleins. LOL...... Who in the world ever told you that we legal types ever had a heart?
  8. I did, and after reading it I concluded it isn't a surprise that you guys made up American Football because you didn't succeed in real sports like Football. Jesus Fucking Christ, Drive-Through funeral homes....... Gawd Almighty......! I wish I had dreamed up the NFL.!! What are you babbling about? Football.. Funeral homes.... Holy crap, man. Are you having a breakdown or episode of some type? Dial 112 or 999 or whatever the emergency call number is over there.
  9. Probably because the US uses underhanded methods to keep us in line. After all, you invade countries for no reason at all, so why not bullying small countries into compliance whenever you feel like imposing your incompetence upon others? So your entire country is just a hapless victim? You would do well living in the U.S. We have a huge number of victims here, too. In fact, maybe the U.S. should just annex you. Whoa, big fella....... Annex a country that has nothing to offer? I mean, how much cheese and tulips can one person digest? An entire country of hapless victims who produce nothing but tulips and cheese would fit in well in the U.S. would probably guarantee Democrat control for centuries. SHHHHH.... Don't give them any ideas. Dang...... You're right. Mum's the word.......
  10. Considering the fact that you're 20 times bigger then we are, you're a joke compared to us. You're at best half as good as us. Source please, or else I assume you're just displaying American ignorance. Or so you say, I don't really believe you. We've about 300% t manoeuvre. You're short ans fat, we're long and slim on average. You're too stupid to stop eating it seems. As I thought..... You don't post the sources for your hi level of govt' information about how the US bullies the Neds to do our bidding. If we're short and fat, how do we bully you guys? You undercut your own statements. I do accept that you actually believe the airy, delusional nonsense you post. EDIT: BTW...Thx for the link. Read it for yourself.
  11. I wish it were so, but nope. Reid wanted all $$$-Billions spent there, but got cold feet when the anti nuke crowd started linking him to nuke waste being transported across Nevada. Reid is a politician, in the worst sense of the word, to his very marrow.
  12. I don't think tulips have enough fat in them to be of any use to the big boned Americans, but our cheese would be a real help in keeping the weight of the average American above 300 pounds. Remember that at the next Olympic games. We'll see who has the greater medal count. BTW, most of the worlds athletes train in the USA. I've been to Euro. and viewed some hefty machens/frauleins there. You have zero room to maneuver, on that account. Where do you get your high level information about how the Netherlands government is so wimpy that the USA can push it around at will?
  13. Haven't the French figured this out? So did the US. The all but completed waste disposal facility in Nevada is being held hostage by Sen. Light Foot Harry Reid.
  14. Probably because the US uses underhanded methods to keep us in line. After all, you invade countries for no reason at all, so why not bullying small countries into compliance whenever you feel like imposing your incompetence upon others? So your entire country is just a hapless victim? You would do well living in the U.S. We have a huge number of victims here, too. In fact, maybe the U.S. should just annex you. Whoa, big fella....... Annex a country that has nothing to offer? I mean, how much cheese and tulips can one person digest?
  15. Could be...... Freakin' Russians are all over Europe since the collapse of the USSR. But military treaties rarely involve hockey, as a general rule.
  16. Whooooooooosh.....! Right over your head. Is this thread about the symbolism of the Runes? I've seen pix of troops posing with the U of Neb. flag. Big deal. SS runes are a whole different animal.
  17. You know even terrorists freedom fighters have won the Nobel Peace prize right? You call Manning a 'freedom Fighter'? The guy is a traitor who broke a trust. If anything, he's a snivelling little coward. That's being polite. Chuck Yeah..... We all know from history what a great military power the Netherlands are. God forbid that a national security breech should occur there. We'd all be in the soup.
  18. The SS was indeed very effective. Howeverrrrrrr....... Let's put those SS runes in a context that you might relate to better. The SS, in addition to offing 6M Jews, did their level best to kill every homosexual they got their hands on, too. SS runes are probably still illegal in Germany. Next trip abroad, visit a small town north of Munich. It's named Dachau. The Occupying Forces inspect it regularly, and have keep it in pristine condition since 1945. It was an "effective" place.(sarcasm)
  19. Damn..... that is dumb. That flag most assuredly displays SS runes. Jarheads aren't really noted for their capacity to think beyond the superficial. Fixing bayonets, and charging, even though the rifle's mag is still full, is a USMC trait that has been mused over for decades. Kids.....!! Whaddya gonna do?
  20. Then you will be happy when Obama care is eliminated too Good to know The confusion between "rights" and "benefits" continues unabated...
  21. Did you notice the book that's being advertised right next to the article? "Fallen" by Karen Slaughter. Is this a subliminal suggestion? Are they trying to incite people to go on a killing spree so the gun store can be shut down? Do you really believe ad servers work by having humans read articles rather than simply searching for keywords that automatically place them? So you are saying they are targeting me and implanting murderous subliminal messages? YIKES !!!!! Somebody stop me.................. Is there a "sign up" post for the subliminal message?
  22. actually that's where you are 100% wrong. I'm a staunch atheist and I'm here to tell you if when i die I am actually wrong. then I would expect a loving care GOD of the so called chistian understanding, to accept me with open arms. Because I live a life that i consider to be moral and just. I would not expect, your loving and caring GOD to deny me simply be cause I didn't bow down and suffer at an effigy of him or any of he followers. Hah... You impeached your own statement. Brilliant. You display a knowledge that belies your atheism. there is NO knowledge in FAITH, it's all about "HOPE". not knowledge and fact. LOL..... The more you post, the more you attack your professed atheism. Keep it up, you doing fine.
  23. This is a case where individual state laws control. I think only a couple of states (I know New Mexico is one) recognize same sex marriages from other states as marriages – in addition to the few states that actually perform gay marriages like Iowa, Connecticut, New York and a couple of others. California (who knows what effect yesterday’s decision will have on this) recognizes/recognized gay marriages as domestic partnerships, and I think this is what most states do. The Defense of Marriage Act helped make it so that other states did not have to recognize homosexuals as married – even IF the marriages were legal in the place in which they were performed. Most states recognize marriages from other states without a problem. One more can of gas on the fire...... The doctrine of "Full Faith and Credit" used to be applied to common law marriages. The DOMA complicated things. It can be viewed as one reason why less governance might be better.