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Everything posted by Thedivingdog

  1. And you're proud of this?!?! I will never understand your kind. How many English lives would have been saved if you had stepped up and done what needed to be done. How many lives were saved by dropping 2 A-bombs on Japan? Oh, and just for the record, Israel doesn't flatten anything. If they do, why haven't they dropped an A bomb on all of gaza?? Surgical strikes are aimed at known terrorists. Do innocent people get caught in the cross fire? Yes of course, and it's a damn shame each time it happens. Does Israel aim at civilians on purpose? Absolutely not, and remember, I've been on the ground, I've seen it with my own eyes. Have you? Do the Palestinians aim at civilians? Well, you already know the answer to that one don't you..
  2. Wow dude, you are so obtuse it boggles the mind. I would love to see you live under a constant threat of missiles and say "meh, more people died in car crashes, so no biggy" I would like to add one more thing. I have been there, I have seen these things, and I try to understand both sides, albeit not always successfully. Here is one standard that I can apply to all. Stop teaching younger generations to hate. Palestinian school books, tv, magazines, etc. are blatantly anti Israeli. I have seen pamphlets with cartoons depicting Israel covered in blood with my own eyes. Google it and see for yourself. I have never though, in 14 years of schooling, seen something remotely similar in the Israeli education system. I'm sure the odd right wing extremist group has such things, but nothing in the main stream education system is anything like what I have seen being taught to Palestinian children. As long as future generations are taught to hate, this will never end.
  3. Hey, I'm with ya there. I guess now we just have to play the waiting game.....
  4. Wow dude, I guess tiny little Israel is too much to ask?? Lets take a look at a map, shall we? All of the green countries are Muslim countries. Plenty of blue Christian countries as well. Tiny Israel is the sole Jewish Democratic country, you can't even see it it's so damn small. But you're totally right, there is no room for a Jewish country in this world..
  5. Great post. That was my feeling traveling in Jordan. Some people hate just for hates sake, but most people just want to live their life and provide for their families, on both sides.. Darius - It looks like you are pretty frustrated, and that's understandable. As an Israeli-American, my loyalties lie with Israel. Does that mean that I agree with everything that Israel does?? Absolutely not! There are extremists on both sides, and they are a very loud minority. If only the moderates could just sit down and talk, I think things would be different.
  6. I KNOW I shouldn't feed the troll, but I just can't help myself. Here ya go 'son': Edumacate yourself. Of course, you will say that this is BS propaganda. I will counter that there are 2 sides to every story, and round and round we go. The fact of the matter is that Jews have been there forever. Arabs have been there forever. The land has passed through many hands many many times. FACT: There NEVER was Palestinian 'ownership' of the land. FACT: Israel exists there now. FACT: Israel isn't going anywhere. Deal with it. PS, I own no land, but I rent a nice little house. Come try and take it from me, I dare you. That's basically history in a nutshell.
  7. What is it with Russians and flying animals??
  8. Ok, can someone explain this to me? I feel comfortable around guns. I have had many years of training with guns. Sometimes I walk around with a gun. Sometimes I don't. I don't feel particularly "fearful" while walking with a gun. I don't feel "fearful" walking without a gun either. So can someone explain this whole "I don't need a gun because i don't live in fear" deal?? I'm no superman, so where's my irrational fear? I look at carrying a gun like carrying a first aid kit on a hike. If I do carry a first aid kit, does that mean I'm afraid I'll break my leg? Not really, I just like to be prepared. If I carry a gun, does that mean I'm afraid I'll get mugged/shot/decapitated? Not really, I just like to be prepared. Savvy?
  9. Cool. It's an old school f1-11. It's old, but it's cheap, and it works.
  10. I have a pd170. 1/4,1/2?. How would you position your body?
  11. If you opened very far from the LZ and wanted to maximize your chances of getting back how should you apply your breaks?
  12. Very cool. Did Cara have her own O2? Just curious..
  13. I worked with Malinois in the military. Awesome dogs. Rose even saved some lives. I had a harness I could put on her and lift her up like a suitcase if I needed to go up a ladder, but I never jumped out of a plane with her! Nice!
  14. I am going to Bridge the Gap this weekend at Skydive Elsinore and would like to share expenses. We can meet in N. AZ or Phoenix or wherever.
  15. Besides the going home part, you did great. If I was absolutely sure I was being followed, I would have called the police and gotten the license plate number. Best case would have been to drive to the pd station. As some have mentioned before, situational awareness is key, and you had that. Many people just drive and notice nothing else. You noticed them following you, which is the first step. How many people here have situational awareness while walking? Woman especially need to be aware of who is around them. I'm not saying we have to suspect everyone that walks by us. But too many times I see people with head phones in or talking on their cell hones completely oblivious to their surroundings. ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings. If you suspect someone is following you, cross the street or duck into a shop. If you can't, at least you can prepare yourself mentally and turn around, show him you know he's following you. We practice this in my martial arts class a lot. Be aware of your surroundings, this should be a wake up call to all. Stay safe out there.
  16. Except on Sunday. Honestly, it was just meh for me. Not sure what I was expecting..
  17. If anyone here is going to 3:10 I would love to meet you and perhaps do a couple jumps. I'm pretty new to the DZ and don't know that many people. I will try to arrive earlyish on Saturday and will be jumping all day Sunday. I would be happy to work on anything really, you name it. Here's to a sweet weekend.
  18. Can anyone with more experience than I make an educated guess as to what might happen regarding the argus ban? Is this enough to reverse the ban? Was the ban issued prematurely? If the ban is reversed, are we talking weeks, months, years?
  19. Haha, nice try... Already been to the Halloween boogie at STF. Besides, what's a boogie without boogie beer?!?
  20. I just realized that I never introduced myself! Where are my manners?!? Recently moved to Prescott, AZ. Before that I was traveling in the US and overseas. Before that I lived in Israel. And before that I was born in good ole New Jersey.. I have around 55 jumps, and am working on my B. I got my A at STF, which was awesome. Recently I have been jumping at Eloy and Red Rock. I will be going to 3:10 to Eloy, and look forward to meeting y'all! Peace Moshe
  21. You are one strange ass dude shah. I suggest hookers and booze.
  22. Really? Didn't google take care of these questions... Hera ya go:
  23. Here's something to think about. I was in Southern Cali, did all of my research just like you are doing, and found that flying to Georgia to get my A at Skydive the Farm was CHEAPER than staying put and doing it in Socal, including a flight! I know, I couldn't believe it either... I don't work there, I'm just saying that if you look at flights and can take 2 weeks off, it might be worth it to fly somewhere else. I can vouch that STF was the best deal I could find, with a stellar safety record. Lodi is cheap as well, but when you compare everything else there's no contest.
  24. You're talking out of your ass man. Show me where the IDF targeted civilians ON PURPOSE. It's tragic when non combatants are killed by Israeli forces. On the other hand, it's a victory when Palestinian terrorists kill civilians. Did you even read the article? People in Gaza were celebrating and handing out candy when news of the Fogel family massacre came out. Show me where Israelis celebrated when innocent Palestinians were killed. Can't?? Whoops... Wake up man. This is something EVERY Israeli soldier swears: Show me the Hamas equivalent.