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Everything posted by Thedivingdog

  1. I bought a 20 year old rig with no AAD for 750. Has worked just fine so far. I think ima treat myself to a graduation present and buy a 50 jump block at Lodi. Like you said, jumping is a piss poor investment, but boy is it fun.. Thanks for the input y'all!
  2. That looks like a good way to budget. Luckily my parents taught me well and I had no debt (before student loans that is, yeesh..) and pay my cc bill in full. Question: Have folks figured out what percentage of their income (or entertainment budget) they put toward skydiving? Just curious..
  3. Damn, a BA just ain't what it used to be.. I am graduating in May and am considering getting back into the sport. I quit about a year ago because I was a full time student and honestly just couldn't afford it. Now I have some employment lined up and am wondering if i should get back into it. I know in the end it's my decision based on my priorities, I was just wondering if folks out there had a magic number they need to make in order to be able to jump. I don't have many expenses, but I'm also looking at not making very much at all. Perhaps 20k a year.. Not that I'm complaining, it's great to even have a job. But can I really afford to skydive? Just looking for some thoughts. Thanks!
  4. I'll be arriving late Friday, and jumping all day Saturday. I don't know many folks, so I would like to meet some people to jump with. I'll be the guy with the puzzled look on his face trying to figure out what the F is going on..
  5. i was just about to suggest this as well. i have bought a number of items from the classifieds, including an entire rig. All of my transactions went smoothly, for the most part. I am now looking to buy a new rig, and I would like sellers to know that I am legit. I would also like to see a sellers history as well. I think a lot of people would benefit from this.
  6. I jump a non modified V2 and am doing Belly so far. A couple of times I have flipped onto my back though for a good 5-10 seconds. Should I not flip on my back at all? What is the danger exactly? Sorry for the noob questions, but that's where I'm at for now..
  7. Anyone here study Krav Maga?? Thoughts?
  8. Haven't been insulted by you yet. What do you think all of the are for? I take any internet "discussion" with a very large dose of salt. I suggest you do the same. I agree, facts are facts. But are you saying that the same fact cannot be interpreted differently by two different sides?? If so, as my people say:OY VEY! That kind of helps me gauge your level of awareness and ability to build on a debate rather then ignore new information. ignoring new evidence will prevent you from expanding your opinion leaving you in an arrested development. And open for a claim that you might be misinformed. I considered that statement to fall under the asinine category. UH OH, now you're in trouble. I never said any of that. It looks like you have got your "discussions" mixed up there buddy. You better go back and check every post. That should keep you busy for a while
  9. Ok dude, whatever works for you. You can keep calling me delusional and whatnot, that totally strengthens your argument I'm sure. "Facts are facts" eh? I dunno.. You look at your "facts" and interpret them to your liking. I look at them and see something else. But that's understandable, I've been brainwashed! I'm an American. I believe supporting the only democracy in the Middle East is in Americas interest. You do not. We will have to agree to disagree on that one.
  10. UH OH, he's on to us!! Quick, fellow Zionist conspirators, lets regroup and plan our next attack! I really do find your Zionist conspiracy theories quite amusing.. PS, here is an Israeli taken out of context: I can find more if you like.
  11. I am still on my first rig, a cheapo Vector 2 with a PD 170. Honestly, I'm pretty happy with it. Some said that it would not be that great in the AZ summer, at 3500 msl no less! But knock on wood, landings have been fine. The rig spent most of its life in a closet, and is in excellent shape. It just took the right guy to get it to come out
  12. Hey, we can agree on something!! There really is media bias!! You forgot to mention that it's on both sides though.. Oops... Media coverage of the conflict has been dogged by allegations of bias on both sides. We can argue this point forever But I'm getting kinda tired, aren't you?? To truly believe that there is bias toward only one side is ridiculous, at least in my mind. Anywho, regarding your video link...Ummm, dayum!!! A TV show edited an interview and took words out of context?!?!?! I never heard of such a thing!!! How can you take this bozo seriously after saying this?? Do you really think a sane and balanced person would come up with this gem?
  13. Another interesting thing I discovered related to the skewing of information on tarnishing events about Israel was the Megaphone software. This is used in conjunction with the legions of "online warriors" supported by programs of the Israel Foreign Ministry. So you see, combined with pro-israel news agencies, the omission of events that can tarnish the image of Israel and the immense effort to skew any poll or forum related to Israel - there is a very organized effort to deceive the public form the truth. It's all very fascinating to me. BAM! I have links too! I especially like this one: On March 11, 1997, the Palestinian representative to the U.N. Human Rights Commission falsely charged Israel with injecting 300 Palestinian children with the HIV virus. You say tomato, I say BS... I can do this all day. You know how I got here don't you?? My super secret megaphone app alerted me to your scurrilous accusations!! I'm not even a real skydiver!! I'm a zionist agent!! I do enjoy our little chats though, don't get me wrong. Anything else? Well, I wouldn't consider the ADL as an unbiased source. lol. At least you now realize that there is an organized effort from Israel and it's supporters to not only skew polls unfavorable to Israel but also silence any civil discourse by having mobs of pro-Israeli posters locate and pile on. I found this information when I was noticing the trend of remarks. I would notice how a site would be silent for hours, but one hot button israel topic would bring them out like a fire alarm went off. Very organized and very effective. I'm afraid you might have fallen prey to the misinformation. Understanding how it is done to you should help with the deprogramming. Haha.. Did you bother to read any of the links? As for an "organized effort to skew polls and yada yada", come on, really?? Israel has been bashed online for so long, it's about time they did something about it... These Bullshit online polls are meaningless, but let's face it, sometimes people take notice. As for the UN - tell me something. Do you believe that what happened in Rwanda was cool? How about Yugoslavia, are you down with that? If not, and the UN is totally unbiased, please explain: The U.N. has repeatedly held "Emergency Special Sessions" focusing solely on Israel. Originally conceived in 1950 for emergencies like the Korean War, Emergency Special Sessions over the past 15 years have only focused on Israel. No Emergency Special Sessions were convened to examine the genocide in Rwanda, ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia or other major world conflicts. From:
  14. Another interesting thing I discovered related to the skewing of information on tarnishing events about Israel was the Megaphone software. This is used in conjunction with the legions of "online warriors" supported by programs of the Israel Foreign Ministry. So you see, combined with pro-israel news agencies, the omission of events that can tarnish the image of Israel and the immense effort to skew any poll or forum related to Israel - there is a very organized effort to deceive the public form the truth. It's all very fascinating to me. BAM! I have links too! I especially like this one: On March 11, 1997, the Palestinian representative to the U.N. Human Rights Commission falsely charged Israel with injecting 300 Palestinian children with the HIV virus. You say tomato, I say BS... I can do this all day. You know how I got here don't you?? My super secret megaphone app alerted me to your scurrilous accusations!! I'm not even a real skydiver!! I'm a zionist agent!! I do enjoy our little chats though, don't get me wrong. Anything else?
  15. "Nuclear rogue", I like that. Can you define what exactly a "nuclear rogue" is? Sounds to me like they are lobbing nukes left and right! Has Gaza been vaporized?? How about Syria? Iran?? Lebanon?? Anybody?? Also, we must be living on different planets, because most of the news about Israel I see is pretty skewed against Israel. Must just be me though...
  16. 21 weeks later.... Isn't that a cheesy movie title?? Seriously though, congratz!
  17. Is this opposite day, or is it just me?!? Ok, what I meant to say is that the calves are lovingly caressed, then gently beaten, and put in their place. You know, like the women folk back in the day. Next 3 grown men tenderly whisper sweet nothings into a horse's ear, while ropes are gently placed around it's neck, and it is placed on the ground so that the biggest man of all can daintily place himself on top of it. There, how was that??
  18. I like arguing with you: You - Genocide!!!!!! Sane People - Proof?? You - It's right there!!! *Points wildly at nothing* Sane People - Ahhh, now we get it...
  19. Are you really saying that calves aren't tackled to the ground in a REAL rodeo, or that horses aren't pounced on by three dudes?? What rodeo have you been doing for 20 years?? I saw the world's oldest rodeo, I'm pretty sure it was legit.
  20. Genocide? Prove it. Post a link from a REPUTABLE source, I would love to read it. Or have you seen this genocide first hand? How on earth did you escape??
  21. Not sure what this has to do with anything. Lots of crazy stuff happens in nature. It's NATURE.. Rodeos hurt and maim animals purely for humans enjoyment. I recently saw a rodeo. Honestly, it made my stomach churn. Was there BLATANT animal abuse? I dunno. What I did see though, sucked. Little calves tackled to the ground. Horses beaten and thrown to the ground. All I'm saying is that what it LOOKED like was a bunch of cow poke, ummm, compensating for something... BTW, I'm no bleeding heart. I worked with dogs in the military to find explosives. Some particular dogs needed a zap or two of electricity to complete the training. But did I enjoy zapping them?? Hell no.. Also, we were training dogs to save lives, not just doing it for fun. Is there a difference?? I sure as hell think so, otherwise I wouldn't have done it...
  22. Yup, it takes a BIG man to wrestle a calf or a horse to the ground. I realize rodeos are a tradition for some of ya'alls, but if you really think the animals are "just fine" you're delusional.
  23. So, umm, honest question. Do you think up this made up history beforehand, or do you just make it up as you go along? Being such an expert, surely you know that the word Palestine is actually derived from the Greek Palaestina. Of course, you also know that it was a largely geographical term. And obviously you are aware that JEWS and ARABS were BOTH called Palestinians during the British Mandate. Only after the establishment of Israel did the local Arab population decide to lay exclusive claim to the term Palestinian. But you already knew all of that...