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Everything posted by JohnnyMarko

  1. I think some people follow them because of money/politics, maybe they actually believe what is being taught, or maybe they don't know any better? This is a pretty shit story. Some guy had an affair, okay. Back to my life.
  2. Put the keyboard down. Turn off your computer. Go outside. Jesus Christ.
  3. Site! You missed another one I was throwin' shade at a specific poster
  4. Ahhhhh Where a story about terrorism turns into a debate about zip codes and neighborhood boundaries.
  5. Pride Festival in Denver yesterday Ugly mug on the left is me, my beautiful sister in the middle, and my better half in the goofy hat
  6. Occasionally making this mistake is slightly acceptable. But repeatedly doing it on this sight means your a dumbass.
  7. JohnnyMarko

    How Big is

    Well, that was more than "very underwhelming". I have 4 minutes of my life back?
  8. I'm on Craigslist a lot, I'll keep an eye out for anything that pops up a little north of ya.
  9. Like I said 1 wack job board member out of 100+ speaking on a web board is not the NRA making a press release. Sorry, unclear. Yea, twas not thy Anvil that did the spinning.
  10. This is true. Well, I mean, you can spin stuff however you want. According to my sig line, all us gays have infatuations with turtles. Not the Speedy kind though.
  11. Let me go ahead and drop some facts on you about who is killing who. OOOooooOOooOOOOO...I know about Reddit, too. I think there's a bigger picture here than a graph found on the internet.
  12. But I want to be TRANS-special. This day in age, I'm sure you could figure something out. It really just comes down to how badly you want the attention.
  13. Can you name one person who has ever posted here that they hate Christians? Jerry Baumchen Give me a few days and I could provide you a rather exhaustive list. There are a lot of posters in the SC that do hate Christians. It is the nature of the game. Tolerant liberals hate everyone who does not agree with them. You do take a ton of shit on here. I always wonder what keeps bringing you back.
  14. There you go again with that air of superiority. It's why there's so much friction on here between the lot of you and us. Then you better pray to God you don't run into some POS that decides to rob you with a weapon and off you with it, and as you're laying there on the ground you find yourself thinking "damn, having a gun might have prevented this from happening". Are you prepared for that possibility? I hope it doesn't happen to you BTW. Where the fuck do yall live? I can think of...actually no...a big fucking 0. 0 times I wish I had a gun.
  15. I clicked all the options. Cause if this is like your camera thread, a social experiment, then it really doesn't fucking matter.
  16. Wellll shit. The video is gone now for some reason. Reddit ruins everything, sometimes.
  17. Caution! This video will make you smile!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
  18. I did go land over by them and chatted for a few minutes, but I didn't ask about jumping out of it. I did talk to them about how it flew, wind limits, logistics, things like that. Very interesting aircraft. They told me their getting a new one built by a German company, vectored thrust, more modern, etc. Land BY them? That's not what I heard/saw