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Everything posted by MrLicious

  1. That is exactly what I was looking for thanks Ian. There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  2. Looking for a rigger near Huntington WV, please contact me. Thanks There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  3. Skymama knows me by my first name and can pick me out of a crowd, and not just as Laura's baby daddy, she used my actual first name!!!! WooooooHoooooooo!!!!!!!! There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  4. I'm not specifically looking for myself but I had someone call me today looking for one and I had no good resource to tell them. I was just wondering if there was a site out somewhere that I didn't know about that might have them. There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  5. Skydive East Tennessee will start it's third season this year. Is that new enough for ya?
  6. Does anybody know a good source for used pilot bailout rigs? There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  7. A little late, but I just made it official today. Plane tickets booked, room reserved, and event ticket bought. Anything else I need to do before ariving? looking forward to seeing everyone there.. There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  8. The reason Verizon is the most expensive is because they spend 10 times the money on their network as their competitors do, and when they roll out LTE (4G) you won't have to worry if it will work or not. Sprint started saying they had 4G the minute their first cell site started broadcasting the new technology, so technically they weren't misleading the public. They did have 4G even if it was just from one cell in their laboratory. Verizon on the other hand will have LTE installed in the majority of their markets before they start selling it. They might be the most expensive but they are worth it. I work in the wireless industry as a technician, and I get a free phone with unlimited everything, but I have a Verizon phone as my personal phone, along with all my fellow co workers. There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  9. No not from your own mouth. Something about the aeriola (sp?) keeps the nipple clean when you are nursing, so the baby doesn't get any germs from the mothers breast. Maybe a doctor could explain it better than I could. I don't think men's breast are self cleaning, just nursing mothers. There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  10. I learned the other day that nipples are self cleaning. who'd a thunk it??? There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  11. WOW!!! I always look at the washer, and if it has any corrosion I replace it, but 9 times out of 10 I put a new loop in it and use the same washer. There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  12. I found the official set of rules here There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  13. Will the winner be judged solely on time, or will there be be considerations for neatness, Aesthetics, ect? There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  14. I only ask because I know how much you like it!!! There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  15. Mine was 3 weeks as well!! The first jump course I took for skydiving was about 20 hours. M-F from 6-10PM, with one night dedicated solely to packing. Every student packed for themselves, from the very first jump. There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  16. Wow!! what a horrible way to go. While I was stationed in Haiti, one of the members in my platoon, got dengi fever, and almost died. It took him almost 3 months to recover fully. R.I.P There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  17. That is awesome Rich!! I only wish my parents had not sold their condo in Carlsbad and moved to ATL. I would have gone to visit them more if there had been a DZ there. There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  18. RIGHT NOW!!!!! Hurry or you will miss it... There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  19. How the Easter Bunny really hides his eggs all over the world!!! There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  20. While you are at the site you might as well vote for the guy on the other side you think James can beat. There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  21. If you are going to be in fitz this weekend you can smell my wife's... they always smell very nice... There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  22. That is how I heard it as well!!!! My reply to anyone who ever tells me they served in the Air Force.. "Have you ever served in the military?" There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  23. Packing up getting ready to go!!!!! Woooooo Hoooooo!!!! There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  24. Hosted on Poker Stars. Main Tournament starts in 1 hour. Password=Toggle There are no pessimists in skydiving. My Advice: It's worth what you pay for it, and I'm an expert at it.
  25. It's 77 degrees, and sunny there today...