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Everything posted by skipbelt

  1. i like where you're going with this , i'll support wherever i can !
  2. do you mean my link from reply 22 ? because that one works fine , you probably missed it , but not to worry , another poster has asserted that site is crap , i'm now fully informed on how that works !
  3. you're claiming you're intelligent , conservative or both ?
  4. what about NASA's number one priority to make muslims feel good about themselves ?
  5. try a move like that on obuma , let's see how gingerly you get treated !
  6. obuma said republicans have to get to the back of the bus . how's that for post racial ? how's that for healing our racial divide ? he hopey changeyed that so adeptly !
  7. libs are very often more frequent practicioners of the behaviors they whine the most about !
  8. funny you call lesnar lucky , that's exactly what he said about mir when he got caught in a knee bar. mir was nice about the knee bar , he could have wrenched lesnar's leg !
  9. they want me to pay for that ? we can do that for free , what about conservative vs liberal prediliction ?
  10. there are over 20,000 laws on the books , too many are obsolete or unfunded mandates , the focus should be on paring them down for awhile . besides government is divided by definition and design . the more integrated the worse for the people !
  11. gotta give you credit , you tried idk why they don't link , i did my best , here is the rest "There is a growing body of evidence that transposable elements have contributed to the evolution of genome structure and function in many species," said McDonald, a molecular evolutionist and head of the genetics department at UGA. "Our results suggest that a bust of transposable element activity may well have contributed to the genetic changes that led to the emergence of the human species." Jordan received his doctoral degree at UGA working with McDonald...Interest in retroelements, which McDonald has been studying for more than a decade, has been growing recently. In a paper published last December in Nature Genetics, two researchers from Tufts University, Jennifer Hughes and John Coffin, identified 23 new members of the HERV-K group - the assemblage thought to contain the most recently active members. They found that at least 16 percent of those elements had undergone rearrangements that resulted in large-scale "deletions, duplications, and chromosome reshuffling during the evolution of the human genome." The research of Jordan and McDonald is intriguing because it suggests that RATHER THAN SIMPLY PLAYING A ROLE IN HUMAN EVOLUTION, RETROVIRAL ELEMENTS MAY ACTUALLY BE IMPLICATED IN THE LEAP FROM CHIMPANZEES TO HUMANS. Until a mere 50 years ago, scientists thought all genes worked from a stable position along a chromosome. That idea, however, began to change dramatically in the 1970s, when it became clear that the elements are pervasive in plant and animal genomes and that it simply made no sense that such elements would be conserved over thousands of millennia if they had no real function Every area of evolutionary "science" has been plagued by outright fraud, exaggeration, misinterpretation, erroneous claims, suppression of contrary evidence, closed-mindedness, etc., but the area of supposed human evolution has been especially rife with outright fraud and deception and with a refusal to acknowledge contrary evidence
  12. i probably won't agree with you on much , but yes , someone is not paying attention !
  13. generally one must be repetitive with libs, especially if it's true and offends lib sensibilities !
  14. skipbelt

    Tip of the day

    Karmas a bitch though, ain't she? she comes and goes , she comes and goes !
  15. You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig. casino ? no , good , bad , ugly !!!
  16. libs love the theory of evolution , it provides a promise that the messy God business could be ignored . luckily it's just a theory... "Now, a new study by John McDonald of the University of Georgia and King Jordan at the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Institutes of Health, suggests for the first time that a burst of transpositional activity occurred at the same time humans and chimps are believed to have diverged from a common ancestor - 6 million years ago. These new results implicate retroelements, a particular type of transposable elements that are abundant in the human genome, in the actual shift from more rudimentary primates to modern human beings. The research was just published in the journal Genome Letters.
  17. i wouldn't want to regulate it , but i would want it self regulated , and stay true to the best traditions of the outdoorsman !
  18. i'm the base of base 10 the base of binary is a real zero back to the bug , the old commodore 64 ?
  19. skipbelt


    i love the british deadpan dry humor , the problem is discerning the message , or having a dull poorly refined sense of humor !
  20. how about another free life lesson? is this true
  21. if it encounters drag constantly it will slow and eventually stop , collision odds are negligable. it might come close enough to a large enough body to be influenced by it and the likely result would be a slingshot effect. but remember there are many celestial objects that have been in motion since as far back as can be measured and will be as far as can be projected. voyager now joins them !
  22. the fenced hunting is tragic in a way. the original attraction was a contest where the quarry had a fighting chance to escape or even turn the tables . the adrenaline rush came from a life and death struggle where stalking and hunting skills are sorely tested. where knowledge and execution of safari skills are the edge over the prey. more and more the deck is stacked completely against the hunted. i would be very favorably inclined to these hunts if the hunter had no more than a 50% chance of survival. could be a good reality show !
  23. the secret code is breaking down , just like enigma !
  24. i think you're wrong , but it seems like we'll never see eye to eye . no loss on my part.