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Everything posted by AviationTD

  1. I will post the pictures shortly but I think i discovered the source of the problem. the ring of the piston is literally gone. I noticed a large gap around the piston inside the chamber. I figured that is the reason why my compressor can't produce enough pressure for the reed value to function correctly. I have no idea how to replace the ring around piston or if it is a possible to replace the ring. Any advice here?
  2. You guessed right. I can see the metal leaf and it it appears to be intact. Nothing is broken. What other possible issues that can be associated with air being pumped out of air intake?
  3. Coleman 30 gallon compressor I took it apart to see if reed value is damaged. How do you know if it is damaged? I can't tell at this moment because it looks fine to me.
  4. Best source to find replacement?
  5. Everything is working properly except for one thing. I noticed that the filtered intake is not working correctly. The air was pumping out instead.
  6. Anybody here an expert with air compressor? My 30 gallons compressor broke down. I would like to try and fix it before I decide to dump it.
  7. This could be your lucky day. I work for BNY Mellon but located in Pittsburgh. I can use employee referral method to put in good word for you. PM me.
  8. I am no expert in this, but you got to make a change in your life. That's the bottom line. If you are unhappy, you are at idle speed. Only you can change the speed. Go out there and learn something new.
  9. What? What's wrong with bars on Carson street in Southside? There are plenty of bars around Pittsburgh. I guess it depends on what kind of crowd you are looking for. If I knew, I might point you to the right direction.
  10. There is a very good chance that I will move to Houston. If that is the case, where is a good place to live for a family? Any tip or advice?
  11. What? I'm.. What? What? I am sorry I can't hear you......what??
  12. Nah! my whuffo lady knows that skydiving is strictly hands-off. I just got curious about this accident.
  13. It was a wing-suit jump from an attitude, not a base jump. I tried to research the reason why the parachute failed to open. I could see the parachute was out and appeared to be inflated. What happened exactly?
  14. At work, my fiancée called me to let me know that she recorded a skydiving film for me. I came home to find out that it was a "20 seconds of Joy" film. I watched it and I couldn't pinpoint the reason why her parachute "failed to open." Anyone know the cause?
  15. I'm addicted to that show...I burned (pun intended :P ) through the first three seasons in about a week...sacrificed a good amount of sleep for it too! *** I know excatly what you feel! I watched one show of "24" last year and few days later, I burned through all 7 seasons in two weeks!
  16. Personal Record: 1 hour prior to departure!
  17. Oh, Someone beat me to it. Nevermind then.
  18. Check it out: http://rivals.yahoo.com/highschool/blog/prep_rally/post/Video-The-middle-school-trick-play-that-gained-?urn=highschool-283434 I don't know how to make it clicky yet. Sorry
  19. If you want my opinion, the price for that ring you shown is not worth it. I bought a similar ring like this three years ago for less than half of your price.
  20. Nice video! I was there for the first time and I had a blast tiime.
  21. +1 I learned this lesson the hard way. So Listen to him!
  22. I thought exactly the same way as you think when I watched this game. It was rough! I hate Lakers for years and wanted to watch them lose. Once again, it failed!
  23. Learning to fly is expensive, no question about it. All the previous posts are great advices that you can take. AOPA is probably the best source for the information that you requested. I don't know what your background is, but I can tell you that it is expensive to stay current after you get your pilot license. I am inactive at this moment because I don't have time to stay sharp. It is better to stay on ground than to fly rustic. One thing that hasn’t been mentioned here is experimental category. Check out the EAA if you want to know. I am building an experimental aircraft in my garage/basement. I just started and I can tell you that it is extremely fun if you like to get your hand dirty.
  24. Where are you really from? TV isn't the only way to watch. I'm watching the game on my phone. I just hope that my boss don't bust me.