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Everything posted by jayrech

  1. hey dude, If you go to the home page on here look in the very bottom right hand corner and it has fatality reports from 2004 on. hope this helps D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  2. I agree we need to have fun in our sport. That is why we skydive right. Its fun. Now I havent been in the sport nearly long enough to start throwing valuable advice around, but what I can gather is, when people start going in bad things come out of it. There is a death in the sport, a family looses a son or daugher. People loose a friend(no matter how much it seems like it sometimes but we all have friends), The sport may loose more than just one person. If people happen to witness the incident( Im sure it happens more often than not) they may be driven out of the sport. Lawsuits like mentioned earlier in this forum may come about. Yes we will learn something from the incident, Wether or not it was gear related, we will always learn something from it. Now with that being said, Some times we learn a hard lesson. New restrictions may be put on our sport. Our sport is scrutinized to no end constantly. Take a look at the recent incident in Toronto. Im sure all the wonderfull media attention we are getting from it is bringing in at least 300 new Solo jumpers per DZ across canada. Now this goes straight to you "Sangi". I am a low low low number jumper. I(like many people in the sport) hates being told what to do, how to do it. This Subject hits pretty close to home for me. I didnt come out of it with a Mal, no cut away, but a good lesson none the less. My self and another jumper from my home dz where going for a hope and pop camera flight. At this point i had two camera jumps under my belt. We decided to do an exit that we really shouldnt have and caught it on tape. To make a long story short, after reviewing the video(thinking I am all hot shit had so much fun and was so creative) my DZO/ really good friend took me aside and proceeded to knock me down on notch at a time. Fuck did I hate him at the moment, I felt like an idiot. Looking at this now, It happen last summer, I look at how many cards I had stacked leaning slightly towards the fire. I was lucky, the guy I was jumping with was lucky. The biggest thing I can take out of it is, incidents don't happen from one "big" mistake. Its mostly always a culmination of various little mistakes, And my incident was sure starting to make a list of its own. Dude, I hope I get a chance to jump with you. Its a bloody small world so you never know if it will happen or not. Keep enjoying our sport as it is. Have fun with your life man, but for fuck sakes take some advice with a little more of an open mind. I like the sport the way it is, but i fear if things keep happening that could be avoided incident wise, our sport is going to change in ways we are all not going to like. Im done being all grown up, Im going to go play in active avalanche terrain! D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  3. Hey man, Go onto you tube and give Niclas Daniel a search, He has a bunch of great tutorials online, As well at the end of the tutorial he gives you a way to get ahold of him if you are looking for some extra tips! D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  4. I cant say im totally in the same boat as you, but I agree with what your saying, Just because you dont see these things first hand doesnt mean some one can have a healthy respect for the serious nature of our sport, that big ball of dirt we throw our selves at is bloody hard. I dont know about you, but i would rather not find out what its like to meet it face on ( no disrespect to any one is meant with this). D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  5. Well, I knew some one would find a way to take offense to my "quote" When I said worrying is like a rocking chair, All I meant was Im comfortable with the fact that some day, I am going to die, The world will continue to spin, my friends will hopefully move on, yes I am going to leave people behind, yes people will feel bad, but In no way what so ever did I mention anything along the lines of being disrespectfull to our sport, if you take the time and read my post earlier on in this thread you would see that I am not agreeing with the topic of this thread. And if you really want to push pennies for whos is bigger maybe you should take a step back and open your eyes. We have all gone through something in our lives that makes us realize our mortality, and Hey, We are here now to talk about this, lets be happy with that. D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  6. Yup your not wrong in any way there, The most you can do i guess is crack a beer and hope it was quick D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  7. Well as inevitable as it is, Im not too sure spending that time "worrying" is such a way I would like to spend my time. After all worrying is like a rocking chair, Gives you something to do, But doesnt get you any where D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  8. i guess you arent playing it right? Put a little more hip into it maybe ? :D[/blush] D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  9. Im not trying to sound too much like a dick, But when low number jumpers insist on making little remarks like this when some one with a "little" more experience is trying to open some ones eyes, You are doing nothing but making it harder for your self and other low jumpers to get a chance to make it in the sport with out more pressure and judgment from the experienced jumpers. Basically what im trying to say, is if your joking great, if your not dont bother saying any thing. Im not an "experienced" jumper by any means of the definition. But what I am experienced at is keeping my mouth shut when the time is right ( unlike this very situation) D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  10. Now will all the right ones listen to what you have to say? D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  11. thanks for the photo, the idea makes total sense, has any on thought of putting a small magnet on the bottom skin of the canopy and the top front of the slider? Just throwing ideas into the wind! D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  12. I would also like to see a photo of the set up if you have a chance D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  13. that answers that, makes complete sense now haha. Basic but it works, damn right handed people, there arent that many of them are there? D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  14. With all this talk of the Slider being so important in the slowing of the opening of your canopy, how come it has taken so long for a canopy to be fitted with an attachment point/points to keep the slider up and in place while packing, Im speaking of the velo comp. Or is this feature just for a higher preformance canopy. Would putting this feature on all canopys help eliminate this problem or could it possibly add to a slew of many others. D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  15. Just a nosy newbie trying to absorb some issues in this sport, and forgive me if it sounds retarded, But what is the problem with having a camera mount on the right hand side of a helmet, Or is it just the specific type of helmet doesnt warrant mounting a camera on that side. The reason why i ask is i have seen cameras mounted on a right side a few times, Weather or not this was a photo that had been altered and maybe mirrored, I dont know, but any how, Be easy, Im just a newbie D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  16. I say Pack it into the tridem and go figure it out. Cmon Whats the "worse" thing that can happen D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  17. its worth the little bit of hassle to make sure a piece of equipment is working properly D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  18. haha looks like two pint glass's D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  19. Hey, I just got back from a weekend in a tunnel, I had bought a new suit and was trying it out for the first time. As with mine its a little long in the legs. I was able to tighten the draw string up enough to hold things in place as well I rolled the material at the heal of the booties up to tighten things up. All in all after the first ten minutes I had all the little things tied up. Had to point my toes more tho! D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  20. If you are looking for climbing hard ware in specific, check out metolious, black diamond as well as arcterix they are all great sources for climbing material. D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  21. jayrech

    Tunnel Wages

    This is very true, When you are looking at the skyventure application they are all about how much experience you have in the "liesure" industry as well as they want you on there team for a minimum of 2 years. And cmon, how many skydivers do you know that would pass up two years of tunnel time and if there is a dz near by the op for heading out for a few jumps on your days off or lunch break! D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  22. jayrech

    Tunnel Wages

    I know this might be a weird question, but what the hell any how. What's a tunnel instructor looking at for a wage? D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  23. 170 for a bag, either a big half ounce or cheep ounce D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  24. There is the Tridem Rig you can rent from a company that houses two "reserves" its used for potential tandem masters who haven't had a cut away yet! D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.
  25. is this something we should be enlightening the whole community about ? haha D.S 174.2 Be careful what you say. Some one might take it the right way.