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Everything posted by ianmdrennan

  1. Quade nailed it. Rush has no meaningful message. Just half truths, speculation wrapped in hate and fear. People would be better serves, if they want facts, to look elsewhere. If they want someone to pander to their paranoia....well then...that's why he has a market :) Performance Designs Factory Team
  2. Sorry, son....I've actually listened to him quite a lot. You see, when I road trip (which is often) on my own I end up listening to a lot of right wing, and religious radio stations. Sometimes I hear something interesting, sometimes I don't. Whenever I've listened to Rush, all I hear is an angry man spewing hate. So, as usual, you make assumptions without any real knowledge. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  3. No way that'll happen (his demise). Too many fearful, and stupid, people buying his BS. It's basic human nature - if it's not him, it'll be someone else filling his shoes. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  4. Folks, This forum is getting more and more negative, and 'bash the poster' oriented. Normally I try and let the community police itself but at the moment I feel there is more negativity than constructive advice being dolled out. Yes, repeating yourself over and over again on topics long discussed can be tiresome but don't let it sour you. Remember, we're here to help each other and you sure as hell get more flies with honey than vinegar Thanks, Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  5. What do you mean? That was freaking brilliantly played good sir. Performance Designs Factory Team
  6. Congrats Peter! Performance Designs Factory Team
  7. I feel your pain, I was that bastard myself earlier
  8. Things are ok out here. Still trucking (woman are amazing, I'll say that). Contractions started at 5:30am this morning, pretty good but not painful. Since around 3:30 they've been painful - getting more so until she finally got an epi. Baby heart rate dropped a lot a little while ago so now everyone's on alert and monitoring. I'm just sitting here staring at the heart rate monitor like a hawk
  9. No, it's not. But, lets address the OP shall we? I want to find out more about this before making any assumptions. IF it's as it's represented, it's unacceptable. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  10. God this one on facebook today Performance Designs Factory Team
  11. Preference. I like mine 23-24" Any longer and I cant reach my slider. Basically, for me, I want my arms to be ALL the way up without touching my slinks. Performance Designs Factory Team
  12. Not actually true in my line of work. Now that we have 'fan' pages it's a lot less of an issue. That said, it's generally good practice to accept skydiver invites given what I do. And to be honest, the VAST majority of the invites I get from from good people who I've met in some form along the way. This has been what I've been doing the last few weeks
  13. Yes, realism moreso. I'm sorry, but when I have crap on my facebook wall about: Sandy Hook being a conspiracy to take guns away and that those kids never really died Chemtrail nonsense Boston Bombings being an 'inside' government job Boston Bombings being photoshopped and didn't really happen Dark Knight Rises being a ploy to introduce Satanism in a guise Birther nonsense Nanothermite being the cause of 9/11 building collapses ....and so on, I lose a lot of faith in peoples ability to think rationally. On the plus side, I've identified and removed a lot of idiots from my facebook feed
  14. Sad to see someone's conspiracy theories drive them this far into radicalization. I always thought that the conspiracy nuts were few and far between, but I'm exposed to more and more than I ever thought I would be thanks to Facebook. Sometimes Im surprised who the person is that believes this nonsense. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  15. Can someone enlighten me on this? Trying to find some unbiased news on what this is, and what it means. Its regarding the case in Indiana for Hillary and Obama on the ballot. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/26/officials-found-guilty-in-obama-clinton-ballot-petition-fraud/ Performance Designs Factory Team
  16. While I don't disagree with your post, I do want to note that there are an group of people in the USA who believe that shit too. It's stunning to me that any sane person can actually think that. Performance Designs Factory Team
  17. I doubt it. Lots of people say tough things, till they have the PD at their door - then they're submissive. Like it or not, that's reality. Easy to talk tough when you're not in the situation. Performance Designs Factory Team
  18. Go ahead and point a firearm at the PD (in the middle of a man hunt no less) and tell me how effective that is in comparison to shaking your fist Performance Designs Factory Team
  19. The line is typically arbitrary. And interestingly, it's what the government is doing. Whatever way can be found to deny due process will be explored and attempted. I find it refreshing to see so many of us, regardless of political affiliations, agreeing on this topic. Seems to me that the majority, here at least, believe in due process and are against the idea of an 'enemy combatant' or at least (better stated) against the idea of stripping away rights and due process for ANY reason
  20. Man I wish I could elicit such passionobsession Wendy P.
  21. Because I'm a Democrat, Republican, Socialist, Fascist, baby killing, death penalty supporting, gun toting, ammo limiting, Nazi 'enemy combatant'? I think that covers it all, right? Performance Designs Factory Team
  22. We both know that isn't true. On May 11th 2011 (I believe) you were informed why your Rhys account was banned by Meso. If you want to go and rehash it again with him, feel free. In the meantime we all know multiple accounts are not permitted on this site. Drawing attention to yourself in this manner, when already banned, doesn't do you any favors. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team