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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. I have been using the Factory Diver for a few years now and my only complaint is the velcro doesn't last very long, especially in the wind tunnel. They have been needing to address this issue. I am glad they finally have.
  2. I think the watch video and imitating is pointless as reality is much different then what you imagine and you are doing nothing but building up bad muscle memory. The packing practise is a good idea.
  3. Or at least he could direct them to Stanford or Lee who could help answer any questions. Stanford has retired from rigging and Lee is in Austin and spending most of his time on a sail boat from what I have heard.
  4. Those rigs were made by John Stanford who sold Adventure Loft to John Storrie. Prestige containers haven't been made in a long time. RiggerLee used to work for John Stanford and helped build those rigs. He would know a lot about htem.
  5. I have met Nick before! Cool! Skydiving is such a small community!!
  6. Sorry I totally forgot about this when got home last night. It's been sitting around on a shelf for over a year so I have no proble parting with it. I was busy packing for a skiing/tunnel trip to Denver and will be flying out tonight so I won't have time to deal with this till monday. PM me if you are still interested.
  7. I will have to check and see if there are any markings on it when I get home tonight.
  8. They aren't worth much. I have a Cameye 2 at home that you can have for shipping costs.
  9. yea, and the Bears won!
  10. Bears and Packers at Soldier Field!!!! Oldest rivalry in the NFL!!! This is looking to be a classic!!
  11. Because it so rarely snows in the south, they don't have salt trucks and plows like they do up north. Duh
  12. You can call it whatever you want. Agnostic is more of "I don't know one way or another". There is no evidence to support the existence of any diety so I don't believe any deity. I am open to any scientific evidence no matter what it supports.
  13. It think it's pretty obvious that he is doing the right thing.
  14. I don't have a belief. I don't see any evidence to believe there is a god. Show me some evidence to even suggest there is a god and I will change my mind.
  15. If there is no evidence of any god after thousands of years then I think it's pretty safe to say there isn't any god. Show me some scientific evidence of god and I will change my mind.
  16. I have seen you give some bad advice on here so don't hurt yourself while patting yourself on the back. You don't know near as much as you think you do.
  17. I doubt that anyone is keeping statistics on this. Everyone progresses at a different pace. Also comparing yourself to other can make it more frustrating then it needs to be. It's better to just concentrate on your own progression.
  18. There is more to it then that. The Dolphin is offered with very few options and is not as freefly safe as other more expensive containers. If all you are going to do is belly fly and you don't mind the added options then the Dolphin is for you.
  19. Probably made in China for 10 cents an hour.
  20. Seems like a violation of the free speech amendment. Rewriting a book to edit out words deemed unwritable. Do we now ban these words from being written or spoken? Do we start fining or arresting people for saying these unspeakable words?
  21. There really isn't any "beginner rig" out there unless you talking about student rigs, but those are not really meant for someone with a license and are normally bought by dropzones. It really just depends on how much money you have. Buying used is generally the cheapest way to go but it can be hard to find a rig that fits you and fits the size of canopies you want to put in it. Keep in mind you can have a the harness altered to fit you, make sure you factor in the alteration cost. There are certain options that would not be considered good for beginners so make sure you consult your instructors before making any purchase. If you plan on buying new, it is a good idea to get with a rigger or instructor and go over all the different options and how they work. I don't know about you but I wanted to know everything I could about this life saving equipment. The more you know the safer you will be and you will be able to choose the right equipment for you.
  22. You might have a point if every civilization of the world in the history of man believed in unicorns as if it were basict instict. Actually every civilization that I know of has their imaginary beings. Whether they are gods or just animals like unicorns or dragons they all served a purpose and that was to explain the unexplainable. The Christian god is just another imaginary being used to answer the questions we don't have answers to. Science can not explain everything and will probably never explain everything and it never claims to explain everything. It's better to say I don't know then to just claim "God did it". It's better to study and work towards understanding the world around us.
  23. This may or may not be true, we have no proof either way. All we have to go by is our personal experiences. Personally, I believe that spirituality is an evolutionary tool created by our own minds to make life more live-able. Can't be certain though. And unicorns may or may not exist, we have no proof either way. You could substitute unicorns for anything you can imagine and it would be just as true. Spirtualism has no supporting evidence. So there is no reason to believe. Just like unicorns.