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    Skydive Skyranch
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  1. Seamless Rigging on Facebook is a manufacturer.
  2. I can't speak much for how the Aero performs in the air since I've only jumped with mine once. That being said I can speak for the fit on it. My head measure exactly at the 24" mark and is a more round shape. According to that the G3 size XXL should have fit so I ordered one. When it arrived the helmet did technically fit; but it was so tight that the top of my ears would start to fold over and when I closed the helmet strap it would compress my jaw so much that my teeth misaligned and I absolutely could not move anything, in short it really freaking hurt. I spent an entire night adjusting the strap and hoping the fit would improve with no luck. I sent it back and ordered the Aero in the XXL size. It arrived and was an immediate upgrade and improvement on the fit. The helmet is snug; but not so tight that it hurts. Getting it on and off is no problem and they also included some extra pad shims for the helmet incase it is too large or for when the pads compress due to use.
  3. I passed my checkoff dive on Saturday. Looks like they deem me worthy of being able to not kill myself or generally cause too much mayhem while in the air. Now if only my rig would come in, damn 40 week wait for a Vector.
  4. How is the sizing? My noggin measures in at 23 3/4 - 24 and I am worried about the fit. How about the logo, is it just a sticker that comes off easily or is it permanent?
  5. Yes it is possible. I have $2425 into my rig. That is with a new AAD, a reserve with only 8 packs no rides and a main with only 200 jumps on it. Look around and ask at the DZ. Most skydivers and especially riggers have gear just shoved back that hasn't been out of the closet for years.
  6. I cant compare to everyone elses since I just finished my first rig last week, PD193 reserve, 8 packs no jumps $600 Talon with rigger work $425 Falcon 215 with new risers, D bag and PC $150 Small patch for Falcon $50 New Vigil $1200 =$2425.00
  7. Nice! That price will really limit me though. Yet another want crushed by cost...
  8. How about them sewing a huge piece of loop velcro into the back of the main area. Then take a piece of foam wrap in fabric and sew the hook part on. All you need to do is velcro it in for small canopies and yank it out for large.
  9. I have seen pictures of the Redbull, Army and various other logos on the bottom of mains. Is this just normal screen printing? Anyone know where I can get it done? Once I get my main I really don't want the local screen printers trying it and would prefer to use someone who has experience with canopies. Thanks
  10. Did my first jump out of the Beech 18 yesterday and passed AFF on the same dive. All this time I have had a picture in my head of what a skydive should be and yesterday was it. To say I am stoked is a understatement. ETA: It was freaking great, first time without the radio and first time on a 268 canopy. Front flip out the door, alti, barrel roll, alti, front loop, alti 360 turn, alti, holy hell we are only at 7K. Then the instructor was smiling and motioning so we did a dock and I watched the altimiter turn down, waved off at 5,500 and pulled at 5,000. Stood the landing even when the wind changed 50 feet off the ground and put me into a slight side crab. When we got back to the hanger the instructor signed off my log and card. Then he went and announced it over the PA system so the whole DZ "about 20 jumpers and 15 non jumpers" head it and they started screaming congrats. Feels good man...
  11. Congrats on passing AFF! Come try Skydive Skyranch sometime.
  12. Thanks Chuck, that looks perfect and the styling is better to.
  13. Thanks for the link. From what I can tell it pretty much comes down to the fact that it is cheaper so it is viewed as cheap and all the "cool" kids dont jump it so it is over looked.
  14. From browsing Youtube and lurking the forums I don't see a whole lot of posts about the Dolphin. Is there a reason why it is not as popular as the other containers on the market? Looks, price, lack of options, does it fly or pack funny? Or is it along the lines of I am jumping from a freaking plane so I am going to buy the best available?