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Everything posted by LuckyMcSwervy

  1. I just thought of the *obvious*! What about a couple of jump tickets on a sunset load, then hanging at the beer light festivities? That way you're both doing something you love, then having *fun* talking about it later???
  2. I forgot to ask if that's the reason for your head down in your avatar pic?? Hmmmm???? Always be kinder than you feel.
  3. Sure I have. I actually love to go on a nice drive especially in the fall when the leaves start to change. But I don't think I would go with a strange man. Once I knew you well enough, if you passed the background check, then sure, I'd say let's hit the road. Always be kinder than you feel.
  4. Ohhhhhhh! Gigolo flashback! My eyes! My eyes! Always be kinder than you feel.
  5. I would start to worry you were going to rape me, slice my head off, rape me again and then bury my body parts all across the county if I went on one of those kinds of dates. Always be kinder than you feel.
  6. Is that for your or HERS?? Always be kinder than you feel.
  7. Ohhhhhh.......... the HMB test.! High Maintenance Bitch. That's one of my nicknames - HMB. Always be kinder than you feel.
  8. soooooooo bring the GHB? I NEVER leave my drink/food unattended and only get up to go to the ladies room when my drink is empty, then only order another when I have my eye on everything the bartenders is doing. Edited to add: And always get a clean glass. Don't let them refill the same one. Some of the date rape drugs are colorless/odorless/tasteless. Always be kinder than you feel.
  9. did you tell her you jump out of airplanes??? You know what? I wondered the same thing because my guy friends told me good luck on meeting a guy who will "put up" with me "jumping out of airplanes with a bunch of guys all weekend". I said tough shit if he's an insecure pussy! If I wasn't into skydiving and I met a guy who did, I would think it was totally cool. Always be kinder than you feel.
  10. You sure like to toss your undies, huh? OMG. Always be kinder than you feel.
  11. OMG - I guess the Breathalyzer is out of the question? Or the Alcotest? LOL! Always be kinder than you feel.
  12. When I was on, if I decided to accept someone's suggestion to meet, I liked to just stop at a restaurant bar on my way home from work after the "dinner hour". Just for 1 or 2 drinks, which for me is usually enought time to decide if there'll be a 2nd date. I don't remember the last time I went to dinner on a first date. Probably when I first met my ex-husband in 1992. If the 2nd date involves a dinner invite and the guy asks you to pick the restaurant, I always go to my good 'ol favorite Italian restaurant which isn't upscale, a comfortable place with good food, good service and the prices are totally reasonable (No more than $15-20 pp for an entree) and you can BYOB. I don't expect a dinner date to go on all night unless there's a lot of good, easy conversation going. And I don't mean all night that way, just a late talking get to know you late. There'll be no 1st date sex. LOL. There'll probably be no 1st date making out. Probably a cheek kiss good night and a thank you. I guess I don't expect anything out of the ordinary. Be punctual, be courteous, be clean and hopefully smell good, and bring your happy face.
  13. This DWi defendant must've been a real prick. I know cops who've been puked on my drunks and weren't charged. Did you think he grabbed a glass jar to scoop the air for evidence? Always be kinder than you feel.
  14. What's that saying about being on your way to someone? The roadblocks are keeping you both on schedule to meet each other or somthing like that?? This one sounds like a roadblock. {{{ Sliced Nutz }}} Always be kinder than you feel.
  15. Keep an eye out for the $2500 I lost over Easter weekend at NYNY and the Monte Carlo. If you find it, let me know, OK?? Always be kinder than you feel.
  16. NSFW Always be kinder than you feel.
  17. Talking about pet peeves as well as what is turnoff #1 for me: Respective salaries aside, there seems to be a contradiction in your post. I couldn't agree more that it is wrong that you had to pay for everything, but the reverse is also true. A modern woman should not expect a guy to pay everything either. Good point. But, I should've clarified that by stating he said he was taking me out to dinner, his treat. He let it sit there, the waiter came by to say they were closing and need to close out the check, and he just sat there while the waiter stood there. I just grabbed my wallet, put down the AMEX, and that was that. He said, let me get that after the waiter already walked away with the check and credit card. He didn't even offer to leave the tip. I guess that was an important part of the story. I totally agree that a modern woman shouldn't expect a man to pay for everything. I always go into a relationship expecting things to be 50/50, give and take, an equal partnership. That's just considerate to the other person. I just wish I had been quicker on the trigger to cut that dude lose. I would have a lot more money to buy a new rig right about now. Always be kinder than you feel.
  18. Exactly. It's not like cops make a lot of money either. I was like, "Dude, get a fucking Honda Accord. They're nice, reliable and get pretty good gas milage." But no, idiot had to lease a loaded Maxima, and was then looking to dump that for some high end BMW. And this is when he would say he couldn't afford to go on vacation. Idiot. Well, I'm the one with the big mortgage, etc. but when someone spends every fucking night at your house, takes 1/2 hour showers, lays around all day at my pool turning on the filter when I would have the timer set for off, would change my programmed thermometer for the hear/air because he was there, and doesn't even go home on his days off, cranks the gas fireplace all day while I'm at work, did his laundry at my place and then doesn't offer to contribute jack shit to the utilities at least, I got a *bit* resentful. And he would brag about since he was at my house all the time he could turn the heat down to vacation mode and he was saving so much money on utilities at his condo. WTF? But no, I would say I need space, go home for the night, I want to be alone in my own home he would pout like a fucking kid. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...... I'm so glad he's gone. Rant over. Sorry peeps. Always be kinder than you feel.
  19. LOL - Read your response, looked at your screen name, then chuckled a bit thinking your new screen name should be "Sliced Nutz". BTW - I hear "shooting blanks" and then think of the girls who tell guys they "can't get pregnant" for whatever reason miraculously ending up pregnant. And Virgin Marys they ain't. It's like trust has been totally blown. Always be kinder than you feel.
  20. Fixed it for ya. Always be kinder than you feel.
  21. Tony, if you have to choke down a Lunesta and risk a BWS charge (Banging While Sleeping - that's kinda like a DWI but the consequences aren't as severe) , you need to bang hotter chicks. Always be kinder than you feel.
  22. T.M.I., LOL!!!!! Next time just tell me condoms only in this hoo hoo, ha ha ha!!! exceptions are like assho... oh wait, that's excuses. damn. I'm gonna go face a corner, hug myself and rock back and forth. LOL!!! Well, then tonight you got the bonus plan honey! Ohh!! (in the voice of Andrew Dice Clay!) Always be kinder than you feel.
  23. Kinda like an unconscious mercy fuck. Always be kinder than you feel.
  24. E-A-G-L-E-S! Eagles! Always be kinder than you feel.
  25. Just curious, do you know my ex-husband??? LOL! It doesn't look like you live in New Jersey so I think we're okay. Always be kinder than you feel.