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Everything posted by LuckyMcSwervy

  1. No offense taken. Unfortunately, not all women can take some of the types of birth control pills/devices available. Edited this part out because Brett was traumatized by TMI and now needs therapy. And some guys *will* try to trap a chick when they have it good/easy and the girl has the material stuff that *they* want/won't have to buy because the girl takes care of herself and doesn't ask/want/take anything from him. Seriously, I shit you not, there are male golddiggers (even when there's no "gold" to be had). And you know what? I feel sooooooo bad for guys who get trapped by the hole punchers. That's so fucking evil and wrong on so many levels. I wouldn't trust anyone with the condoms except myself. If there's any trust issue, you can always double bag it, you know? One of yours, one of mine. Always be kinder than you feel.
  2. Where's the puking icon? The G-string comments makes me think of Bolas' hairy ass from the pics Lisa took and then posted! Plus, I'm a Jamaica or Mexico girl - no desire to go to Hawaii. Sorry. Maybe someone else can foot the bill for your trip! I wonder what the original poster is getting out of this thread? Sweetie, RUN. Someone who really respects you wouldn't dream of putting that kind of financial pressure on you like that. Always be kinder than you feel.
  3. LOL - American Express won't let me let YOU wait. And tighty whities went out in the 80s, right? It's all about the boxer briefs now! Always be kinder than you feel.
  4. OMG! I used to buy the condoms and hide them so my ex-boyfriend couldn't trap ME with the ol' hole in the condom trick. That's just pure evil. There are DUDES that will try anything to hold onto a woman too, you know. Always be kinder than you feel.
  5. I was hoping for a vacation somewhere warm, good food, great sex and then get dumped, i'm ok with that, cause i forgot my wallet:) Ahhhhh...... ANOTHER gigolo! This Sugar Momma's tapped! It'll be hard enough to take MYSELF away for my winter vacation this year, let alone someone else. Always be kinder than you feel.
  6. That would really suck if she got your dicked wedged between her two front teeth, huh? Always be kinder than you feel.
  7. Last week a guy at my DZ was wearing a t-shirt that said: "If I wanted your opinion I'd take my dick outta your mouth" Always be kinder than you feel.
  8. HEEY! How you DOIN? Hey yourself! Why are you all 'how you doin' to me? I don't get this one! Always be kinder than you feel.
  9. I got out of a lease before because of a "job transfer". Didn't even request any proof. Sweet! It was a hot property anyway so the leasing office just upped the rent to the next tenant. Some places have waiting lists for units..... Call the office anonymously and see what their availibility looks like...... Just a thought. PS - Remember - where there's a will, there's a way.
  10. Girl, you are SOOO right there! My divorce isnt final yet (23 days) and last year when I filed, he got very nasty with me, because I claimed all three of our kids .... WHO LIVE WITH ME....... Ohhhh yeah. The first year I was married, after the refund was deposited into HIS account, he asked me how much I THOUGHT I was entitled to. I said all of it, motherfucker. Prick. Always be kinder than you feel.
  11. I quoted the wrong point. That's what I thought should be proven via video. Always be kinder than you feel.
  12. I'd consider that a HUGE RED FLAG of what's to come. I dumped a dude because I ended up paying for almost everything (vacations, meals, etc.). I should've bolted the first time he hesitated grabbing the check. And he makes more money than I do. What a fucking whiner, "I have child support to pay, I have a nice car to pay for." Cry me a fucking river. If you at odds over money NOW, it will only get worse. PS - If you get married and file your taxes together, oh boy, wait for the power struggle/fight over who is entitled to what portion of the refund (if any). Been there, done that, burned the fucking t-shirt. Always be kinder than you feel.
  13. All girls know they hold the "Power of the Pootie". Always be kinder than you feel.
  14. (coughing) Bullshit! (coughing) LOL!! Yeah! I demand video proof!! Always be kinder than you feel.
  15. LOL - I know. I'm just *very* selective and don't sleep around, don't do drunken hook ups or shit where I eat. I'm a nice girl. Always be kinder than you feel.
  16. I never said I was desperate. I'm just EXTREMELY selective! BIG difference! A girl can pretty much always get laid by someone. Always be kinder than you feel.
  17. Yeah, it's not fair to us single girls who aren't getting any! I bet Bolas will jump in now suggesting his dream of a threesome. Always be kinder than you feel.
  18. LOL - Before someone beats me to it... How YOU doin'? Just kidding. Always be kinder than you feel.
  19. I don't have an boyfriend right now .... but when I do I would say options 3 I'm in the same boat and totally agree.
  20. If you can't hear the phone call how can you hear the text message alert? Edited because I forgot about the vibrator mode. Always be kinder than you feel.
  21. You guys are hereby nominated as "Parents of the Year"!
  22. Are the girls you text that stupid as to be that easily distra ......Ohhh...... something shiney! Always be kinder than you feel.
  23. LOL - How do you text back to the 'what are you thinking' question? Always be kinder than you feel.