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Everything posted by LuckyMcSwervy

  1. Wasn't that from "Little Women"? I thought it was from or something like that. Always be kinder than you feel.
  2. If there is it has to be now. All of the fuckery on these recent threads makes some people look like they're in heat! Always be kinder than you feel.
  3. Edited to not show my hand. Always be kinder than you feel.
  4. I like my men with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel.... Just kidding! Kinda........ I've never dated an "older" dude...... Always be kinder than you feel.
  5. Just be careful. Once the relationship or dating is over, it can be hard to get yourself to go back to your dz until you're over him. I thought of that. I'm so sorry. Hugs.
  6. Hands off cocheese. I saw her first. I can't believe I'm saying this but...... Skittles, I'm old enough to be your mother. And? And I would hate to have to lean over the table and cut your food into bite sized pieces. Always be kinder than you feel.
  7. He can stuff a couple of sandwiched in the d bag and go reserve-it's not like he doesn't know how to land one Asshole With some pre planning you could have stuff stashed out there. What if you land off the land off? PS - Sounds like you may have done this before, Bolas. Always be kinder than you feel.
  8. He's just playing. Always be kinder than you feel.
  9. Hands off cocheese. I saw her first. I can't believe I'm saying this but...... Skittles, I'm old enough to be your mother. That's the way skittles and I like our women :) Haha! So they can take care of you when you land off and get a boo boo? For women, I heard the younger dude formula is 1/2 your age plus 7 years. Always be kinder than you feel.
  10. Hands off cocheese. I saw her first. I can't believe I'm saying this but...... Skittles, I'm old enough to be your mother. Always be kinder than you feel.
  11. Yeah I'm with ya there... add alcohol and I get mouthy, nekkid and silly/stupid... guaranteed.... That's me exactly. I'm a nature girl at heart, but if there's a pool, some frosty beverages and a nice buzz going....... It's ON!! I learned the fine art of nekkid drunkedness in Jamaica. Always be kinder than you feel.
  12. I don't think so. It'll be Cocheese McSwervy. Gotta carry on the McSwervy last name somehow. Always be kinder than you feel.
  13. Bingo. But the what "you have"......... I want to make sure a guy can't answer "kids" to that question. I hope I don't offend anyone, men or women, with the statement, but kids just aren't for me. Always be kinder than you feel.
  14. How about jump together and just land off?
  15. Thats assuming shes a skydiver. I think it would be cool to take a date to do a tandem. However, I could just be at the wrong dropzone, but I'd be afraid of somebody trying to snake my girl. I'm pretty sure I couldn't go back from here and date a guy that isn't a skydiver. This is a common interest that I think needs to be shared! Always be kinder than you feel.
  16. Ugh. I hate those guys. I dated a high profile guy in the free flowing money times of the 80s. He was like, "What should I pick you up in? The Porsche or the Jeep?" I'm like, "Dude, I'm not feeling so well. I'm staying home tonight." The arrogance made me sick. And I never saw him again. Always be kinder than you feel.
  17. LOL - I figured your daytime lunch reasoning is the natural light is better to run the video. I didn't even think of that. What are you doin' for lunch tomorrow? Always be kinder than you feel.
  18. Oh, in that case my best first date ever was when a girl at the dz asked if i wanted to video her naked skydive (DUH!) Then later at the "beerlight festivities" we ended up naked in the pool We have been together ever since and now we are engaged. Now that's romantic! What are you going to tell your kids when they ask how you and their mom met?? Always be kinder than you feel.
  19. I just heard of someone who did they exact same thing, but it was the 2nd floor, I think. I just saw that person in 2 ankle/leg casts. Always be kinder than you feel.
  20. Well, if it helps. When I was a child I had a pony named Peanut. He died in a stable fire. I still miss him.
  21. Mr. Patron. Always be kinder than you feel.
  22. LOL - I figured your daytime lunch reasoning is the natural light is better to run the video. Always be kinder than you feel.
  23. I'm a good/nice Lucky. Always be kinder than you feel.