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Everything posted by jumpergirl

  1. "covers (and clothing) optional! " My kind of options!!
  2. Bulk?? Wow... you could have a party with that kind of stuff!!
  3. Only 15 replies?? I figured this thread would have TONS! Is everyone so afraid of toys!?
  4. Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you all have a great holiday!!
  5. jumpergirl


    A wonderful awesome Australian Shephard named Slider! She's the love of my life!
  6. Go to www.300-way.com. There is a link there, on the right, with all of the names, and their "credintials."
  7. I admit it, I borrowed this from Geronimo509's website. But it is so funny, I had to share it!! "The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death. What's that? A bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch and you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities. You become a little baby, you go back into the womb, spend your last nine months floating... and you finish off as an orgasm." George Carlin ... on that thought...
  8. A skydiving Mickey Mouse, and a closing pin.
  9. Thanks for the update.
  10. Well, not STRAIGHT for 8 years! LOL Boy, did I get to see lots of hot, wet, nearly naked bodies!! WOOHOO!! LOL
  11. Where is Froggie?? I haven't seen anything from her on here. She used to post ALL THE TIME!!! Anyone know??
  12. Awesome! I take it you swim Fly... mine was distance... I got for the *stamina* part!! Actually, I really did swim for 8 years, 4 of those were high school distance (200 and 500 yard free). Good luck to you!
  13. What's the newest update?? Did they get it yet?? Blue skies!! Jaime
  14. Yes, on Yahoo I am JaimeFlowers
  15. I know something along this same line was posted a few days ago... but I am starting it again... I am home, bored out of my mind... anyone else? Is anyone on AOL or AIM? If so, if you want to chat, I am LAskykitty. Please feel free... otherwise, I may have to go to bed early! UGH! Jaime
  16. Will they let me demo a whole rig? That's all I need!
  17. Well, now that I have an offer for a rig, I wonder if anyone will pay for my jumps!! ;-) (Just kidding!) I can't wait to meet those of you in Z-Hills!! Blue skies, Jaime