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Everything posted by Ion01

  1. This is also the excuse so many things that the government is involved in such as welfare (it is our moral duty to take care of the poor). Well, thats fine if you think its a moral "duty" but its not the governments duty. Morals are an individual choice. The reason things like murder and stealing are wrong is because you are directly effecting someone else and thier freedoms. Whether or not I give someone who doesn't work money or if someone wants to do something sick and twisted in thier bedroom thats not my problem or yours (its not effecting you in any way) and certainly not the governments as explained in the constitution. The moment someone infringes on your rights only then can the government step in. That is the only job of the government: to protect our freedoms. That even means the freedom to make stupid decisions.
  2. I don't care where its at....thats insane!
  3. Remember to look out for the right wing extremists who make racial slurrs and beat up black people or the ones who kill pro life (anti abortion) people or the right wing organizations that blew up part of the pentiagon or the christian preachers who think all white people are racist and that any god who helps white people is bad and look out for the right wing extremist who want to fundimentally change this country by causing a collapse of our economic system and thing government should take control of the media and do just what happened in the great country of cuba and the right wing extremists who want to form a marxist country by taking control of business like the car industry like they did at the begin of nazi germany and the healthcare industy and the right wing extemists who thing animals should be able to bring suites in court and those who think we should sterilize people without them knowing and the right wing extremist who thinks eugenics is a good idea and should be brought back and the extremist who think that doctors should not do whats best for the patient but whats best for society! Run for the hills!!!!!......oh.................wait ............................. those are left wing extremists....
  4. What do you mean "until they get thier act in order..." They should be invovled in government at all. In the same way what does it matter that the "christian right wing" is doing as they shouldn't be invovled in government either. Also, ACORN is a single organization. There is no single christian right wing organization. There are many christian organization, many right wing organizations, many christian right wing organizations..... there are also many left wing organization.....many violent left wing organizations such as storm or even unions......there are extremists on both sides and we've seen far more extremism from the left than the right. So, what they will always be there.
  5. Lets really look at the big picture here. We, the tax payers, payed, through the government, for the "cash for clunkers program. If we were to recoupe the costs through gas savings one of 2 thing would need to actually happen. The government would need to see some sort of increased revenue due to the program and, in turn, the government would require less, in the form of taxes, from us therefore we saved money. I think its pretty obvious that there will be no increase in revenue or return for the tax payers. The other possibility is savings in some other form for all taxpayers. One might attempt to argue that those who purchased vehicles will at least see the savings however you must first factor in that these people spent more purchasing a new vehicle, and many requiring loans putting interest on top of the cost of the vehicle, than what would be saved in gas. Therefore, it is unlikely that even a small portion of the people that purchased the new cars actually saved or will save money in the near future (next 4-5 years). In addition, the reduced use in gasoline may have an impact on the cost. By simply looking at supply versus demand one would see that the demand for gasoline dropped as a result of the cash for clunkers program. Although the result may be slight or might not even impact the cost of gasoline it certainly will not cause the cost to go down. In addition, the reduced usage of gasoline also translates to a reduction in taxes gained by the government through the taxation of gasoline which equals, once again, a loss not a gain. In addition, and you can research it for yourself as you have a great research team (which is why I like the site) since the vehicles must be destroyed the program has increased the cost of used cars and used parts due to the reduction of available vehicles that would have hit the used cars and parts market had it not been for the cash for clunkers program. In addition, the car sales market has dropped dramatically due to the program. Analysts believe this is due to the fact that most people that would have bought cars towards the end of the rear bought them during the clunkers program. This results in another loss for the car dealers as it is actually more profitable to remain steady in sales than to have a surge and dropoff, and, of course, we don't know how long that drop off may be. Maybe it will be short and the car dealers may come out even or better....I hope they do....but even if they did there is no gain for the people who actually payed for it all, the tax payer. Finally, the government spending for the program also causes inflation which reduces the value of our money. This means the tax payers, who payed for it, looses again. Maybe, the car dealers are a little better off now but, as you can see we would have been better off just to give the dealers some cash and be done with it. Of course the real answer is that the government had no right to produce such a program. Where was the government given this ability in the constitution? They weren't. As usual government invovlement has done more damage than good. Even if it did more good the government has no right to get invovled in the industry.....period!
  6. Wow! Talk about completely missing the point. The problem was never the speech or desire to give the speech. It was the fact that he went directly to the principles with his agenda and completely bypass the school boards and such. The other problem was the agenda which asked things like "what can I do to help the president?" It said that teachers should have the children write letters to themselves about how they can help the president and the teachers could help hold them responsible for it. (not how they can help themselves achieve goals or help others achieve thiers but help the president.) The problem was with the agenda suggesting that quotes and pictures of the president be put up around the classroom. No president in the past has done anything like this.....unless they are the president of a country like north korea. Unlike the past presidents he didn't give any indication of the content of his speech.....which apparently changed because of all the outcry.
  7. Even as a libertarian I did not read that. What he was saying is that government is paid for by taxes. He is saying that the government has assisted in unifying and standardizing the currency by which business is transacted and wealth is earned. Also, that because of the order government brings we are able to live our lives freely and build our wealth. I don't agree with how far he has taken it. However, he has a point. Without taxes we'd have no government, ergo, no secure wealth. (My comment: Nowadays, thanks to government, our wealth is less and less secure.) Yes a government must be funded, however, to make the claim that the money that is in the bank is not ours, and that we didn't earn our money, that without the government we couldn't be rich, that without the government we couldn't even spend our money, that without taxes/government we would have nothing to defend is rediculous and so far beyond the fact that a government must be funded. Obviously it takes funding to run an institution...even the government but that is clearly not what he is saying. Before there was a standard were people completely destitute and completely without anything worth defending? No, there is this incredible thing called trading. In fact money is just an enhanced version of trading goods for goods.
  8. Wow! The typical excuse...."it was taken out of context...." Then tell me what the context is. Its not like he hasn't been around for a long time talking about this stuff. Its only now has he had the position to actually make some of this stuff happen.
  9. He isn't just saying taxes are necessary....he is saying you have no right to your money! Fine if he wants to discuss these ideas but they are blocked by the constitution itself....but thats the problem....he wants to change the constitution or he twists it in order to get what he wants! This is not just some guy getting on the net to discuss his ideas (which he want the government to regulate the net to aid the democratic agenda) but this guy is a leader of our country and will ingore or twist the constitution in order to put his own ideas in place.
  10. Did you read what he beleives? He has complete disregard for the constitution. Without the constitution we have no rights. The government has ultimate power! The problem is not that he believes these things or is discussing them....its that he may become one of the most powerful people in the country and wants to make these things happen! He wants to take away our freedoms. Do you think its a good thing that we discuss the possibility of solving problems by killing anyone who disagrees with my ideals? Its a possible solution to many economic and social issues we deal with today. In fact it would even reduce CO2 levels dramatically. Now what if I was the Regulatory Czar and was discussing this? Would you say the same things you just did? This man wants to take your freedom and rights and give them to animals! Do you not see the problem with that? Is this really the kind of people you want running this country. Do you not know how the socialist and communist dictators got their power using similar ideas such as his ideas on freedom of speech and regulation of the media? In fact some of our leaders have commended people like the Castro while people are still trying to escape his clutches! If you want that kind of leadership then go to cuba and leave us alone! We are a republic and we have a constitution which is supposed to prevent the type of government we have and are moving towards! If you like the direction things are going then go to a country that is already there and leave us alone! There are plenty of communist, facist, and socialist countries. Go to one of them instead of making ours one too!
  11. Cass Sunstein- In his book Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech Sunstein says there is a need to reformulate First Amendment law. He thinks that the current formulation, based on Justice Holmes' conception of free speech as a marketplace “disserves the aspirations of those who wrote America’s founding document.”[9] The purpose of this reformulation would be to “reinvigorate processes of democratic deliberation, by ensuring greater attention to public issues and greater diversity of views.”[10] He is concerned by the present “situation in which like-minded people speak or listen mostly to one another,”[11] and thinks that in “light of astonishing economic and technological changes, we must doubt whether, as interpreted, the constitutional guarantee of free speech is adequately serving democratic goals.”[12] He proposes a “New Deal for speech [that] would draw on Justice Brandeis' insistence on the role of free speech in promoting political deliberation and citizenship.”[10] Animal Rights Sunstein has also written often in favor of animal rights. “Every reasonable person believes in animal rights,” he says.[13] He also says that human “willingness to subject animals to unjustified suffering will be seen … as a form of unconscionable barbarity… morally akin to slavery and the mass extermination of human beings,”[14] and that we might "conclude that certain practices cannot be defended and should not be allowed to continue, if, in practice, mere regulation will inevitably be insufficient—and if, in practice, mere regulation will ensure that the level of animal suffering will remain very high."[13] Specifically he thinks that, “we ought to ban hunting.”[15] He also thinks that “we could even grant animals a right to bring suit”[16] and that it is possible that “that before long, Congress will grant standing to animals to protect their own rights and interests.”[17] This all stems from his claim that "animals, species as such, and perhaps even natural objects warrant respect for their own sake, and quite apart from their interactions with human beings."[18] Taxes Sunstein has argued that “we should celebrate tax day.”[19] He appears to claim that the very concepts of property and society are based on government and taxes: In what sense is the money in our pockets and bank accounts fully ‘ours’? Did we earn it by our own autonomous efforts? Could we have inherited it without the assistance of probate courts? Do we save it without the support of bank regulators? Could we spend it if there were no public officials to coordinate the efforts and pool the resources of the community in which we live?... Without taxes there would be no liberty. Without taxes there would be no property. Without taxes, few of us would have any assets worth defending. [It is] a dim fiction that some people enjoy and exercise their rights without placing any burden whatsoever on the public fisc. … There is no liberty without dependency.[19] .....adequately serving democratic goals...... liberty without dependency........ I am not going to comment on any of this because I think he is pretty clear on his beliefs.
  12. Quote Health class in middle/high school should cover those topics. reply] No, parents should cover these topics. School is supposed to teach math, science, language, and arts....not morality....not when its okay to have sex and how to use a condom. When will we stop blaming the schools and start blaming the parents for the childrens failures?
  13. Wow! why couldn't he have his passenger drop the candy. And since when is it a good idea to fly anything over a crowd of people. For goodness sakes when we fly anything at an RC airfield we don't even fly our little foam ones over people much less the 40lbs ones. We do candy drops to but knowone can go out until the craft that dropped the candy has landed someplace else. He is lucky he didn't kill anyone!
  14. That is exactly what the agenda is asking them to do: to react in a particular manner....that manner is to support and help the president. There is not "critical thinking" involved in that agenda! Besides, why is the president supposed to have any involvement or say in our childrens education? Among other things, the tenth amendment makes it clear the federal government should have no involvement. Why must he address them instead of the parents? This is the direction he is going as made clear by the agenda. Once again why is the president asking our children to help the president? The president is supposed to serve us. The people we elected are civil servents!!!!! They are to serve us not them! Why is he asking them to help him not to help others! Why is it always about him! Why are they pledging to the president not the country! Why are they going to serve the president when the president should be serving them! I beleive everyone here knows the answers but few are willing to accept it. These are the same steps that totalitarian leaders in countries such as cuba took! But lets remember what this administration thinks about cuba and its oppressor. Yea, go down there and see what they have going.....go down there while they are trying to come here by floating cars across the ocean!!!!!! And if you don't know anything about what these czars believe such as Van Jones or John Holdren then same on you! These government was established by the people and for the people and according to the constitution we as the people are supposed to have the power, not them! That means if these things are happening not because of them but because of the individuals that make up this country and are not educating themselves, allowing the government to feed them and thier children whatever they want, and continue to allow the government to ignore the constitutions and stomp all over our rights. There is no excuse for not knowing these things because they have said themselves exactly what they want to do and what they believe and when people continue to ignore them and make excuses for them like "its asking for critical thinking" then its the individuals in the country who have failed because we have the power of the truth available to us and we have the power to stop it. BTW-Critical thinking would be like how does what he have to say fit with the constitution? or the bill of rights? or the declaration of independance? How does what he have to say fit within the framework of freedom and liberty that this nation was founded on? If what he has to say is good then these questions are fine and if what he has to say is bad then these questions bring that out. What is he asking me to do for him means he can say anything and ask them to do anything and the students just restate what obama had to thinking invovled. Then they ask how can they help obama.... not thought as to whether or not is right, wrong, or otherwise.......and thats the point of the agneda!
  15. Also, have we forgotten about the "civilian national security force" obama has said he wanted and should be as well or better funded than the military. Have we forgotten about his staff saying that it would be manditory for people around 18 years old. If you elicit support the way he is ("how can I help the president?") the later he can supply a way for you to help through this force. Who is he trying to protect us from anyways? Terrorist? No he wanted them released. He didn't participate in the national day of prayer but did participate in ramadan and said that islam is a great religion...... Who has the administration said is a threat? Have you forgotten about the paper which described militia's (which we can have under the constitution) palin and ron paul supporters, ex-military personnel, christians, people who think the government is getting too big, etc.... as the threats. Have you forgotten how he has talked about setting up detainment prisons for people who haven't broken the law but are a threat and that they don't get the right to a lawyer or even a call because they are too much of a threat but wants rights (which are only for US citizens) read to prisoners of war? He is clearly trying to establish a foundation of support which will ultimately aid in reaching these goals. This is not a big conspirousy. They have openly told us thier goals! He has surrounded himself with extremist, communists, marxist, revolutionaries, etc. and many admit to these titles! In the face of all this and the agenda for the is obvious obama just wants to talk to kids about doing better in school.
  16. Has no one read the agenda for the kids? It says things like "what is obama asking you to do?" and the kids are supposed to write themselves a letter, that the teachs will help hold them responsible for, in which they describe what they can do for the president......not what they can do to better themselves as people, not what they can do to help others around them, but what they can do for HIM.....the president..... a single individual! If you can not see the clear intent to elicit support from our children through clear manipulation then you are clearly blind and that is why we are failing as a country! .......and van jones is a great capitalist too.........
  17. Sure and the privately run versions of all of that are much better! Private schools do better. Foods that are inspected by third partys and are held to higher standards are what I buy! As for weather, the satelites are designed, build, and launched by private industries! The national weather service is stationed in Norman, oklahoma and is run by college students. Privately funded highways, such as some in california, don't have the same traffic jams and last much longer. My house has not burned down because the builders have thier own quality standards which go beyond the governments and my house is much safer than most! I make sure of it! I wasn't maimed or killed at work because we choose to be safe, not becuase the government mandates it, but becuase we have a lot of skilled workers and it would hurt and cost the company a lot if I or someone else was injured. We also have many companies that perform safety audits, not against government standards but against ours and theirs that they have developed and impose upon us on the well sites! and as for the defense and internet......most everything the defense uses is contract to private business! Was the F-22, f-14, f-15, f-16 developed by the military. No! The fact is that NASA is way behind in rocket technology and they put very few things into orbit compared to private industry. In fact, more discoveries, such as the recent supposed impact on jupiter, are made by amatuers or privately owned telescopes and not NASA. Anything the government does is done better by the private sector. If this were not true then cuba would be a great place....which it is not despite what your public officials say.....why do you think people flee there! Why do people come here for medical care. Because its run by the government? Come on....the US postal service is slow and bankrupt! What happened to freedom and personal responsibility! The only thing the government was established for was to protect our freedoms. That includes the freedom to be wrong or stupid!!!!!!!!! So if you think its stupid of me to not have healthcare then its my right to be stupid! If you think its stupid of me to not invest money for my retirement that its my freedom to be stupid. I am the only one that has to live with that so leave me alone. The goverment has no right to take my money and "invest" it for me at a much much lower return than I can invest it for! Its mine! I need it to take care of me and my family. And they are my family and if I decide to have more kids than I can support that is my decision and if you find it sad that my kids are hungry then you should do something about it.....not the government. Adopt one or donate to a charity. Charities do more than the government could even imagine. I want my freedom.....why do you want to take it from me!!!!!!
  18. I had my first jump with it yesterday and it was great. We attempted a four way with a camera guy videoing. I joined up with one other person and one of the guys got there and reached for us which made him slide back by the time the last two guys were almost there we had to break. When I pulled I had a nice smooth opening! I think the guy I got it from put a bigger slider on it because the slider looked a lot bigger than what I had seen on the larger student canopies. It took about 500 feet for the slider to come completely down and it opened about 90 degrees off head which was either my pack job or position in the harness during the opening sequence but I felt like that was great to only be 90 degrees off heading for the first back job and jump on this rig! There was also a notable difference in performance (obviously). I really enjoyed it though, and actually felt like I had more control than on the student canopies because there is no hesitation in the canopy, it reacts almost immediately to my inputs which can come in really handy on landings. I had a great landing too! I did I nice two stage flare and when my feet hit the ground I only had to take a couple steps before stopping! Unfortunately, I only got to jump once yesterday but it was great and I am so exited about going back and jumping again! Thanks for all the input it helped but I did have someone watch me pack and the master rigger showed me how to basically keep it from re-inflating when you are trying to fold it to get it in the bag which helped a ton. Anyways, thanks again!
  19. Lots of great info guy! I will also have someone experienced watch me pack to make sure I don't miss anything before I jump tomorrow. I will let you all know how it goes!
  20. Thanks for all the replies! I had been through the manual on how to pack the canopy. The only thing I am worried about is it opening fast so I will be doing all I can to keep that from happening. We will see how it goes this weekend.
  21. yes, it is a sabre1 190 manufactured in 2000
  22. I have a sabre1 that I will be jumping for the first time this weekend. I am practicing packing it since that zp material really makes it fun. I just have one question...(yes, I will ask my rigger before jumping it and blah blah blah and all that fun stuff). There is an extra break line that, apparently, is there so that if there is a hard opening there are more lines to distribute the force through so you don't break a line. So here is the thing, when I stow the breaks this line has a bunch of "extra" length to it. Do I simply pull out the "slack" when flaking so that all the lines are nice and tight with no slack or are they supposed to be stowed in some way? Thanks!
  23. If this were the case that would be call a monopoly in the industry and the government could break it up like they have in the past with numerous companys such as southwestern bell and microsoft....not take it over! Not compete against it! That is not the governments job.......Infact, I would like to see where, in the constitution, does the government have the ability to break up a monopoly!
  24. We "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights". This means that the government does not give and take rights but that the government protects those rights given to us by our creator. Also, if its not listed in the decloration of independence, constitution, or bill or rights how could you consider it a right. Education is not a right! Healthcare is not a right! The police are established by the government to protect our rights. When someone tries to infringe on an individuals rights then the police step in. Unfortunately they do much more than that now becuase the government has over step it bounds and did a long time ago. Rights can only be protected by the government, not provided. Education and healthcare are provided by the government and was not listed as a right and was not given to us by a creator therefore the government should have no involvement. The tenth amendment makes that very clear and most state constitutions do as well.
  25. It is patently obvious that this is untrue, based on the LIES that people are being fed and are believing about the Bill. Lots of people are too stupid to see through the LIES they are being fed, it seems. If they beleive the lies about the bill it is because they are unwilling the think for themselve and they don't want to know the truth. So are you saying that people should be forced to do what "is best for society" because people aren't smart enough to know what is best or aren't smart enough to know what they want so the government must make that decision for them?