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Everything posted by HeatherB

  1. "Back in the game" is a good way to describe it.
  2. Well, I did not say there is no place for people who only want to do 20 jumps a year. I just said *I* would not do it. I simply would not feel safe. If I really wanted to do a couple jumps a year and that was it, I'd do tandems. Easing back into things makes perfect sense. I also have respect for people who realize they need to take a hiatus from the sport until they can jump on a more regular basis. I know several people who have done this. Life gets busy, so they quit the sport for a while, keep their gear, and return when they can devote more time or money to the sport. I think that is a much safer choice than doing 20 jumps spread out during a year.
  3. If a jumper comes screaming towards a formation and takes someone out, would you consider that a "performance" or "safety" problem? I'm thinking it's both! And it's much more likely to happen if you're uncurrent.
  4. In Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seems to come with new cars -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incorrect. My new Acura came with XM. They aren't GM. I bought the car earlier this year.
  5. I think he meant he had a low deployment because of a hard pull on his reserve ripcord. (not because he had a hard pull on his main and didn't go for his reserve until really low) As an aside, personally I would just stop jumping completely if I could only do 20 jumps a year. We're not playing tiddly-winks! Chad -- I hope you can get out to the DZ more often. I'm sure it's hard with the kids, work and whatever else you have going on. But as you jump more often, that desire to jump will be rekindled and you will be a much safer skydiver. Summer is approaching....maybe you can sneak out of work a little early every once in a while for weekday sunset loads!
  6. You're just old and jaded. Or maybe you're a tree-hugger...just trying to save some trees! (I don't have a cool and groovy Neptune or Pro Track, so I log a jump number and a round-about date.)
  7. Pilots open nice and soft like Spectres, with no special packing methods needed. (no need to roll the nose or anything) edit to add: That's if you're looking for something relatively docile with predictable openings...
  8. HeatherB


    Heather was arrested for public intoxication. Heather was arrested for tearing up one copy of Penthouse. (??) Heather was arrested for felony DUI of drugs after a collision with a bicycle at Del Monte and Casa Verde. Heather was arrested for popping wheelies on her tractor. So, I'm a drunk farm girl who is against pornography?? I looked up Ron as well: Ron was arrested for espionage. In his fervent quest to rescue Kim, Ron had violated security. Ron was arrested for tattooing in his hometown of Florence, SC in 1999. Ron was arrested for allegedly flossin’ in his Lamborghini with a suspended license. (Like flossing his teeth, or is that slang for something?) He has some drug and theft problems too. Poor misguided boy.
  9. Hey, I am not "kept." I'm paying my share. And I'm very busy. Huntin' wabbits. Shhhh! And you are not used to rejection, you have chickies with you all the time!
  10. You lucky bastard! I can usually take a week or two off around Christmas, but a whole year? I want your job!
  11. I land like "crap" on a regular basis and sometimes it bugs me when I fall forward on one knee, or I do what I call the "butt to feet" landing...not really a slide, but a touch of the booty and then on to my feet in one swift motion. I'm a retard, but whatever. I'm not endangering anyone else and I'm not landing hard. It's always a nice, soft plop. And maybe it isn't politcally correct to say this, but it does seem like way more women than men have landing problems. I see women rolling, pounding in, sliding in etc, a lot more often than men. Timidity? Lack of training? I don't know. I know many women with 1,000+ jumps who don't land on their feet, but I can only think of a few experienced guys who can't stand-up regular straight-in approaches. (and they outnumber us by far)
  12. I feel your pain, Cora. I'm working on my final exams. Both due by midnight tonight. At least I know I'm not missing much jumping! It is raining cats and dogs right now and skydivingweather.com says it's overcast at 2 grand at the dz. Good luck studying!
  13. I'm a newbie and I always will be. Perhaps I would feel differently if I jumped at a small DZ with very few people with over a thousand jumps, but Z-hills sees many people with 5,000+ and 10,000+ jumps, and Skydive Dallas has a lot of old-timers too. It's all relative, kind of like with age. When you are 10, you think 20-year olds are ANCIENT! I remember thinking my brother was OLD when he was in college and I was still in the 7th grade. I thought he was a grown-up. Ha! I thought I'd feel "experienced" when I hit 1,000 jumps, but that is fast approaching. I will hit it later this year, and I feel FAR from experienced. It's okay though, it keeps me from getting in over my head or becoming complacent. It's an interesting topic...very subjective. I cringe a little when the press calls someone with 30 jumps "experienced," but I can understand why they would say that. When I had 0 jumps and knew nobody in the sport, I thought 30 jumps was a lot as well. I had no idea people jumped hundreds or thousands of times.
  14. Yeah, the even mentioned that in the intro to her interview. Showed the clip and all. Hmmm...my 4-way team is ahead by 5 points, I think we'll just break off high and geek the camera some during round 10!
  15. During the interview she only said it was "possible" she was showing off. She tried to play down the whole thing. She did admit she was caught in the moment. She should have just outright admitted to showing off though...I mean, it was caught on film for the world to see over and over.
  16. Coooool.... See? So much better than Freebirds. Tell Eric, and then apologize to him for talking up Freebirds
  17. Hey! We accepted you even though you have teeny A cups! Hmm...you must have mad skills.
  18. Um, that's why you don't give them your real name or address. Winn-Dixie thinks there's a Marilyn Manson in Zephyrhills Florida.
  19. Personally, I think it has a hell of a lot more to do with the person's attitude than any politics. Yes, at big DZ's it may be hard to "break in" at first...but find some organizers, don't kill anyone, listen, smile a bit, and you should be good to go. Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary. I'll take this opportunity to say that Skydive Dallas is one of the friendliest dropzones I've visited. It is very different from Z-hills, but super friendly. I've only been here a little while, but each trip to the DZ has been great, and it looks like I already have a team.
  20. I've been getting those emails as well. I don't know how they got my hotmail address.
  21. Can I add "and no cows" to that list? And lots of dogs. Hugs to Andrea, Janine, and everyone else.
  22. Up until a few weeks ago, it was! I traded-in my old car for $800. It was on its last legs. It sounded like it wanted to be put to sleep. But now I have a nice, new, shiny Acura TSX.
  23. Not sure what to say. Rollerblading?? Wow. My condolences to everyone who was close friends with him...Andrea and all those guys. He (and Lady) had been a fixture around Z-hills for a long time.
  24. I think I have an idea for dinner.
  25. Give Ron & I a call if you wanna hang out while you're here! We'll take ya to Moe's if you haven't been there before. PS: Jerm is trying to get me to fly to NY to go skiing/snowboarding too. He said something about you being there as well.