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Everything posted by SudsyFist

  1. Lemme shed some light here... If you just use "So," then you're speaking without a verb. In Japanese, verb conjugations are used to determine the level of politeness, so when you drop the verb entirely, you're shooting for a very informal, familiar sort of speech. Good between friends, but on business calls, you want the verb "desu" there: "So desu." Now, appending the interrogative suffix, "ka," in this particular case doesn't make people think you're asking a question; it's a very common colloquialism. Instead, it gives a slightly different inflection. Here's how I'd translate them (remember that these uses are in the context of simple, nodding responses when someone is speaking to you): Informal So.: Mm-hmm. So ka?: No kiddin'... Formal So desu.: Yes. So desu ka?: Is that so... So desu ne?: Really... (more literally, it is, isn't it...) Hope this helps. EDIT: Remember that when the "u" sound immediately follows an unvocalized consonant (such as "s"), then vowel gets cut short, sometimes to the point of being inaudible (especially when nestled between two unvocalized consonants). "Desu" often sounds like "Dess" in most conversation. Likewise, "Desu ka?" sounds like "Dess ka?"
  2. Wow. Just wow. *fucking speechless*
  3. I'm sorry, but your post doesn't seem too much like, "Let's just skip it altogether." Is your intent rhetorical, or are you looking to reopen the debate with semantics?
  4. It's filed right alongside the term, "sense of humor." Quite the interesting area of the bookshelf, really.
  5. Good meeting you fökkers.
  6. I see the parallel. Definitely not the same, but I see the parallel. I suppose it's easier for me to use the term, "genocide," when there are large-scale massacres. The incarcerations don't really apply, and the starvation of the people, in my not-so-well-informed opinion, really has less to do with political retribution than it does with resource scarcity and class heirarchy. Make no mistake, I acknowledge and enormously disagree with the vicious oppression of any expression that strays from the state-mandated ideology -- vicious is an understatement -- but I just have a hard time classifying it as genocide, that's all.
  7. The extremity of his demagoguery is chilling. I consider that to be his biggest crime; everything else seems to trickle down from here. Take the insular nature of the DPRK for instance, a result of its Juche ideology. The fact is that they are unable to consistently produce enough food to sustain the population. Simply by being more open to international diplomatic and trade relations, they'd be able to tip the scales away from the rampant starvation they've come to know. Not to mention that it wouldn't be such a walk in the park. The commitment to a war with the DPRK is far more huge than anything we've undertaken in decades. Some say comparable to Vietnam, whereas others say that it would make Vietnam look like a playground scuffle. Oh, and there's no petrol to be had there. Main Entry: geno·cide Pronunciation: 'je-n&-"sId Function: noun : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group The DPRK isn't committing genocide; its neglect of the needs of its people (in favor of its ideologies), however, is having a similar effect. It's a very sad state of affairs they have going on there, but until Kim Jong Il is no longer in the driver's seat, I doubt we'll see much movement here.
  8. Mankind's greatest invention: Cottonelle Fresh Moist Wipes Buy them. Use them. Live them. Love them.
  9. I think he wants to fall as fast as a dildo.
  10. Why do *you* love Frenchy so much? Thanks! Meesa thinkin' it's a keeper!
  11. *swoon* Frenchy, have I told you... lately... that I love you?
  12. That'd have to be a pretty high roof (terminal) to find out. Kinda like my building... hmm... Tomorrow night, we're going on a wrist rocket/high bouncing ball frenzy. Perhaps we should add skyballs and flongs to the mix, hmm?
  13. Probably slower, and a lot more unstably. And curses to you for the misleading subject line.
  14. Do you realize how mushy it makes me when you call me that?
  15. That's gonna be pretty exclusive, mate. Perhaps we do some skills building/quals throughout the day (or weekend prior) to get a few of the not-so-far-from-500 types into the mix? Come to think of it, that's not a bad idea for all participants. Now you're talkin'. I'm in.