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Everything posted by Sapphire

  1. Sapphire

    Boredom hurts

    You could always just slide down the banister to avoid having to worry about tripping again!
  2. Wow - that's a hard one! I wouldn't want someone telling my business, but I'd sure want to know! I'd hope the person who is infected knows they need to do the right thing and has done so already... maybe talk to them? It's really a crappy situation to be in really... good luck, whatever you decide! "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  3. How many of these threads are you going to start? When you learn to accept people for what they are and not their appearance, maybe you won't need to be 'helped out!' Ugh! "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  4. Wow - so sorry for all the sucky delays! However you decide, it's going to be awesome for you all! Enjoy your time together!
  5. HOUSTON -- A Houston veteran who has been in a wheelchair since 1983, took his first steps in 27 years Tuesday night. "No easy steps. Only hard steps," Harry Shaw said of his life after the Grenada invasion. It is a conflict most have forgotten, but it changed Shaw's life forever. “I was the most serious out of all of the injured in Grenada," Shaw said. He lost both legs. Shaw accepted his fate of life in a wheelchair with courage and grace. "I'm a paratrooper. That's just the way I am. The world is a drop zone and that is all I see," Shaw said as he wheeled into the Amputee and Prosthetic Center on FM 1960 Tuesday. His life was about to take another dramatic turn. Ben Falls, chief prosthestician at APC, and his team had built new legs for Shaw. For them, it became a labor of love. “It is important to me that we do this right," Falls said. After Shaw was fitted, he was ready to take the new legs for a test drive. 'It is a lot like jumping out of a plane. You just have to have the courage and the faith. Paratroopers know a lot about faith," said Shaw. Shaw's wife, Ginny, held her breath as she watched him stand up from the wheelchair and take a few steps. "I've never seen him upright, never seen him standing. Very strange to see him my height," Ginny said. Shaw’s daughter, Chloe, was looking toward the future. "The first thing that crossed my mind is that he would be able to walk me down the aisle one day," Chloe said. Some work is just about pay. There's more when your job is providing hope. "The payoff for me is what we did for that man. You know," said Falls. Motivation comes from all sorts of places. Falls has only to look down at his own prosthetic limb. "This is basically what Mr. Shaw has. It is a microprocessor-controlled knee," Falls said. "It is hard to grasp it. It is even hard to fully comprehend it now," Shaw said. But he too was already looking ahead to a future full of promise. "Ginny wants her first dance. I've never given her that," Shaw said. "I'm good at hard steps. I'm good at challenges.” In fact, Shaw only made the decision to get the $100,000 legs after he was told he could not jump at an amputee skydiving event. His stumps were too short. “My biggest motivator is when somebody tells me it can't be done," Shaw said. "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  6. That would be the perfect place for a wind tunnel! I live so close! That aside, I love going to the Air & Space Museum - I go there when I'm bored and have nothing else to do... it's great to just walk around, especially in the colder months. "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  7. From a strictly visually appealling opinion - the black one with the small paint splats. (I have to add, I had to go back - because I didn't even notice the size difference in the beginning) However, for an ease of use for everyone - the white, though I think I still prefer the small paint splats. "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  8. Shah - You sound like there is a really nice guy in there. Sadly, you have these appearance standards that make you seem shallow, but being shallow has only led you to heartbreak. The gorgeous woman used you and I suspect others in the past have, too! This is not to say ALL gorgeous women will - but maybe being single and sorting out Shah for a time is a good thing. Accepting you and loving you is something YOU need to do before anyone else can. Maybe you will find a gorgeous woman in the end that will love you and that you will love... maybe she will be gorgeous on the inside and out, but maybe you will find the most important part will be that she is truly beautiful on the inside! Best of luck to you... I truly mean that!
  9. How did you ever lose your viginity?...I'm just sayin' Quite a long time ago thank you and it was most uneventful like most first times... though it has gotten MUCH better!!!! Sadly, I thought this thread was about people talking on a cell while going to the bathroom, which is rude... but silly me I forget where I posted. "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  10. I know money is filthy... but there's not much else to think about while in a public toilet, so thoughts travel. Plus, I've seen people let someone shortly after lend their cell to someone else. Sorry for sharing an observation! "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  11. I think it's gross, for the person on the other end AND the other people in the bathroom with the inconsiderate person! I always think about the fact their hands aren't washed and they're touching their phones... ewwww! Never ask to borrow it and even 'if' they wash their hands, they're still going back to holding the same dirty ass phone! "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  12. Wow! Congrats to you - didn't you just get your A not too long ago? I'm sure we'll be reading alot more about you and pretty soon that number will be 500, then 1000! Awesome! I can't seem to even finish my A - LOL! "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  13. Yanno, sometimes I wonder why people bash you so much on here... I mean, we all like what we like (though most of us only to a certain extent) and at least you're honest about it. However, there are times you say things so ridiculously silly (and borderline rude) and I finally get it. You describe yourself as being 'fat' (and have several times in posts) - so what is it exactly you bring to the table to attract these sub size 8 ladies? Obviously you want them to see you for other things other than just your appearance, correct? So, why is appearance one of the main deciding factors for you? I'm no sub size 8 - I have been - and hope to be again, but certainly not for any man. Regardless of what size the scale, or my clothes say I am, I'm still the same person with a lot to offer. Don't you ever wonder what you may potentially be missing out on by being a little too particular? (read: shallow) Everyone appreciates a good looking guy or girl, everyone! The difference is, MOST of us know that looks are not all that matter in the long run. I hope someday you can learn that, too - may make life a little happier for you! "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  14. Umm, thanks - but not a dude here - nor do I believe Tetra is one either. I just thought black for hiding dirt and ease of matching in case of repair but that's just MY opinion... as I believed the title of this thread was seeking.
  15. I dig the purple and black - though I, too, would have a black harness! It's YOUR rig - and all that matters is that YOU are happy with it... Congrats on getting something you want!
  16. So, I have nothing else to do and a quick search revealed it could be a street name, a writer, a football (?) player, a type of grape in the Sims - though I never played this is what the search came up as LOL! Not sure if any of this may help... Sorry for the loss of your friend! "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  17. Why use the energy to bring yourself down to his level? Your time is almost up - just ignore him! I've had some crappy roommates in the past and find this is much better than arguing or resorting to petty behavior. Most people generally cannot stand to be ignored, so it ultimately is the best revenge. Hopefully next time you can stay on your own OR pick your next roommate after getting some detailed info or references from prior roommates/landlords. I know - not the fun response you were hoping for... Good luck! Hope the time flies by... "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  18. Been out there a couple times and had a blast... of course I voted! Good luck!
  19. It's just you! Sorry man, but you made an observation of someone and acted on it and now expect ... what? A blowjob for your regifted kindness? If you guys had a discussion about this GREAT lotion you receive and she was eager to try it for her dry hands then that would be one thing... but basically you embarrased her and are now calling her rude because she didn't think your 'act of kindness' (read: total superficial, judgmental rudeness) was worthy of an embrace thanking you for coming to her rescue! "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  20. Wow! That was pretty harsh! Why can't you just let him be happy and if you think his posts are a waste of time then don't read them! A vid and technique, etc. would be GREAT to see/read about - but it's not here (at least not yet anyway) so why can't you just stick to the age ole advice of "if you have nothing nice to say - don't say anything at all?" P-Land ... do your thing man - it's just too bad not everyone is catching your obvious excitement! "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller
  21. YAY! Congrats! I'm so glad the weather cooperated for you... how wonderful!
  22. So adorable! I wish I didn't live in this tiny apartment ... or maybe it is good I do, or I'd become a farm for wayward animals! Man they are cute... good luck finding them forever homes! Oh, and I think it's wonderful all you'[ve done for them so far!