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Everything posted by base698

  1. Doing 10 to 15 minutes in 2.5 minute rotations is reasonable if it's spread out in 30 minutes to an hour. Doing more than that and you'll get little out of it. After a break you can do 10 more if it's spread out. We should get six of us to do that. I'll probably buy two hours here shortly.
  2. JP, You always rubbed me just the right way. :)
  3. Oh it's ok. I didn't realize there is a Team Room with free drinks and hookers. That's where the $1100 comes from. I guess they must have taken out a loan for $6 million and decided to pay it in a year. My bet is the owner has God like negotiating skills and that is what the military is paying. If so I'm IMPRESSED. Maybe that's what it is.
  4. How could that price ever be justified? What are you paying instructors, $200/hr? Power couldn't be much more than $100 an hour.
  5. Your freefall speed without a canopy is less than 86 mph. You expect us to believe that!
  6. I haven't flown in two years, so I imagine not. I at least was on the net then. How hard could it be How many hours do you have now?
  7. Are there going to be head down certified instructors when it opens?
  8. I quit BASE jumping because you kept trying to make out with me when we'd drive up to sites in the middle of the night. I was cool with BASE, but not THAT cool with it. I know your married now, so maybe you won't keep trying to get me to do two-ways with you! Besides I was just giving Keith shit for giving someone else shit unnecessarily
  9. Who wants to open a pool on the Justin vs Eugene track off?
  10. I can't believe you assholes ate at Mill Town without me. That's one of my new favorite Carrboro places.
  11. Yes. No, but seriously doing 4 points on a 4-way belly at 290 jumps is possible. Doing that freeflying in twice the jumps is nearly impossible.
  12. I did about 250 RW jumps before converting to freeflying, and then made about 400 freefly jumps. At that point I thought I'd give RW a try again. I knocked out about 40 jumps with a bootie suit and all. There I was at about noon at CSS having just landed after a four way jump. I remember thinking to myself, "if I don't cut this boring shit out I'm going to end up quitting skydiving". I never went back. If you think about it though the rush you get from a good freefly jump should be more rewarding because it costs about $20,000 more just to be able to take docks head-up or head-down. I know if it wasn't rewarding I'd of killed myself after spending that kind of money
  13. Hell yeah my birthday!!! Do we get discounts for birthday? :)
  14. I think what JP was saying relates to what you see time and time again of an AFF level 1 on his back spinning or someone in the tunnel out of control. On a BASE jump is not the time to be with no or little freefall experience. If you get disoriented/out of control you die, period. It's better to take that out of the equation entirely and have them do a static line jump--that way at least they get a canopy over their head.
  15. In reference to above the force by friction is probably magnitudes greater and I allowed the hydrogen bonding may be negligible. However just considering the attractive forces they are 100 times greater.
  16. The fabric has more surface area so attractive forces between fabric will likely be much greater. However, there may be something to the line issue as well.
  17. Hydrogen bonds between water molecules are some of the strongest interactions possible. The relative strength of the wet lines versus the dry lines is probably around 100 to 1. So they are 100 times more attracted to each other. This is not to say it will require 100 times more force to pull them apart, but that the attractive forces will require 100 times more force to overcome them. This may or may not be negligible, but my gut instinct is that this almost certainly could have an effect on a deployment.
  18. Jesus I have a real job now. You may see me more often yet.
  19. Ross, Jamie and I are going to NiN. You should go with us. I would prefer not to be the third will I'd like a 4th wheel to go. My girlfriend is not that interested in going.
  20. I might could do this. If Dave doesn't go.
  21. Also wondering the same thing. NO RIG FOR US.
  22. Yes lots of new car stuff as well. If we aren't too hungover tomorrow I will see if she wants to come out. I have to meet her parents in North Raleigh tomorrow anyway, so a jump may calm my nerves.
  23. I probably won't be around for a bit unless I luck out this weekend. I am done with half my finals. I still have one tomorrow and one monday. All of them have been at 8 am. I have only been to work 2 days this week :( Yeah that's my excuse, I've been too busy with school
  24. I'm moving to Miami sometime in June. I figure I will get a small keg for a going away party. Everyone will be invited.