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Everything posted by base698

  1. I'd say 2 months max. It just goes back to the login page after i've entered my username/password.
  2. worked on my PDA for about 6 months complete with logging in and everything. Recently it hasn't allowed me to login. What changed?
  3. Some of the forcasts are 10 to 15 mph from the west. Chance of rain is only 30%, cross your fingers.
  4. base698

    Ground Crew ?

    You also have to realize you are there and face legal rammifications. You also need to handle shit if things hit the fan. Learning some first aid would be very beneficial.
  5. I spent a good bit of time playing with my Troll in various rear riser configurations a weekend ago. I noticed that if you do the stall method then turn you get a really, really slow turn. The just grab and turn method turned lightning fast with and without brakes stowed. I was just wondering what method you guys were using on the Troll for object avoidance.
  6. In a nut shell, he opened lower than the wire he hit. Had he opened below the 1st he'd have still hit it. The glide ratio of the canopy exceeded the descent rate of the wire.
  7. Bryan was open below the 2nd wire, and with the wind later reencountered it (the glide ratio was greater than the descent of the wire). Though the safest method of putting a first timer off an A it's certainly not a good idea.
  8. I'm mainly referring to lack of winds.
  9. I disagree due to possibility of overload and too low or no deployment. I think if it's an antenna there should be no guide wires and static line or pca setup. Tall ones also run the risk of pulling @ 2 seconds and resulting in object strike.
  10. I was unclear that bridges where the best objects to do a first jump. I was also unaware that people never make mistakes or errors in judgement that cost them lives, or lots of other grief. This is a revelation in BASE jumping. The jumper in the CNN thread has been around BASE and ground crewed off and on for over 2 years. He knew the only way to get into BASE safely was to go to a bridge. He also realized in that time that he didn't actually want to get into BASE. He was looking for an amusement park ride and unfortunatly the situation arose at the wrong time for him.
  11. It's ok, he did a few lines in the car before he started his climb. I'm convinced that if he didn't have the lines his rotation wouldn't have been fast enough on the gainer.
  12. He picked Wired Beef. Wouldn't that be sufficient?
  13. It was a dark and stormy night, Bryan decided he was going to do his first BASE jump alone in the pouring rain and thunder. I decided that if this was the case I would go supervise in case something happened. We proceeded to the tower with a driver when Bryan remarked on how scared he was. I told the driver to pull over and get a case of beer, so Bryan could calm his nerves. After Bryan swilled down 10 or 12 beers I noticed the winds were probably not going to be cooperating. It seemed from their current trajectory that Bryan would be facing a 45 mph crosswind into the wire. This wouldn't do well for a large BASE canopy, so luckily we had a 65 SQ FT VX to pack carefully into his BASE container. After arriving at the tower with a thoroughly intoxicated Bryan and fixing the canopy situation, I told him to gear up and start climbing, since he was going to freefall solo, he didn't need any help. I told him his exit was roughly at the first light, and when he was ready to radio down. As he was approaching the light with winds howling and lightning striking, he radioed back and said he was terrified. I responded back that since he was being such a girl about the whole ordeal he was going to have to do a gainer to make up for it, otherwise his mates were going to make fun of him. He agreed. He did his climb out and radioed back down that he was ready. 3, 2, 1 CYA! I saw him complete the gainer flawlessly and open in 4 line twists. He climbed above the twists on the VX 65 like he was instructed, getting the canopy to fly straight, he was lining up to do a hook turn when he lost sight of the wire and blamo!!! He wrapped 6 times around, which was luckily tight enough to keep him there for the terrifying and heroic 10 hour rescue! In retrospect it was lucky we had the 65 VX and not a larger 103 Velocity, perhaps then it wouldn't have wrapped tight enough and he would have fallen to his doom! In a serious nutshell, BASE jumping is dangerous and jumping guyed antennas poses additional risks if you fail to avoid guyed wires. Additional risks include shitting yourself, partial to full canopy collapse, and severe body damage if your body, not the canopy, impacts the wire. It was merely a bad spatial awareness of the situation. Due to the current legal situation that is all the information that can be known. In the end if you don't want to entangle a wire, check the sticky topic in the forum, or DON'T JUMP GUYED ANTENNAS. PS If you couldn't tell the whole situation outlined was highly dramatized, and is hardly factual at all.
  14. I am just thankful that Peter Pan got us through the night. It was funny but please use extra caution with what you say
  15. Awesome, anyone want to come over for a beer? My address is in the article.
  16. I've been present for 3 PC in tows two on jumps lower than 400 ft and one on a potato state jump. They were all on the Vertex 1. I used to think it was a good idea but now it scares me.
  17. We hung Bryan, Lucas, from a harness. There was no real skydiving, it was all set driven.
  18. It was everything I dreamed it'd be. *bows* Sami is going to turn up pregnant. She was about a month pregnant when this show was shot.
  19. Today's episode has a very cheesy skydiving scene. Check it out if you have access to a TV :) Comes on NBC @ Noon EST.
  20. Why not? It blows the rain away
  21. It's just west of Asheville on exit 20 on I-40. Prices are 100 for 10 minutes and scales up from there, so an hour will cost you $600.
  22. Easiest way is a crab boil, which is a mixture of spices, and boil them till done. Done can range from 2 minutes to 10 minutes.
  23. Just visited the L1 today and did approximately 15 minutes. I have about 5 hours in Skyventure which was dedicated to back flying, sit flying and a little headdown. Overall I was very impressed with the L1. It felt very strong for belly and back flying. I used 3 different suits, Ouragan, Standard Freefly, one of their tunnel suits, for flying over the course of my 15 minutes and my friend used a standard belly suit with no booties. I saw someone using a bootie suit and did the mantis so that can be done as well. I think having 4 people in there, unless they are at the top of their game would be difficult, because when you fall off the column you lose time. Seeing airspeed in there would be a trip. As for differences to Skyventure, the lack of walls makes it difficult to see where you are. I think this will end up being a very large benefit, because if you can sit still without references then you're doing well. I would hold my heading back flying and in the course of turning I'd slide off the air column. This brings us to the next topic of the air column. It is SOLID. It feels the same all the way around and as high up as 20 ft. I saw John Suiter go up at least 30-40 ft, and I've heard he hit the 70 ft mark. The air feels the same at any portion in the column. The ability to do this coupled with mountains in your view make a really awesome flight. No tunnel can come close to competing with that. One other disadvantage to frequent Skyventure people is the entry and exit is a little awkward given the net is sort of like a trampoline. Being able to kick off the net isn't possible here. That is also a sort of advantage because you have to fly off the net in freeflying mode. All in all I think Skyventure will have a run for its money when this gets full-time status. I think the people buying Skyventure tunnels should probably have checked this one out first. PS you don't need ear plugs. If I was working there I'd probably wear them though :) PSS I was also only flying on 50-60% power max.
  24. I jump a Velocity as well and I had so much fun on the Sabre 2. It was also excellent not having to worry about openings for once. The one I was jumping was loaded at about 1.8 to 1 and had some mad crazy swoops on it. I landed with a big smile everytime. If I was independently wealthy I'd certainly have one in my collection.